[TV] Talk about the last TV you watched, the catchall thread

Bones "The Olympian in the Torch"
When someone tries to dispose of a body by burning it in the flame of the Olympic torch during the opening ceremonies, Bones and Booth fly out to Russia to investigate. They Skype call back to the Jeffersonian constantly, including a call just to talk about how glad they are that they have their VISA card, it's everywhere you want to be, and the official sponsor of the Olympic games! While investigating the death, Bones will come across athletes training, and instantly be able to critique their form in a way that even their coaches didn't realize needed help, then Booth will get mad at her for helping another country win, when she's supposed to be rooting for 'Murica! Subplot where intern of the week was once an Olympic hopeful, and their experience being an athlete will somehow help them notice the small piece of evidence that Bones didn't see, to which she'll give them a "good job peon" speech, while sounding like she's made absolutely no progress in manners, because what's character progression?
Ok, maybe not Bones. But Arrow? I would totally watch a team Arrow travels to Sochi and with the help of KGBeast (who has been in two episodes already) fight Maxie Zeus who has kidnapped famed Markovian Figure skater, Emily Briggs. Only after competing in a series of sadistic versions of popular winter Olympic games can the Emerald Archer get his hands on Zeus and rescue Briggs, allowing for the Olympics to be resumed without further incident.

Um...holy shit. So just finished the first season and...yeah, wow. This is the best goddamn show I've seen in a good long while. If it wasn't 4 in the morning, I'd keep watching.
I take back any disparaging remarks I may have previously made regarding Parks and Recreation. This show is a gem, that brings joy to my heart with each episode.
When I first heard of Parks and Rec, I thought it was just a lame rip-off of the Office. But when I watched it, I realized it was an awesome SPIN-OFF to the Office.

Seriously it was totally meant to be a spin-off to the Office, thats why Rashida Jones is in it in the first place. Honestly I'm cool with the change, Ann is cooler than Karen.
Sherlock Season 3.
Episode 1 - cute, funny, Sherlock is more human (kind of), but you never find out how he did it.
Episode 2 - sentimental moments, but not as good as I had hoped.
Episode 3 - Well, butter my butt and call me a biscuit! I hate that this is the best episode of the three and I just read that Moffat has announced Season 4 will be out in 2016!! FUUUUUUU! :fu:
can't have the winter olympics here because snow and ice will constantly melt
I'm sure Texas in winter is much warmer that Qatar :p

Anyway, just watched The Mentalist, episode: Red John.

I dunno, the fake-out Bertram-oh-no-sheriff-after-all...Meh. I'd have preferred Bertrams as RJ - he was my guess in season 1 and stayed that way. The sheriff just didn't have enough importance in my mind to be "it". Oh well.
I wonder how the show's going to progress. I'd guess it'll change to the Blake society as main villain, with the woman who got away recurring...But there's still the problem that he killed him. Mentalist-in-Cuba?
My second problem is that, well, I never really liked the RJ storyline anyway. The mentalist was fun when he was mentalising; the rest is pretty meh.
did Justified just have its best episode ever?
This season has been pretty fantastic. Building towards the end really well. Huge shame the actor playing JB wanted out so quickly, it would have been nice to see where his character went instead of going out so one note the way he did.
Aw man, gotta wait two week for Adventure Time and the next one will be where
- Ice King reverts back into Simon FREAKIN' Petrikov! AWESOME!
Once again, if you can watch True Detective you absolutely should. So far there have been 4 episodes and all of them have been outstanding. This show is seriously amaze-balls.
Once again, if you can watch True Detective you absolutely should. So far there have been 4 episodes and all of them have been outstanding. This show is seriously amaze-balls.
Absolutely have to second this. Great show and Matthew McConaughey is great in it.

Biggest thing I've noticed with it is that it feels it could very well unravel into a Lovecraftian horror story.
My girlfriend and I are watching Justified (I'm re-watching Justified) because she's never seen it. We're in season two, and it's killing me to wait to watch the current season... We don't watch TV often and I'm beginning to think it'll be well after season 5 is done that we get to it. Nonetheless, season two of Justified? Freaking outstanding. Mags and Dickie remain some of the best characters that have ever been on that show; and Boyd... just... Boyd.
I thought the second episode was far and away the best one.
I loved the recap of cases they had and of stag night, but I
picked up on the woman who knew John's full name immediately as being fishy. The fact that Mary said she was an orphan was a dead give away to her being some kind of spy/killer added with her knowledge of a skip code in episode one. When they showed the suspect in the guardsman's attempted murder taking pictures and John's former CO getting into his uniform I knew it would be their wedding photographer going after Major Sholto.
I felt like I was watching an anime filler episode. It was entertaining, but not what I expected.
I had to run home over lunch, and I figured I had enough time to finish watching the last Doctor Who Christmas special. I failed to take into account how long it would take for the racking sobs to subside.
Brother's fiancee got me to sit down and watch the first season of Sherlock over the course of this week.

Can't wait to start season 2.

I've been enjoying Almost Human, even though Fox should never be in charge of airing order ever fucking again, Goddamnit.
Gah! Still three more months to find out
whether or not Pennsatucky is dead.
Was sort of hoping that teaser would give it away, even though I'd probably be complaining if it did.
I'll bet she's alive, but in critical condition or something. No way they'd kill off a character that compelling.