[PC Game] Hearthstone (Practically Beta)

Well, there go my chances of getting that special legendary card thing for buying a deck pre-release.

Oh well.

Re: Clerics above...that's exactly the sort of deck I want to build (but have it happen to the other guy, of course).

The only thing you missed out on is the gold version. If you really want one, you can save up enough dust to craft a normal version.
Oh man, I tried the funniest thing today. Manmode. It is where you go to create a deck and hit done then let the computer fill in all 30 cards for you. It is hilarious. I did that in rank and actually won my first match against a mid range jaraxxus. You are not supposed to look at your deck before play so you just go not knowing about what's coming up next. I think it would be fun to have a mini manmode tournament.

The deck it gave me. http://imageshack.com/a/img703/5138/1c4z.png I did actually get to live the master of disguise/ master swordsmith dream.

Oh and battletag: Rovewin #1716 in case anyone wants.


Staff member
I just won a match by killing my opponent with an 8/1 Angry Chicken. My opponent had enough to kill the 12/2 Gurubashi Berserker, but he couldn't kill of the chicken, too. It took a buff by a Shattered Sun Cleric, Combined with a Stormwind Champion (that I stole from my opponent) to create that 8/1, but my Angry Chicken kicked ass!
I just won a match by killing my opponent with an 8/1 Angry Chicken. My opponent had enough to kill the 12/2 Gurubashi Berserker, but he couldn't kill of the chicken, too. It took a buff by a Shattered Sun Cleric, Combined with a Stormwind Champion (that I stole from my opponent) to create that 8/1, but my Angry Chicken kicked ass!
Nice, I've wanted to create an angry chicken deck but I need to get him first. I'm thinking a druid deck with lots of buffs plus you can even wrath him to set off the enrage! Wait so were you the one who had the chicken in your deck or was he?

Anyway I played some more of my manmode rogue deck and it was hilarious as people had no idea how to react to it. "voodoo doctor? Magma rager? what I have never seen these cards before, what do they do?" (at least how I like to imagine the opponent reacting to them) I ended up getting the opponent down to 3 or less health each game but ultimately lost both of them (where are you sinister strike :Leyla: ) Anyway master of disguise magma rager is the way to go. I have to try her out in more of my decks. She makes horrible cards work.
I had a game last night versus a Druid that I think had only high cost cards. I felt kind of bad for him. I would keep putting down minions and he just kept casting things like healing on himself, the rare hero attack power, and maybe four times a minion or two that was easy for my paladin to clear off the board with little fuss.

By the time he put down anything worthwhile I already had nearly a full army on the board. What was really funny to me was near the end he puts down a Oasis Snapjaw and then cast Mark of the Wild on it, giving him a monster 9 health taunt, which I think he hoped would last him to the next round so he could put down some minions. Too bad for him I already had one minion on the board with Divine Shield in place that he left alone, and an Argent Commander + Blessing of Kings cards sitting in my hand. I threw down the commander and the kings on him, charging the snapjaw and knocking off nearly all it's health, then hit it with the other DS minion to finish it off.

The Divine Shields prevented me from losing either of them in counter damage.

He tried to come back by knocking off the more vulnerable minions since my shields were gone, but the damage was done and a Stormwind Champion entering the arena with three minions still alive on the board ended his mission with myself only losing a single health. Good times.
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Yeah, I've run into a couple players who seemed to either have a rotten starting hand or were running a deck with cards which didn't work with their deck. The other day I ran into a Paladin running Murlocs. I kinda felt bad for him.
I just played 5 games with my Shaman (winning all 5) and wondering why my quest wasn't completed. I needed to win with Warlock or Priest. Derp.


Staff member
Wait so were you the one who had the chicken in your deck or was he?
Angry Chicken was mine. When I got it in a pack, I put it in a couple of decks for comedic potential. I might take it out now, but it's still a fun card to throw around.
Yeah, I've run into a couple players who seemed to either have a rotten starting hand or were running a deck with cards which didn't work with their deck. The other day I ran into a Paladin running Murlocs. I kinda felt bad for him.
Paladin murloc can work. Murlocs are a nightmare if he early draws sword of justice.
It was ok but my Shaman deck didn't really blink. By turn 5 I was at 16 and had wiped out all his Murlocs. After that it was pretty easy to maintain board control and whittle him down. I still think Warlock would have been a better choice.

It probably doesn't help my main goal in the first 4 turns is basically to kill anything which hits the table.
A Paladin murloc deck that draws sword of justice and divine favor pretty much wins every time. If it doesn't draw them though, pretty much loses.


Staff member
It probably doesn't help my main goal in the first 4 turns is basically to kill anything which hits the table.
I need to rework my Shaman deck, because I often have trouble killing stuff off in early turns. What does your current deck look like?
I need to rework my Shaman deck, because I often have trouble killing stuff off in early turns. What does your current deck look like?
rockbiter weapon, storm forged axe, lightning bolt and forked lightning pretty much deal with early removal really damn well, if that's a concern of yours.
I need to rework my Shaman deck, because I often have trouble killing stuff off in early turns. What does your current deck look like?
This is what I have in my deck.


I'm tempted to trade the one Windfury with another Earth Shock, but for the most part the deck does what I want it to. I'd say right now I have a 70-75% win rate atm, though that will change once I start playing ranked more, I'm sure (only rank 21, no losses yet). However, I can't argue with its success in open play.
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Staff member
I got a bad opening hand playing as a Priest against a Mage, and made the near fatal mistake of trying to use Crazed Alchemist on my opponent's Mana Worm the opening turn. I though, "It's only got 1 health now, how long can it last?" Long enough to grow to an 8/1 and take my health down to the teens. It was a rough battle, and I was sure I was going down. Luckily the guy used a polymorph on my Northshire Cleric, and had to leave the sheep alive (which is what killed his 8/1 worm). I think that is the mistake that cost him the game, since my Ragnaros was what killed him. I also got lucky and pulled a Flamestrike out of his deck with my Thoughtsteal.

I did miss a really good possibility, though. He played out an Ogre Magi 4/4, Sen'jin Sheildmasta 3/5 and a Mana Worm 1/3. I had Ragnaros on the board, and my hand consisted of Temple Enforcer, Abusive Sargent, Holy Nova, and a couple other cards that I don't think mattered. I should have used Holy Nova first, so that I didn't end up healing the Sheildmasta while it was on my side, but that ended up not mattering because Ragnaros went for my opponent's face and killed him. Ended up being a far riskier move than it should have been.


Staff member
I started a new arena run. Had a choice between Mage, Warrior and Warlock, and went with Mage since it's the class I play least often with my own decks, but have spent a lot of time watching Trump play.

Here is the resulting deck:
Arena Deck Mage 2014-03-14.png

And the choices:

Blood Knight - Murloc Warleader - Spellbender

Abusive Sargent - Dragonling Mechanic - Venture Co. Mercenary

Wisp - Stormwind Champion - Gurubashi Berserker

Blood Knight - Sea Giant - Murloc Warleader

Stormwind Champion - Youthful Brewmaster - Dread Corsair

Frostwolf Grunt - Mad Bomber - Shieldbearer

Kobold Geomancer - Shattered Sun Cleric - Booty Bay Bodyguard

Mogu'shan Warden - Magma Rager - Arcane Explosion

Thrallmar Farseer - Ice Barrier - Archmage

Knife Juggler - Stampeding Kodo - Ancient Mage

Arcane Missles - Arcane Explosion - Venture Co. Mercenary

Ice Barrier - Kobold Geomancer - Goldshire Footman

Dragonling Mechanic - Sen'jin Sheieldmasta - Southsea Deckhand

Princess of Elune - Harvest Golem - Youthful Brewmaster

Mana Wraith - Questing Adventurer - Alarm-o-bot

Venture Co. Mercenary - Dread Corsair - Stonetusk Boar

Stonetusk Boar - Goldshire Footman - Spellbreaker

Imp Master - Sunfury Protector - Lightwarden

Frost Nova - Mana Wyrm - Chillwind Yeti

Spellbender - Big Game Hunter - Molten Giant

War Golem - Worgen Infiltrator - Novice Engineer

Young Dragonhawk - Tauren Warrior - Dire Wolf Alpha

Flamestrike - Flesheating Ghoul - War Golem

Dread Corsair - Worgen Infiltrator - Darkscale Healer

Blizzard - Azure Drake - Twilight Drake

Ogre Magi - Windfury Harpy - Arcane Missles

Harvest Golem - Voodoo Doctor - Fen Creeper

Arcane Intellect - Acolyte of Pain - Oasis Snapjaw

Questing Adventurer - Ethereal Arcanist - Counterspell

Argent Commander - Blizzard - Counterspell

I think my most questionable pick was a Novice Engineer over a Worgen Infiltrator and a War Golem, but I really wanted the card draw. Might come back to bite me, I dunno. Also, I may regret Argent Commander over Blizzard, but I think that's more iffy. I'm really worried about the lack of Polymorph and Fireball, but I won my first game at a walk.


Staff member
I am most definitely not regretting the Novice Engineer right now, I just used it for some fun. I was in a relatively close match with a Rogue, both had our health in the teens, when I pulled this:

Both boards were clear when he played a Youthful Brewmaster and a Knife Juggler. He didn't even get to fire the knife because he had to play the Brewmaster first. So sad, especially when I pulled out that same pair myself... Knife Juggler (2 mana), Novice Engineer (2) knife to his Juggler, Youthful Brewmaster (2) second knife to his Juggler and Novice to my hand, Novice Engineer (2) knife to his Brewmaster, Fireblast (2) kills his Brewmaster. Board cleared, two cards drawn and not enough minions on my side for him to trigger his Mind Control Tech.

Oh, and even if I'd had terrible luck with the knives, I had a backup plan to play a Spellbreaker to silence the Juggler, instead of replaying the Novice Engineer and Fireblasting.

Deck is now 2 - 0, and I'm having such fun with it.


Staff member
My Mage arena deck is now 4 - 0, and I'm enjoying it immensely. I may not be able to throw around a lot of spells, but my minions really know how to lay on the hurt. I may just be getting lucky with card draw, or poorly playing opponents, but either way this deck is doing fantastic. If I get three straight losses now I'll still be happy.


Staff member
What the crap, my deck is now 6 - 0. Match number 5 was very close, and I won by top decking arcane missles on an empty board. I was up 11 health to his 3, but he was chipping away at my health fast with an Assasin's Blade, until he took 3 missles to the face.

However, match number 6 was won at a walk. Granted, a Druid using Naturalize just fuels my ability to play out my mostly low cost minions, but I'm not sure he had any other answers that could have stopped my steamrolling. He did all of 3 damage to me. I almost felt bad for him his final turn, when he had no way to clear off my well over lethal damage, but he played out two divine shield minions. I had both my Blood Knights in my hand. I played out a 9/9, just because I'd never seen it happen before. Didn't even need to use it, so it was kind of mean to show off just how screwed he was. It's bad enough to have divine shields get knocked off my a Mage's hero ability, throwing in a Blood Knight just adds injury to insult.

Overall, I can't believe how well this arena run is going.
What the crap, my deck is now 6 - 0. Match number 5 was very close, and I won by top decking arcane missles on an empty board. I was up 11 health to his 3, but he was chipping away at my health fast with an Assasin's Blade, until he took 3 missles to the face.

However, match number 6 was won at a walk. Granted, a Druid using Naturalize just fuels my ability to play out my mostly low cost minions, but I'm not sure he had any other answers that could have stopped my steamrolling. He did all of 3 damage to me. I almost felt bad for him his final turn, when he had no way to clear off my well over lethal damage, but he played out two divine shield minions. I had both my Blood Knights in my hand. I played out a 9/9, just because I'd never seen it happen before. Didn't even need to use it, so it was kind of mean to show off just how screwed he was. It's bad enough to have divine shields get knocked off my a Mage's hero ability, throwing in a Blood Knight just adds injury to insult.

Overall, I can't believe how well this arena run is going.
Welcome to playing mage. Most top players agree that mage is ridiculously op in arena.


Staff member
Welcome to playing mage. Most top players agree that mage is ridiculously op in arena.
I'm guessing that's because Flamestrike and Polymorph are common cards, which leads to Mage being the most likely class to get both powerful board clear and individual threat removal. Which is very similar to the reason why Trump chose Mage for his F2P ladder climb, because you don't need many cards of Rare or better to make a powerful Mage deck.
I'm guessing that's because Flamestrike and Polymorph are common cards, which leads to Mage being the most likely class to get both powerful board clear and individual threat removal. Which is very similar to the reason why Trump chose Mage for his F2P ladder climb, because you don't need many cards of Rare or better to make a powerful Mage deck.
Flamestrike, polymorph, frost bolt and fireball and water elemental are all common and basically all you need to do is always draft those.


Staff member
My arena run ended at 7 wins. It was like hitting a brick wall after 7. Three matches in a row of pretty bad losses. Still, I got 185 gold for my win, and a pack that contained an SI:7 Agent and The Black Knight.
Heh, I can't win to save my life anymore! No idea what changed in the last three days. Truth be told, I'm not trying as hard as I did before, so that might be where the problem lies.

What really bothers me is the bad packs I get. Good lord, they're terrible! Last pack I got was again 4 commons and a blue. Of course, they were all cards I had and just ended up with a lousy 40 dust. Blech!
Heh, I can't win to save my life anymore! No idea what changed in the last three days. Truth be told, I'm not trying as hard as I did before, so that might be where the problem lies.

What really bothers me is the bad packs I get. Good lord, they're terrible! Last pack I got was again 4 commons and a blue. Of course, they were all cards I had and just ended up with a lousy 40 dust. Blech!
Unless you're talking about Arena you're probably in a much harder group bracket now.
And just remember, the packs you're getting now aren't any worse than the ones you used to get, you just need fewer and fewer cards so the packs feel worse.