[PC Game] Hearthstone (Practically Beta)

Blurry McBlurryname
8 mana legendary 6/8
Card text (best I can make out) At the end of this turn, summon all friendly minions that died that turn.
That name is Kel'Thuzad. Also, the easiest way to tell if a card will be collectable is if it has a rarity gem.
So, I've been giving Miracle Rogue a try.

It's pretty fun to play. It requires some very careful thinking, it's like an evolving puzzle game. The downside is that if both of your gadgetzan auctioneers are on the bottom of your deck, you lose.
So, great match as a Priest. I was against a Shaman who had spent most of his game saving up his cards for a major play that brought me from 30 health to 6. Unfortunately for him, I had chipped off two of his health early in the game before playing control with low cost minions and just before his big play had dropped a Temple Enforcer to beef up my Loot Hoarder. Of course, he had to ignore both of these minions to deal all this massive damage. So, BOOM, double Divine Spirit on the enforcer, to bring him up to 24 health. Inner Fire on both the Temple Enforcer and the Loot Hoarder for a total of 28 damage.
I played my Warrior against another Warrior who was playing the same deck. The whole time I was saying "Gah, this guy doesn't understand how to Warrior!" and proceeded to thump the poor guy.
I played my Warrior against another Warrior who was playing the same deck. The whole time I was saying "Gah, this guy doesn't understand how to Warrior!" and proceeded to thump the poor guy.
I had the quest where you have to play 20 minions of cost 5 or higher, and I was Warrior v. Warrior. He put out a few minions and started laying on the hurt, bringing me down to 12 life ... until we got to 7 mana. At that point I got a double shield wall and started putting out bruiser after bruiser. A couple times of "Behold...the might of Stormmmmwind!" and suddenly he's facing 4 minions of attack 7 or better with no answer, and he died shortly after.

On another note, I started the one where you have to play 30 minions of 2 or less as my Rogue against a Warrior. First turn, he passes and I coin into a Bloodfen Raptor as my first move...and he concedes.

Lol, I love when they coin into something with 3 health and then I ax it. Almost always leads to a concede.
I won a game last night as a Rogue v. Paladin. He played a 5/1 Magma Rager on turn 2 and I just daggered up and hit it while it was still sleeping. The hesitation was palpable, like it was inconceivable to him that I would up and voluntarily take 5 damage just to be rid of it, and you could tell this distracted him for the rest of that game.

I won a game last night as a Rogue v. Paladin. He played a 5/1 Magma Rager on turn 2 and I just daggered up and hit it while it was still sleeping. The hesitation was palpable, like it was inconceivable to him that I would up and voluntarily take 5 damage just to be rid of it, and you could tell this distracted him for the rest of that game.

I find that people who are afraid to let their hero take a beating tend to lose a lot. As long as you know what gimmick combos to look out for, you can afford to take a little bit of a beating on almost any class.


Staff member
I find that people who are afraid to let their hero take a beating tend to lose a lot. As long as you know what gimmick combos to look out for, you can afford to take a little bit of a beating on almost any class.
It's really interesting watching Trump play his Shaman deck against Warrior. He'll take huge amounts of damage to the face, because he knows that as long as he stays in the high teens until Alexstrasza comes out, that damage is largely irrelevant.

Lately I think I've been getting a little too cavalier in taking damage, but I think a lot of the time that's better than trying to take minimal damage. It's a tough thing to learn that board control is usually more important than your health, but even tougher to know just how much damage you can afford to take in order to keep a minion alive, or otherwise get the most value from your cards/mana.
My Warrior faced something I haven't seen in ages- a Murloc deck. Poor guy didn't stand a chance, especially when I played Brawl and killed the minion left on the board with an ax. After that he lost a lot of steam.
I won a game last night as a Rogue v. Paladin. He played a 5/1 Magma Rager on turn 2 and I just daggered up and hit it while it was still sleeping. The hesitation was palpable, like it was inconceivable to him that I would up and voluntarily take 5 damage just to be rid of it, and you could tell this distracted him for the rest of that game.

His first mistake was in playing a Magma Rager. Seriously, that card is bad, who uses them? Maybe he was trying to do some divine shield/blessing of kings bullshit, but a naked magma rager on turn 2? Against a rogue? He deserved to lose.

If you are a class that can do melee attacks, never hesitate to trade life in exchange for board control. Unless you are getting low enough for an otk to happen. Stabbing a magma rager when you're at max health is perfectly fine, as if you didn't stab it, it would hit you for 5 damage anyway.
If you are a class that can do melee attacks, never hesitate to trade life in exchange for board control. Unless you are getting low enough for an otk to happen. Stabbing a magma rager when you're at max health is perfectly fine, as if you didn't stab it, it would hit you for 5 damage anyway.
This is a question I often ask myself. "Do I want to be hit more than once by this guy?"

I think Shaman might be my favorite class. They don't have any neat tricks like miracle rogues, can't put out the intense pressure of zoolock or shock pally, and can't go complete control like a control warrior, freeze mage, or control hunter. But they are just all around strong, which is something I can get behind.

Also, totems are so good as a hero power. People who don't understand the power of totems just haven't experienced them. Hit that totem button as often as you can!


Staff member
A site is claiming to have leaked prices for Curse of Naxxramas. 600 gold for each of the four paid wings, or 9.99€ each and 39.90€ for all four.

The prices seem a little iffy to me. First, none of the existing prices for card packs end in ",90" as the quoted price for all four expansions does. The reason could be that they're not planning on offering any discount for buying all four wings at once, and 90 looks better than 96, but I dunno. Second, the current pack prices in Euros are 90% of the price in US dollars. This would put the US price at $11.10-ish, and that's a really awkward price. Still, they might go for a different conversion rate for the prices this time, so it's possible these are accurate.
I would just like to relay the incredible satisfaction you feel when playing Priest v. Mage,
...and you're up to 10 mana crystals on both sides,
...and you have two 4-point minions on the field (the Mage just has the Mirror Image 0/2 taunters),
...and you have five cards in hand, and the Mage is down to only one,
...so you cast Mind Vision,
...and get Deathwing.

Neither of us ever cast Deathwing, btw. We both knew whoever went first was basically signing their own death warrant. So I just beat her to death with conventional minions instead.

I would just like to relay the incredible satisfaction you feel when playing Priest v. Mage,
...and you're up to 10 mana crystals on both sides,
...and you have two 4-point minions on the field (the Mage just has the Mirror Image 0/2 taunters),
...and you have five cards in hand, and the Mage is down to only one,
...so you cast Mind Vision,
...and get Deathwing.

Neither of us ever cast Deathwing, btw. We both knew whoever went first was basically signing their own death warrant. So I just beat her to death with conventional minions instead.

I've had a game like that, but it was priest vs warlock.

We're both down to low health, I've managed to keep board control, when suddenly he thinks he can turn it around.


Oh yeah? Well guess what I mind visioned from you a few turns ago?



Too bad I didn't mind vision a sacrificial pact, that would have been even cooler. But I still won the game.
I only get an average of an hour or less of game time/day, which means I often go 2-3 days and then rush through all my built-up quests at once before I have to go, which leads to an interesting dilemma:
Still have 2 quests worth 100 gold to finish, too. STOP GIVING ME THE WIN FIVE ALREADY. Sheesh.

Alternate arena days and quest days. If you are making more than 100 gold per day you play, you will probably keep a relatively stable amount. Also, you will be able to fulfill some quests in the arena.

In any case, play arena. It's a lot of fun

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Remember when I complained that all I ever seem to get for legendaries is Illidan Stormrage? How I've gotten a grand total of 3 so far?


I am not prepared.
Ok, I spent a good 15min agonizing over my first paid Arena deck.
Went 0/3.
...but I got a King Mukla in my consolation pack, so...yay?

Ok, I spent a good 15min agonizing over my first paid Arena deck.l
Went 0/3.
...but I got a King Mukla in my consolation pack, so...yay?

Mukla is actually pretty decent. He's useful in fast decks for the early minion power, and has some use in gimmick mill decks.


Staff member
You know what card needs a nerf? Keeper of the Grove. Yeah, it's so OP, with the silence and the 2 damage, and the 4 health....

What? No, this doesn't have anything to do with the fact that I've gotten 6 in packs now, and kinda wish that I'd get extra dust for DEing them....