[TV] Talk about the last TV you watched, the catchall thread

What I've been hearing is that House of Cards' second season is way better than the first.

Any word on when the new season of Orange is the New Black is coming out?
House of Cards season 2 is awesome so far! Having not watched the whole season yet I can't say if it is better but it is damn good and absolutely as good as the first.
Just started watching Season 1 of House of Cards. Four episodes in so far and it's fantastic.

If I had one complaint... in the first couple of episodes, I jokingly called out some pretty blatant product placement. But I had no idea what was to come. There was an actual goddamn playstation commercial right in the middle of a scene. It was like Wayne's World.

There are two kinds of pain in this world. The first kind of pain is when you don't own a PS Vita. The second kind of pain is when you get some Nintendo product instead. I hate the second kind. It's useless pain.
There are two kinds of pain in this world. The first kind of pain is when you don't own a PS Vita. The second kind of pain is when you get some Nintendo product instead. I hate the second kind. It's useless pain.

I'm not totally against product placement. Some of it was ok. Making sure the iphone logo is directly center of camera when you answer the phone? No biggie. Playing a ps3? Also completely normal, fits in with the show.

But stopping your scheme to twist someone to your will so you can pick up their PS Vita and mention how you have a console yourself and you really need to get one of those for gaming on the go? No one even has a psvita! (Well, ok, I do)
I'm not totally against product placement. Some of it was ok. Making sure the iphone logo is directly center of camera when you answer the phone? No biggie. Playing a ps3? Also completely normal, fits in with the show.

But stopping your scheme to twist someone to your will so you can pick up their PS Vita and mention how you have a console yourself and you really need to get one of those for gaming on the go? No one even has a psvita! (Well, ok, I do)
I actually find things like that surprisingly humanizing.

Brace yourself for the second season though. A lot more lingering camera movements on items. On the plus side, there's actually more variety in phones.
Just finished re-watching season 6 & 7 of 30 rock, and now my thought voice sounds like Alec Baldwin. I am okay with that.
I finally got around to watching the final season. I liked the wrap up at the end. For some reason, I watched this show religiously up through about halfway through the last season then just put off watching it ever since. Glad I finally got back to it.
I finally got around to watching the final season. I liked the wrap up at the end. For some reason, I watched this show religiously up through about halfway through the last season then just put off watching it ever since. Glad I finally got back to it.
I know, the last three episodes were just a perfect wrap up for the characters. My only real problem was that Paul
Well really Mr. Jenna Maroney
wasn't in the series finale, but I get that it'd be a skudge forced and its really really minor in terms of criticism.
Never watched the Battlestar Galatica reboot. Friend recommended me it.

The last week or have been pretty much 3 episodes a day.

It's soooo good.

Need more scifi.
Never watched the Battlestar Galatica reboot. Friend recommended me it.

The last week or have been pretty much 3 episodes a day.

It's soooo good.

Need more scifi.
It's damn good. Although, just a heads up? The first two seasons are great. The third season really dips in quality. The fourth season starts out MUCH better, but dips again though not as low as the third. It's got some Lost Syndrome going as far as the finale goes. Much more satisfying than Lost, but the show never really makes up for the third season.
It's damn good. Although, just a heads up? The first two seasons are great. The third season really dips in quality. The fourth season starts out MUCH better, but dips again though not as low as the third. It's got some Lost Syndrome going as far as the finale goes. Much more satisfying than Lost, but the show never really makes up for the third season.
We'll see.

I need more scifi recommendations.
A great cast chemistry and amazing continuity by the writers. The characters rarely seem to forget things that happen in previous episodes, and the pseudo-science of the show stays consistent and builds upon itself (minus a couple of things that get lampshaded every 100 episodes). Strangely enough it manages to be a pretty accessible show, probably because it's still pretty episodic the way a lot of TV was at the time.

It also occupies a strange spot between space-opera and mundane sci-fi, taking place in present day (of the late 90s early to mid 00s), but Earth has little in the ways of advance technology beyond a working Stargate (at least to start with, remember what I said about continuity).

I think it's great. Far better than the movie for sure. SG-1 never really seemed to get much in the way of praise, but I think it's definitely worth you checking out if you have a sci-fi itch to fill.
My husband and I still randomly go back and watch the time loop episode of SG-1 and then yell "In the middle of my backswing?!" All the time. :p


Staff member
Babylon 5 good?
See this? This is my stunned face. I'm wearing my stunned face because you apparently haven't watched Babylon 5.

Yes. Babylon 5 good. Be advised the 1st season stumbles a little bit, but it finds its feet, and seasons 2-4 are prime quality sci fi TV. PRIME. And it's a continuing plot arc show, so you gotta watch em all in order.

Season 5 is optional viewing. Except for the series finale, you should watch the last episode of season 5 even if you skip all the others.

Other than Star Trek and Star Wars as well as Fox screwing up Firefly, my Sci-fi experience is pretty limited.

I've been watching BSG and I like it. I want to start setting up the next few series.

Stargate didn't sell me, maybe I'll check Season 1. Babylon 5 sounds interesting. It's on my list now. Thanks.

I'm open to new suggestions.

Wife and I have been watching Community as well. I'm midway in Season 2. Season 1 was pretty good, the 2nd one is weaker in our opinion. I hope it gets better.