[TV] S.H.I.E.L.D.

Maybe I'm over reacting but the little pieces kept adding up. Keep in mind that "surprisingly sexist" does not mean "really sexist". It means I did not expect to see this level in this show.
The show is, after all, based off of comics. It's kind of what they do best. I'm not saying it's ok, but it shouldn't be too surprising.
Well, the hiatus is over, and the new episode premiered tonight. Honestly I am still pretty positive about the show, but seriously, they need to stop bringing in and dropping things before they have time to even develop. I am seriously getting sick of certain story arcs just kind of going "ffrrrrrrrrtttttt" and be over.

I already went over this with the abrupt derp end of the Rising Tide arc, but the new episode...

Why have that doofus from the prison at all if this is what they did with him? Why? WHY? What point did he make in all this? They treat him like some important bastard when the flower girl goes to meet him in the prison, then they send three super soldiers to spring him out, have him take over and actually seem to be doing well, then this episode happens and "ffrrrrrrttttt" again. I seriously thought they were going to build it up that the Clairvoyant was an alternate personality of his or something, but nope, it's a real guy, who kills prison doofus over the phone because "lol who cares".

Honestly, you know what I want this show to transform into? A crime drama. How so? I want the episodes to be them unraveling the mystery of the bad guy through evidence but never focusing on the bad guy doing his junk, only the aftermath. All this focus on flower girl and prison doofus only for it to peter out like it did just makes me not care anymore. They should have just had the Clairvoyant as this mystery person and have all the people who SHIELD interacts with working for him be "eyeball slaves". Maybe that's just me, but the lackies we have so far have turned out to be pointless.
I honestly am not sure how they would get the LMD thing to work at this point.

LMDs are entirely robotic on the inside, with all external work done to make them look authentic. Once damaged or destroyed it would be pretty obvious he was one, like when those guys are torturing him in that shack. Do we really have to believe that Centipede, when attempting to figure out how he was brought back to life, that they didn't check him physically at all? Even when they have who knows how many scientists working for them? Talk about dropping the ball.

Honestly if they do decide to go with the LMD at this point, I think it will be written in after the fact, which will annoy the hell out of me.
You know I've been a pretty big defender (heh) of the show, after all a whole heck of a lot of the criticism against it was that it wasn't the Avengers movie. But this episode was so mediocre it became pretty terrible. I've been trying to give the show time to build up, but it's clear they have no real direction, and the show just continues to be dull and it's running out of time before I become completely uninterested.
I too am starting to lose interest. I love Coulson, but none of the other characters have grabbed me and a few (looking at you Skye) I am beginning to actually loathe. I feel like they want to be a Marvel property but they don't actually want to be associated with the universe. It wouldn't take much, just change some names to things that have existed in Marvel for decades. New viewers won't notice, but the fans ( you know, the ones who will champion the show and watch it religiously) would notice and really embrace it.
It works for Arrow which is not much better production-wise, but feels like a DC property because they are using the names from the comics even if they are radically different in presentation.
I too am starting to lose interest. I love Coulson, but none of the other characters have grabbed me and a few (looking at you Skye) I am beginning to actually loathe. I feel like they want to be a Marvel property but they don't actually want to be associated with the universe. It wouldn't take much, just change some names to things that have existed in Marvel for decades. New viewers won't notice, but the fans ( you know, the ones who will champion the show and watch it religiously) would notice and really embrace it.
It works for Arrow which is not much better production-wise, but feels like a DC property because they are using the names from the comics even if they are radically different in presentation.
Well to be fair with Centipede, they have to create something because it's not like S.H.I.E.L.D. comics have ever had them locked in a secret war with large criminal organizations. There's no groups like that.
It was certainly odd and anti-climactic. The pay-off for the mystery was almost non-existent.
Well it wasn't exactly a reveal, we dont know what the green container thing was, or how exactly they where able to keep him alive, certainly not just with surgery... all they showed is that, as we all assumed, he was dead for a lot longer then 8 seconds...


Staff member
Dear Hollywood:
More PhDs does not equal more intelligent. You really only need one. Everything else you prove by doing. As an anecdote, I've been both an electrical engineering prof and a geology prof. I only needed the one phd. The rest was just proof through work and publication.
Well it wasn't exactly a reveal, we dont know what the green container thing was, or how exactly they where able to keep him alive, certainly not just with surgery... all they showed is that, as we all assumed, he was dead for a lot longer then 8 seconds...
And for me the Tahiti reveal wasn't a reveal at all. We all knew it was at least partially bullshit from episode one. The question is why they bothered. What is it about Coulson that they couldn't just let him die in the field like any other agent?
And for me the Tahiti reveal wasn't a reveal at all. We all knew it was at least partially bullshit from episode one. The question is why they bothered. What is it about Coulson that they couldn't just let him die in the field like any other agent?
Honestly, it's probably his pre-established relationships with half the Avengers, particularly Stark and Co. You really don't want to throw an unknown factor at the guy who could probably destroy a city if he REALLY wanted to.
Honestly, it's probably his pre-established relationships with half the Avengers, particularly Stark and Co. You really don't want to throw an unknown factor at the guy who could probably destroy a city if he REALLY wanted to.
You're thinking about this logically, not like a crappy writer. I'll bet he has some deep, dark secret knowledge they need to save the world. Or he's the only one who can use the as-yet-unrevealed MacGuffin of Destiny.
The thing is that ordinarily, I would agree, but the sick, sad Whedonite in me believes that there is a plan, and that it will pay off in the long run. It just has to get on with it, and last week was a good start. I feel like they're through the whole "okay, here's the team" bit and now we can pursue actual stories.

Of course, it could all go to Hell and end up being utter rubbish too. I still haven't forgiven Downton for one bad episode, so my tolerance for such shenanigans has apparently diminished over the years, especially when it comes to my extremely limited free time. Only time will tell.


Staff member
And Lorelei!

I'm guessing that means we'll finally have a chance to get Amora in Thor 3. But if it's Amber Heard imma flip some shit.
If this was the way they were going to go with the Mike Peterson character, why didn't they just do it in the first episode? Why go through all the SHIELD training junk? Most origin stories are single issue deals to establish why the person has his powers.

Just have him blown up during the pilot after the gun is used, but show he survived it with only some of his limbs burning off. His son is taken away by SHIELD to protect him, "Deathlok" wakes up later to find himself now a eye slave with robotics installed by Centipede's benefactor, he is told SHIELD kidnapped his son, and boom, we could have had an actual comic-based reoccurring villain this whole season rather then flower girl and some unnamed farseer.

But nope, we had to drag it out, have him gain powers off screen, become crazy, become sane again, only for him to now be an eye slave. All this in just three episodes that have him represented.
If nothing else it adds the same sort of inner turmoil that ex-SHIELD agent from an earlier episode had when she was stuck with the implant, in that SHIELD's done him no wrong but thanks to the killswitch he's going to have to do things he doesn't necessarily want to do. If it were all crammed into the first episode there wouldn't have been much room for establishing the SHIELD team (and likely would have left Petersen a fairly one-dimensional character).


Staff member
If this was the way they were going to go with the Mike Peterson character, why didn't they just do it in the first episode? Why go through all the SHIELD training junk? Most origin stories are single issue deals to establish why the person has his powers.

Just have him blown up during the pilot after the gun is used, but show he survived it with only some of his limbs burning off. His son is taken away by SHIELD to protect him, "Deathlok" wakes up later to find himself now a eye slave with robotics installed by Centipede's benefactor, he is told SHIELD kidnapped his son, and boom, we could have had an actual comic-based reoccurring villain this whole season rather then flower girl and some unnamed farseer.

But nope, we had to drag it out, have him gain powers off screen, become crazy, become sane again, only for him to now be an eye slave. All this in just three episodes that have him represented.
The first half of the season was pretty rough, but the end of the first half and the two in the second have been pretty solid. I'll excuse their shenanigans. I did it with Arrow and that ended up paying off.
If nothing else it adds the same sort of inner turmoil that ex-SHIELD agent from an earlier episode had when she was stuck with the implant, in that SHIELD's done him no wrong but thanks to the killswitch he's going to have to do things he doesn't necessarily want to do. If it were all crammed into the first episode there wouldn't have been much room for establishing the SHIELD team (and likely would have left Petersen a fairly one-dimensional character).

For one, we don't NEED that turmoil. We already had it with the ex-agent in that earlier episode, and frankly I am getting a little bit sick of all these people outside the flower girl seemingly getting put into the "program" against their will. It would have been way more interesting to have Peterson/Deathlok almost happy for his implants, even if he knows it gives the leader control over him, just because they help him battle SHIELD to reclaim his son. It could have been built up to a point where he changes his mind and grows as a character, instead we go through yet more "He has to do bad things even though he is a good man" bullshit we have gotten from multiple characters in the season so far.

For two, all they would have to do in the first episode is change one thing about the ending, and don't have his little "joining SHIELD" arc. Basically cut out what ended up being worthless fat (he was a member for one episode, big woop) and get to the meat of the origin, a man given great powers is taken by a greater force and put into service. It wouldn't take away from the SHIELD origin development, even though what we got was already dry.

And lastly, he would only be "one-dimensional" if they just made him go "RAWR! DEATHLOK KILL" and nothing else, but his motivation will always be that he has gone made from his ordeals and "only wants his son back", which could lead into major character growth down the line. Right now he is just flopping from "good, bad, good, bad, LAST MINUTE GOOD!, wait now slave bad". Honestly even if they did make him one-dimensional, there is nothing wrong with that. This show has way to many characters as it is, all of which they are trying so hard for me to care for that I find myself caring little for any of them.
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