[Webcomic] The Order of the Stick thread

While I like V being V, this page didn't really progress the story much, nor did have a smaller-yield pay-off (one-off joke, gag). It took care of the fire, but...wasn't( the fire just introduced? I dunno. I guess we're getting a few pages of establishing shots for the new book, and/or as background to Durkon's inner struggle while "the party goes on".

Not really a complaint, I understand the need for occasional filler/establishment/unwinding. Not every page can be Julio and the General, or whatever. Just not a favorite page :p
Even the single page comics which don't really do anything to advance the story still have something funny in them. In this one I felt the lack of even that as well..
It's just re-establishing V and Blackwing in the story (and showing off their new art).[DOUBLEPOST=1398356521,1398356442][/DOUBLEPOST]
Even the single page comics which don't really do anything to advance the story still have something funny in them. In this one I felt the lack of even that as well..
"Promise not to vomit on my scroll."
"Let's not sully our relationship with cheap lies."
I'm rather confused by the art upgrade. It seems he's going to great extent to show off different angles and perspective. Which is all well and good I suppose, but it's never been something I've ever felt was missing from OotS. It's like he wants to improve the art of something that was all about the writing and the story in the first place. Which again isn't a terrible idea... but was it necessary?
Even the single page comics which don't really do anything to advance the story still have something funny in them. In this one I felt the lack of even that as well..
Did...did you miss the transom sticker?
Also, as an aside, [nerd]I find it curious that an airship with dual propellers would rotate both drive shafts in the same direction rather than counterrotating them to avoid having to compensate for unintentional heading changes due to engine torque.[/nerd]

I love that Roy is casually hanging onto the rope with one hand when it was taking 2 of the crew's entire strength to keep it down. I guess he really is as strong as a giant.
I love that Roy is casually hanging onto the rope with one hand when it was taking 2 of the crew's entire strength to keep it down. I guess he really is as strong as a giant.
And just as heavy, otherwise he'd be picked up off the deck by the rope. His armor must be pretty dense.
Ha ha ha ha. Oh, this should be good.

(Also, is it just me or are the updates less frequent lately?)
I think you're right, they are a bit slower this month compared to last month. Though given the pile of kickstarter stuff still remaining (and potentially the unspecified, periodic health issue he has), that's not unusual.