[TV] Talk about the last TV you watched, the catchall thread

That was pretty much bottle episode, round 2. That was a hell of a creative catalyst for ...

Donald Glover's exist

Possible continuity error: Annie says she did a certain something while the group was preparing for the Anthropology final ... except there was no final, because Professor Duncan gave up trying to teach, assigned dioramas, and Shirley went into labor without Duncan returning during the pretend final.
Enlisted a mid season replacement on FOX about a soldier sent back from Afghanistan to a rear detachment unit in Florida where his two brothers are also stationed. The Pilot was okay, but the second episode really picked up, and they must have brought in an Army consultant, because the depiction of the Army got a lot better. It shows potential.
So, Chozen, um, exists. Why do people feel that if they are going to create a gay character who doesn't fit the effeminate stereotype that they have to make them insatiable cockhounds? I think the latter is an infinitely more terrible stereotype than the former. I think it may speak to the way in which pop culture views both gay men and men in general. In this show, really the ONLY reason to make the main character gay is to throw in a bunch of gay jokes about prison rape. Classy. as. hell.
Don't know the show, so I can't comment on this specific example,but...Well, Hollywood still isn't capable of having a gay person whose sexuality doesn't matter. There's plenty of characters who are straight and whose sexuality is just never an issue; with a gay character, it has to occasionally be a plot point somehow - otherwise they feel making them gay is a Chekov's gun, never used - which is obviously "bad".
Just like many "token black characters" used to be (and still are unfortunately). Heck, in many series/surroundings, women still suffer this problem. Any character that isn't a WASP will have their "divergence from the norm" be a defining trait in some ways.
That aside, the typical cock-chaser and feminine gay stereotypes (while sometimes true, just like most any stereotype - they come from somewhere after all, just like I'm sure there are black people who like watermelon and Belgians who are slow) are "easy" because to both templates can be applied carried over from heterosexual relations. It's hard for straight writers to try and write a believable gay relationship, just like it's often hard for men to write women well. Better to stick to stereotypes and easy copy-paste templates with minimal changes to rinse-and-repeat 500x.
I personally like what Archer and Venture Brothers have done with their gay characters. I like that they're swishy, but still badass in the case of Shoreleave and Gillette, and the Alchemist is also written really as a character who just happens to be gay. So it's possible, but it takes writers who are better with character nuance that is usually allowed in the studio system. There's also the gay character in Paranorman, who was treated respectfully. I have hope that someday we won't have the gay equivalents of Amos and Andy in mainstream media, but I'm also aware that the wheels of social change move slowly, especially in a profit driven Hollywood system.
The humor and dialogue of Chozen does not distract the audience how offensive a stereotype the main character is, which is a sure sign of failure for a comedy. If the pilot is any inclination of what is to come, the only way I'd watch this is if I can't find the remote...or my arms or legs.
Onto things that DON'T suck donkey ass the Powerpuff girls special was really good. Loved the animation, my only criticism is why does Bubbles have ice breath and not Blossom? Probably to piss off purists and waste their lives ranting on the internet and IF SO I applaud the writers for doing it.
Finished season 2 of Adventure Time. That was a fun pair of episodes. I love when Princess Bubblegum gives Finn the sweater she made him, and him being an adolescent boy, you might expect him to be reluctant about wearing a pink sweater, but he just throws that on without pause because she made it for him to protect him 'cause she cares about him. And then of course

"Aren't you cold?"
"No, I'm not! I HAVE A SWEATER!"
Now that, my friends, was an episode of Community. I'll miss the hell out of Donald Glover, but that was a great send off for him. Welcome back, Dan Harmon. We've missed you.
I watched two wildly differing quality pilot episodes, one new and one old.

Curb Your Enthusiasm- I know I'm SUPER behind finally getting around to it, but I absolutely loved the first episode. I look forward to watching the rest of the show.

Dads- Holy crap, this is a godawful sitcom. What the hell is happening in Giovanni Rabisi's career that he agreed to do this pile of garbage. Martin Mull and Seth Green, I can kind of understand as they both have hit or miss histories, but jesus christ this show was the lowest form of dreck sitcom.
I think half the problem is that the mask is matte and not gloss. The other half is he's too tacticool with all that shit on. I'm legitimately wondering if it's supposed to be a nod to Rob Leifield.
Ahhhh, the 90's... when artists like to throw a lot of random attachments on superhero costumes that never served any purpose. I was always most confused by the leg belt.
I watched the first two seasons of Curb Your Enthusiasm in one sitting. I love the show. One thing I hate about those quasi reality shows is that I know so many comedic actors that I never know if they are supposed to be playing themselves or someone else.


Staff member
This week's Grimm was very good. The monster of the week was the least prominent plot thread, lots of good development on the Monroe/Rosalee front, and some progression on the Vienna subplot too, with even another smidgen of Nick's mom to boot.

Pity is is TO BE CONTINUED!!! Arghlebargle
I watched this week's Sherlock last night. It was the best of all the series so far. John got married and Sherlock was the best man and had to interact with a crowd. hilarious. with a good mystery.
sixpackshaker said:
I watched this week's Sherlock last night. It was the best of all the series so far. John got married and Sherlock was the best man and had to interact with a crowd. hilarious. with a good mystery.
Drunk Sherlock is amazing.
I watched this week's Sherlock last night. It was the best of all the series so far. John got married and Sherlock was the best man and had to interact with a crowd. hilarious. with a good mystery.
I loved when he started making everyone cry and he didn't understand why. Just goes to show that Sherlock IS a good man under all that gruff manner.
He essentially paid John the highest complement he could give.

What I loved was after giving away they would be expecting a child, he laughs and says they will have a real baby to take care of, and as everyone laughs it dawns on him quickly things will invariably change and he won't be the center of their world anymore. Possibly the closest Sherlock could come to feeling happened right there.
I finally finished "Dexter"! I was not a fan of Lumen and didn't much care for the Dooms Day Killer either. The final season was pretty meh, and the finale was ...interesting.
It was nice seeing Yvonne in a new role, even though Hannah wasn't all that interesting.
I finally finished "Dexter"! I was not a fan of Lumen and didn't much care for the Dooms Day Killer either. The final season was pretty meh, and the finale was ...interesting.
It was nice seeing Yvonne in a new role, even though Hannah wasn't all that interesting.
Yeah, Dexter peaked in the 4th season and then crashed and burned over the remaining series.
Yeah, Dexter peaked in the 4th season and then crashed and burned over the remaining series.
I think my biggest annoyance was that Dexter just started having far too many feelings. I still had a good time finishing up the series, and I do enjoy when Dexter shows compassion with Deb and the kids, but they just started throwing in too many other people and feelings into the mix.
Also, I never liked Quinn. Such a moron.