[PC Game] Hearthstone (Practically Beta)

I know the feeling. I remember earlier in this very thread getting super frustrated because someone played a Frostwolf Warlord with a few minions on the board, making it a 7/7 on turn five. I've since learned that there are ways to get around that and what seemed to be a super powerful card really wasn't that scary at all.

As far as combos go, they're pretty much just as available to you as they are to others, you just have to either learn them or come up with some of your own. And as to luck. Yup, it's a card based game. Luck will always have a lot to do with whether you win or lose.
There is a card called the Black Knight that has a battlecry to destroy an enemy minion with taunt. Really nice for those stupid sunwalkers.

I believe it's a legendary, though.
There is a card called the Black Knight that has a battlecry to destroy an enemy minion with taunt. Really nice for those stupid sunwalkers.

I believe it's a legendary, though.
I got that one! I've put in it all my decks I get so annoyed by Taunt.


Staff member
True, but it's the combos which are destroying me. I often don't draw the right cards I need or end up seeing a crazy start for my opponent which leaves me floundering the whole time. The game can be really luck dependent.

Still, having fun. I just think the quests and play bonuses shouldn't have been tied to wins. It can really piss off new players, people who don't have a lot of great cards, or just people who get some rotten luck. Feeling like you wasted 3 hours can cause a rage-quit.
What mode are you playing in? I just jumped on and fell back to the basic decks. I went 2 - 1, and even my loss was a close game. Maybe the matchmaking works better if you're not using a custom deck?

EDIT: Two more games for 3 -2, trending towards the roughly 50% win rate that I experienced playing basic decks, before I felt I had enough rarer cards to make building a deck worthwhile.
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What mode are you playing in? I just jumped on and fell back to the basic decks. I went 2 - 1, and even my loss was a close game. Maybe the matchmaking works better if you're not using a custom deck?

EDIT: Two more games for 3 -2, trending towards the roughly 50% win rate that I experienced playing basic decks, before I felt I had enough rarer cards to make building a deck worthwhile.
I hadn't even considered that. I'll have to give that a try!
Murloc deck acquired. Feels like a right of passage.
Well have fun with it. It's crazy seeing how fast you can overwhelm and kill someone. Today I had a turn three death by murloc. Turn one coined out 2 tidecallers (+1 atk for summoning a murloc) I didn't have a 2 so played a 1/1. Turn 2 playes tidehunter(summons 2 murlocs) and hits me for 7. I kill the 2/1 and play something. He plays oracle(murlocs have +1 atk) so the murlocs alone are hitting me for 13 but 2 poweroverwhelmings and a soulfire finish me off for the quickest death I have ever had. Well played indeed.
I still don't have the murlocs necessary to make a decent deck.
I dusted a golden Tinkmaster Overspark and that was more than enough for the Murlocs and other necessities. Nothing in the deck costs more than 4, and that is the Murloc you get for collecting them all.

Well have fun with it. It's crazy seeing how fast you can overwhelm and kill someone. Today I had a turn three death by murloc. Turn one coined out 2 tidecallers (+1 atk for summoning a murloc) I didn't have a 2 so played a 1/1. Turn 2 playes tidehunter(summons 2 murlocs) and hits me for 7. I kill the 2/1 and play something. He plays oracle(murlocs have +1 atk) so the murlocs alone are hitting me for 13 but 2 poweroverwhelmings and a soulfire finish me off for the quickest death I have ever had. Well played indeed.
Wow, that's nuts! That makes even the normal board wiping cards out of reach. I thought about using Power Overwhelming but I dunno if I want them in the deck. Yikes.
I dusted a golden Tinkmaster Overspark and that was more than enough for the Murlocs and other necessities. Nothing in the deck costs more than 4, and that is the Murloc you get for collecting them all.

Wow, that's nuts! That makes even the normal board wiping cards out of reach. I thought about using Power Overwhelming but I dunno if I want them in the deck. Yikes.
You dusted the second best Legendary in the game and it was gold?
power overwhelming is a common staple of murloc decks. Those and soulfire are usually the only spells you use.
It's a question of what to take out at this point. If I could access the list I'd post it up here, but it will have to wait till maintenance is finished in 4 hours.[DOUBLEPOST=1392736087,1392735900][/DOUBLEPOST]
You dusted the second best Legendary in the game and it was gold?
I didn't want it. ::shrug:: It served me better as a bunch of cards I didn't have and could make a cohesive deck which could win once in a while.

And honestly, I don't care if a card is gold.
I don't care much if the card is gold either, but man, I don't think I could have brought myself to do it.

If I were in your shoes though, and still needed alot of solid cards, I probably would have done the same. 1600dust can go a long way to helping build some decks.

Thankfully I'm at the point where I can just enjoy collecting gold cards and the last couple of legendaries I need.
I'm sure I'll get there eventually. Right now I'm happy building up playable card pool and having fun. I'd like to do more Arena play and I look forward to doing that more when I get the chance.
Yeah, when you're first starting out, it kind of sucks. Especially if you watch all the master decks being played and you don't have a fraction of the cards in their decks.

BTW, speaking earlier of the Blood Knight, I had a great round with him the other day. I had a couple of Argent Protectors, a couple of Argent Squires and the person I was playing didn't ping their shields off, so I played a blood knight and he became a 14/14. I proceeded to pwn his face.
Heh, it's a bummer when you don't draw Hex/Polymorph/Silence effect. I had a 20/20 of the guy who has power equal to his toughness, which I doubled twice, playing against my wife the other day. She proceeded to turn it into a sheep.


Staff member
I played against a nasty trick last night. It was Priest vs Priest, and he pulled out a Windfury Harpy and quadrupled it's health. Four attack means I can't Shadow Word: Pain or Death it. I pulled some nice tricks to lower it's health, but not fast enough to keep him from killing me, especially since he pulled out a second Harpy after that. I think I need more silence in that deck.
How'd you do that with the servers down atm @Krisken?
They're not down, I deleted the "nope" comment after I discovered I had to restart battlenet to keep the game from crashing every time I started (I originally launched battlenet before the servers came back up).

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Staff member
I'm surprised at how often I'm using my Crazed Alchemist to do massive amounts of damage with my Priest deck. I put him in thinking it would be fun, every now and then, to be able to make some heavy hits. I'm finding it's actually a good way to press board advantage. Taking my opponent down from 28 health to 2, with a super-buffed Injured Blademaster and a stock Temple Enforcer meant my opponent was screwed unless he could do lethal damage to me that turn (impossible, I think, as I was in my 20s.). At that point not even a taunt would have stopped my two ways to kill him, one of which was a Holy Nova, and the other was playing Auchenai Soulpriest and then using my hero power.

EDIT: And the thing is, unlike other crazy buffing schemes, all this needs is a single opening. It made no difference to me if my Blademaster died, or how. One minion or 3, damage spell, silence or outright removal, I was done with him and my opponent could use whatever he wanted to take him out. It's not my only option with the cards, and I'm not counting on it for any future turns. It takes card synergy, but there's a lot of different cards that it works with, and all those cards get used in other ways as well.
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This is my Murloc deck. Probably could be stronger.
View attachment 13943
Nice. I'm not sure about both blood imps and young priestesses in that deck. Makes it a bit too slow when you play both of those. I'd toss one out and put in flame imps and I think you should try power overwhelming. You could try just one in there to start to see if it matches your play style.

I'd replace abusive sergeant with loot hoarder. Card draw to keep the murlocs flowing.
That slows it down a bit and you usually don't need card draw til after turn 6 but if you haven't won or nearly won by then it's almost a lost cause anyway.
Just got back from work. Thanks for the suggestions @Ravenpoe, @Rovewin! I'll give them a try when I next get a chance and I'll let you know how it pans out. :)

With this list, I haven't had a game go past turn 6, and that's if I went first. Turn 5 if I went second (coin can make a big difference).