[Informational] Blacknova Traders


Staff member
I have added a new space trading game called "Blacknova Traders". I have been testing it on and off today and will probably hit it more tonight.

Couple of notes for newbs (of which I am one, but since I've been tinkering this is what I've learned).

  • Everyone starts with a Genesis torpedo. This allows you to make a planet in a system that doesn't have one.
  • Most systems don't have planets.
  • Most systems do have a trading post of sorts. You need to click the satellite icon to access it. Or the planet icon to access a planet.
  • Capturing an unowned planet is as simple as clicking "capture".
  • You can upgrade your ship's stuff by docking with a "Special" trading port. Sector 0 is always a special.
  • This is *NOT* bridged with XenForo! This means every time you go to it you'll have to log in. Maybe I'll find some way to bridge it soon. But I hate using email as my login.

Really that's all I know right now. I do not know how good combat is, I don't know how balanced the game is. I figure you knuckleheads will break it somehow. But it'll be fun trying.

By the way, you get to the game by the new "Games" dropdown.
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Staff member
All settings are here in this informational file.

// All sched_* vars are in minutes.
// These are true minutes, no matter to what interval you're running the scheduler script!
// The scheduler will auto-adjust, possibly running many of the same events in a single call.

$sched_ticks = 5; // Set this to how often (in minutes) you are running the scheduler script.
$turns_per_tick = 50; // Update how many turns per tick
$sched_turns = 2; // New turns rate (also includes towing, xenobe)
$sched_ports = 1; // How often port production occurs
$sched_planets = 2; // How often planet production occurs
$sched_igb = 2; // How often IGB interests are added
$sched_ranking = 30; // How often rankings will be generated
$sched_news = 15; // How often news are generated
$sched_degrade = 6; // How often sector fighters degrade when unsupported by a planet
$sched_apocalypse = 15; // How often apocalypse events will occur
$sched_thegovernor = 1; // How often the governor will run, cleaning up out-of-bound values
$doomsday_value = 90000000; // Number of colonists a planet needs before being affected by the apocalypse
$color_header = '#500050'; // GUI colors - soon to be moved into templates
$color_line1 = '#300030'; // GUI colors - soon to be moved into templates
$color_line2 = '#400040'; // GUI colors - soon to be moved into templates
$mine_hullsize = 8; // Minimum size hull has to be to hit mines
$ewd_maxhullsize = 15; // Max hull size before EWD degrades
$sector_max = 1000; // Number of sectors you'd like your universe to have
$link_max = 10; // Maximum number of links in a sector
$universe_size = 200; // This increases the distance between sectors, which increases the cost of realspace movement
$game_name = 'HalSpace Traders'; // Please set this to a unique name for your game
$release_version = '0.663'; // Please do not change this. Doing so will cause problems for the server lists, and setupinfo, and more.
$fed_max_hull = 8; // The maximum hull size you can have before being towed out of fed space
$max_ranks = 100; // The maximum number of ranks displayed on ranking.php
$rating_combat_factor = 0.8; // Amount of rating gained from combat
$server_closed = false; // True = block logins but not new account creation
$account_creation_closed = false; // True = block new account creation
$newbie_nice = 'YES'; // If a ship is destroyed without a EWD, *and* is below a certain level for all items, then regen their ship
$newbie_hull = '8'; // If a destroyed player has a hull less than newbie hull, he will be regen'd to play more
$newbie_engines = '8'; // If a destroyed player has a engines less than newbie engines, he will be regen'd to play more
$newbie_power = '8'; // If a destroyed player has a power less than newbie power, he will be regen'd to play more
$newbie_computer = '8'; // If a destroyed player has a computer less than newbie computer, he will be regen'd to play more
$newbie_sensors = '8'; // If a destroyed player has a sensors less than newbie sensors, he will be regen'd to play more
$newbie_armor = '8'; // If a destroyed player has a armor less than newbie armor, he will be regen'd to play more
$newbie_shields = '8'; // If a destroyed player has a shields less than newbie shield, he will be regen'd to play more
$newbie_beams = '8'; // If a destroyed player has a beams less than newbie beams, he will be regen'd to play more
$newbie_torp_launchers = '8'; // If a destroyed player has a torp_launcher less than newbie torp_launcher, he will be regen'd to play more.
$newbie_cloak = '8'; // If a destroyed player has a cloak less than newbie cloak, he will be regen'd to play more.
$allow_fullscan = true; // Allow players to use full long range scan during this game?
$allow_navcomp = true; // Allow players to use the Navigation computer during this game?
$allow_ibank = true; // Allow players to use the Intergalactic Bank (IGB) during this game?
$allow_genesis_destroy = false; // Allow players to use genesis torps to destroy planets?
$ibank_interest = 0.0003; // Interest rate for account funds - Note that this is calculated every system update!
$ibank_paymentfee = 0.05; // Paymentfee
$ibank_loaninterest = 0.0010; // Loan interest (good idea to put double what you get on a planet)
$ibank_loanfactor = 0.10; // One-time loan fee
$ibank_loanlimit = 0.25; // Maximum loan allowed, percent of net worth
$default_prod_ore = 20.0; // Default planet ore production percentage
$default_prod_organics = 20.0; // Default planet organics production percentage
$default_prod_goods = 20.0; // Default planet goods production percentage
$default_prod_energy = 20.0; // Default planet energy production percentage
$default_prod_fighters = 10.0; // Default planet fighters production percentage
$default_prod_torp = 10.0; // Default planet torpedo production percentage
$ore_price = 11; // Default price for ore
$ore_delta = 5; // The delta, or difference for ore to range + or - from the default to allow trading profitably
$ore_rate = 75000; // The amount of ore that is regenerated by a port every tick (times the port_regenrate)
$ore_prate = 0.25; // The rate of production for ore on a planet (times production, times player/planet setting for ore_prate)
$ore_limit = 100000000; // The maximum amount of ore a port will accept or produce up to
$organics_price = 5; // Default price of organics
$organics_delta = 2; // The delta, or difference for organics to range + or - from the default to allow trading profitably
$organics_rate = 5000; // The amount of organics that is regenerated by a port every tick (times the port_regenrate)
$organics_prate = 0.5; // The rate of production for organics on a planet (times production, times player/planet setting for org_prate)
$organics_limit = 100000000; // The maximum amount of organics a port will accept or produce up to
$goods_price = 15; // Default price of goods
$goods_delta = 7; // The delta, or difference for goods to range + or - from the default to allow trading profitably
$goods_rate = 75000; // The amount of goods that is regenerated by a port every tick (times the port_regenrate)
$goods_prate = 0.25; // The rate of production for goods on a planet (times production, times player/planet setting for goods_prate)
$goods_limit = 100000000; // The maximum amount of goods a port will accept or produce up to
$energy_price = 3; // Default price of energy
$energy_delta = 1; // The delta, or difference for energy to range + or - from the default to allow trading profitably
$energy_rate = 75000; // The amount of energy that is regenerated by a port every tick (times the port_regenrate)
$energy_prate = 0.5; // The rate of production for energy on a planet (times production, times player/planet setting for energy_prate)
$energy_limit = 1000000000; // The maximum amount of energy a port will accept or produce up to
$inventory_factor = 1; // The number of units that a single hull can hold
$upgrade_cost = 1000; // Upgrade price is (upgrade factor OR 2)^(level difference) times the upgrade cost
$upgrade_factor = 2; // Upgrade factor is the numeric base (usually 2) that is raised to the power of level difference for determining cost
$level_factor = 1.5; // How effective a level is. amount = level_factor ^ item_level (possibly times another value, depending on the item)
$dev_genesis_price = 1000000; // The price for a genesis device purchased at a special port
$dev_beacon_price = 100; // The price for a beacon purchased at a special port
$dev_emerwarp_price = 1000000; // The price for an emergency warp device purchased at a special port
$dev_warpedit_price = 100000; // The price for a warp editor purchased at a special port
$dev_minedeflector_price = 10; // The price for a mine deflector purchased at a special port
$dev_escapepod_price = 100000; // The price for an escape pod purchased at a special port
$dev_fuelscoop_price = 100000; // The price for a fuel scoop (gives energy while real spacing) purchased at a special port
$dev_lssd_price = 10000000; // The price for a last seen ship device purchased at a special port
$fighter_price = 50; // The price for a fighter purchased at a special port
$fighter_prate = 0.01; // The rate of production for fighters on a planet (times production, times player/planet setting for fit_prate)
$torpedo_price = 25; // The price for a torpedo purchased at a special port
$torpedo_prate = 0.025; // The rate of production for torpedoes on a planet (times production, times player/planet setting for torp_prate)
$torp_dmg_rate = 10; // The amount of damage a single torpedo will cause
$credits_prate = 3.0; // The rate of production for credits on a planet (times production, times player/planet setting for 100% minus all prates)
$armor_price = 5; // The price for units of armor purchased at a special port
$basedefense = 1; // Additional factor added to tech levels by having a base on your planet. All your base are belong to us.
$colonist_price = 5; // The standard price for a colonist at a special port
$colonist_production_rate = 0.005; // The rate of production for colonists on a planet (prior to consideration of organics)
$colonist_reproduction_rate = 0.0005; // The rate of reproduction for colonists on a planet after consideration of starvation due to organics
$colonist_limit = 100000000; // The maximum number of colonists on a planet
$organics_consumption = 0.05; // How many units of organics does a single colonist eat (require to avoid starvation)
$starvation_death_rate = 0.01; // If there is insufficient organics, colonists die of starvation at this rate/percentage
$interest_rate = 1.0005; // The interest rate offered by the IGB
$base_ore = 10000; // The amount of ore required to be placed on a planet to create a base.
$base_goods = 10000; // The amount of goods required to be placed on a planet to create a base.
$base_organics = 10000; // The amount of organics required to be placed on a planet to create a base.
$base_credits = 10000000; // The amount of credits required to be placed on a planet to create a base.
$start_fighters = 10; // The amount of fighters on the ship the player starts with
$start_armor = 10; // The armor a player starts with
$start_credits = 1000; // The credits a player starts the game with
$start_energy = 100; // The amount of energy on the ship the player starts with
$start_turns = 1200; // The number of turns all players are given at the start of the game
$start_lssd = 'N'; // Do ships start with an lssd ?
$start_editors = 0; // Starting warp editors
$start_minedeflectors = 0; // Start mine deflectors
$start_emerwarp = 0; // Start emergency warp units
$start_beacon = 0; // Start space_beacons
$start_genesis = 0; // Starting genesis torps
$escape = 'N'; // Start game equipped with escape pod?
$scoop = 'N'; // Start game equipped with fuel scoop?
$max_turns = 2500; // The maximum number of turns a player can receive
$max_emerwarp = 10; // The maximum number of emergency warp devices a player can have
$fullscan_cost = 1; // The cost in turns for doing a full scan
$scan_error_factor = 20; // The percentage added to the comparison of cloak to sensors to determne the possibility of error
$max_planets_sector = 5; // The maximum number of planets allowed in a sector
$max_traderoutes_player = 40; // The maximum number of saved traderoutes a player can have
$min_bases_to_own = 3; // The minimum number of planets with bases in a sector that a player needs to have to take ownership of the zone
$default_lang = 'english'; // The default language the game displays in until a player chooses a language
$IGB_min_turns = 1200; // Turns a player has to play before ship transfers are allowed 0=disable
$IGB_svalue = 0.15; // Max amount of sender's value allowed for ship transfers 0=disable
$IGB_trate = 1440; // Time (in minutes) before two similar transfers are allowed for ship transfers.0=disable
$IGB_lrate = 1440; // Time (in minutes) players have to repay a loan
$IGB_tconsolidate = 10; // Cost in turns for consolidate : 1/$IGB_consolidate
$corp_planet_transfers = 0; // If transferring credits to/from corp planets is allowed. 1=enable
$min_value_capture = 0; // Percantage of planet's value a ship must be worth to be able to capture it. 0=disable
$defence_degrade_rate = 0.05; // The percentage rate at which defenses (fits, mines) degrade during scheduler runs
$energy_per_fighter = 0.10; // The amount of energy needed (from planets in sector) to maintain a fighter during scheduler runs
$bounty_maxvalue = 0.15; // Max amount a player can place as bounty - good idea to make it the same as $IGB_svalue. 0=disable
$bounty_ratio = 0.75; // Ratio of players networth before attacking results in a bounty. 0=disable
$bounty_minturns = 500; // Minimum number of turns a target must have had before attacking them may not get you a bounty. 0=disable
$display_password = false; // If true, will display password on signup screen.
$space_plague_kills = 0.20; // Percentage of colonists killed by space plague
$max_credits_without_base = 10000000; // Max amount of credits allowed on a planet without a base
$sofa_on = false; // Is the sub-orbital fighter (sofa) attack allowed in this game?
$ksm_allowed = true; // Is the known space map allowed in this game?
$xenobe_max = 10; // Sets the number of xenobe in the universe
$xen_start_credits = 1000000; // What Xenobe start with
$xen_unemployment = 100000; // Amount of credits each xenobe receive on each xenobe tick
$xen_aggression = 100; // Percent of xenobe that are aggressive or hostile
$xen_planets = 5; // Percent of created xenobe that will own planets. Recommended to keep at small percentage
$xenstartsize = 15; // Max starting size of Xenobes at universe creation
$port_regenrate = 10; // The amount of units regenerated by ports during a scheduler tick
$footer_style = 'old'; // Switch between old style footer and new style. Old is text, and only the time until next update. New is a table including server time.
$footer_show_debug = true; // Should the footer show the memory and time to generate page?
$sched_planet_valid_credits = true; // Limit captured planets Max Credits to max_credits_without_base
$max_upgrades_devices = 55; // Must stay at 55 due to PHP/MySQL cap limit.
$max_emerwarp = 10; // The maximum number of emergency warp devices a player can have at one time
$max_genesis = 10; // The maximum number of genesis devices a player can have at one time
$max_beacons = 10; // The maximum number of beacons a player can have at one time
$max_warpedit = 10; // The maximum number of warpeditors a player can have at one time
$bounty_all_special = true; // Stop access on all Special Ports when you have a federation bounty on you.
[DOUBLEPOST=1388696516,1388696471][/DOUBLEPOST]I put these in just in case when we play it we wanted to tweak something.
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Staff member
Yes, it's a lot like Trade Wars. But as long as it's fun, who cares? I'm finally getting used to the interface so I'll probably be losing my Federation Space privileges pretty soon. I'm already up to Class 5 hull, I think. And no, it's not because I started early. One of the things I did before telling anyone was to set myself back to normal. I couldn't just reset myself because I'm the admin.


Staff member
Anybody know how to set up a cron job to run a php file? Apparently unless I do so it won't update the schedule automatically.


Staff member
Okay, I think I have the cron set up. But instead of every 6 minutes to run, it's every 5. So I'll have to watch it a bit and see if it works.

One thing, though. Get your hull values up ASAP. Holy crap does it make a difference trading.[DOUBLEPOST=1388708935,1388708477][/DOUBLEPOST]Since I can't run this every minute, I'm updating every 5 minutes. And since it used to give 6 turns per minute, I've upped it to 50 per update, which is actually 10 per minute.

This assumes, of course, that I have everything set up right.


Staff member
No, I've been trying to get this flim-flammed cron job to work and nothing I've tried does! It's fucking infuriating![DOUBLEPOST=1388713964,1388713771][/DOUBLEPOST]Worst part is I'm following the instructions to the letter and getting nothing. There are about 20 different ways they say it could be done, but none of them work.


Staff member
I thought I had. Damn it! Thanks, man![DOUBLEPOST=1388715367,1388715130][/DOUBLEPOST]I can run the scheduler by hand but it just won't go automatically. And I don't know why.


Staff member
Found one that runs every 15 minutes so I changed it to 150 turns every tick. Of course, I didn't make the change until I found out it worked, which only gave you 10 turns.

I'm still going to work on the cron job, but at least I know SOMETHING will work!


Staff member
Thanks to @stienman the cron is working. You now get 150 turns every 15 minutes. I'm going to play mine until I get to 0 or until they pop up again just to make sure it works.

Oh, and you get a max of 2500 regardless of how long you wait between logins.


Staff member
That's how he did it. He found and conquered Gaia. I guess I didn't set it up to be as end game as I thought.
Yeah, I got lucky stumbling across Gaia. Still barely in the lead, though. I think I wasted a lot of turns I could have used for better purposes...


Staff member
Yeah, I got lucky stumbling across Gaia. Still barely in the lead, though. I think I wasted a lot of turns I could have used for better purposes...
How the hell did you beat it, though? I thought I'd set it up almost unbeatable for this soon. Should I have added more fighters or torpedos?
How the hell did you beat it, though? I thought I'd set it up almost unbeatable for this soon. Should I have added more fighters or torpedos?
I didn't have to. I claimed it like any other planet. I think only player owned planets need to be conquered.
I think I'm on the right track... but I still feel like I have no idea what I'm doing.

I'm starting to think this is what a browser-based Evochron Mercenary might feel like.


Staff member
I didn't have to. I claimed it like any other planet. I think only player owned planets need to be conquered.
Okay so in the future, remove my secret world because it doesn't defend itself. Good to know for when we reset. Whenever that is going to be.
I attacked @Hylian and destroyed his ship, accumulating a pretty hefty bounty in the process.

Sorry Hylian. :p

I suppose it is my fault, I started playing yesterday at work and I got busy and forgot to go back and actually make sure I was at least somewhat defended. :)


Staff member
I think the turns generate maybe a little bit too generously. At 10 per minute, it takes just over 4 hours to go from empty to capped. Which means sleeping is wasting turns.
I think the turns generate maybe a little bit too generously. At 10 per minute, it takes just over 4 hours to go from empty to capped. Which means sleeping is wasting turns.
I agree, I've yet to drop below 2300 turns. Turns basically aren't a limiter at all, at the moment.