[Webcomic] The Order of the Stick thread

#946: It's What's Inside That Counts
So, um, holy shit. There's a couple of big reveals, there. Durkon is not Durkon (was he ever?) and we have ANOTHER big player on the field.
There's also a new blog update from Rich. Specifically, the main comic will be on temporary hiatus until March 31. This is par for the course at the end of a major story arc or book. In the meantime, he's going to focus on finishing at least one Kickstarter PDF, finish the crayon drawings, plot the next story arc, upgrading the forum, and getting a root canal. That last one won't be fun, I imagine.
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There's also a new blog update from Rich. Specifically, that the main comic will be on temporary hiatus until March 31. This is par for the course at the end of a major story arc or book. In the meantime, he's going to focus on finishing at least one Kickstarter PDF, finish the crayon drawings, plot the next story arc, upgrading the forum, and getting a root canal. That last one won't be fun, I imagine.

I knew it.
Okay... I didn't really KNOW it. I just knew that there was something wrong with how easy everything was going with Durkon suddenly becoming a vampire. I kinda figured that Durkon would snap at some point, driven by a completely different alignment. I honestly had no reason to suspect he wasn't even in the driver seat anymore.
Now that's a cliffhanger! My initial reaction was something between whaaaat? and wooooow!

Now it's just
That's another good one.

I should get a coffee mug made with the Halforums logo on one side and "I may yarf" on the other.


Staff member
I have to say, OOTs may be the best webcomic out there. He has one of the most intricate storylines of any of them, knows his audience, and is reliable to a T. In a word, he's mature and professional. There's something sadly unique about that.
I have to say, OOTs may be the best webcomic out there. He has one of the most intricate storylines of any of them, knows his audience, and is reliable to a T. In a word, he's mature and professional. There's something sadly unique about that.
When it's all said and done, I will happily put it alongside other great fantasy epics. Overly minimalistic art or not, it's been one hell of a story.
I believe that if you treat it as if reading a fantasy epic novel, and use the cartoony art as little more than a storyboard treatment, you can build quite a movie in your head. That said, the cartoon feel really brings out the metacomic, the elbow-to-the-ribs, wink-wink sendup of the genre. It works on so many levels.

It's like a really great, long-running game of DnD with a fantastic GM.

I know that's simple, but c'mon, it's true, right?
Maybe it's my lousy memory, or too may webcomics read over the years, but has Durkon ever said that before? Could he be tricking the vampire...soul..thingy... into doing strange things to alert Roy and the others?


Staff member
Maybe it's my lousy memory, or too may webcomics read over the years, but has Durkon ever said that before? Could he be tricking the vampire...soul..thingy... into doing strange things to alert Roy and the others?
He hasn't said it before. He didn't say it in his memory, for that matter. The internal bad guy may have just messed up.
It's like a really great, long-running game of DnD with a fantastic GM.

I know that's simple, but c'mon, it's true, right?
Pssh. Fantastic GM, and some pretty damn fantastic players. I don't care what kind of amazing story you have, a couple of asshole players is enough to put a monkey wrench into the whole ordeal.
Maybe it's my lousy memory, or too may webcomics read over the years, but has Durkon ever said that before? Could he be tricking the vampire...soul..thingy... into doing strange things to alert Roy and the others?
He hasn't said it before. He didn't say it in his memory, for that matter. The internal bad guy may have just messed up.
It's not Durkon that ever said it, but another dwarf said it in the flashback (#947), so Durkula probably took it to be a swearing that dwarfs generally use