Bring out Gifs!

So uh - why exactly is the spotter there? :D
Saw this before in a Reddit thread:
... basically the spotter's job is to make sure you land safely. So in this case, he was never going to catch her. His job is to see her release, evaluate the move, and decide if she is in the proper position and rotation to complete it safely. If she isn't, he is going to look for a place to move her so that when she crashes she doesn't get hurt (or least amount possible).

For another example, if I'm spotting you doing backflips, I'm never going to catch you mid air. Never. If you don't tuck at all I might push your back to stop you before you land on your head, or push under you to force the rotation so you at least make it to your knees, but never ever am I gonna be able to catch you.


Staff member
Half the images you post these days are broken due to hotlinking.

IIRC, you used to rail against lazy hotlinkers.

I am disappoint.
Something's wrong with your end then, because it's working here both at home and work, as well as on verizon wireless. That's three different ISPs, three different browsers.


Staff member
Anyone who visits the and related sites gets a cookie that enables images for them even if the referrer isn't within their network. So if you've ever used those browsers for any of the sites on that network, then yes - they will all seem to work just fine.

I don't visit those sites (because they suck me in and I lose hours of time) so yes, those images are generally broken for me.

They use hotlinking protection, and while it's a fairly liberal form of it, I thought you'd like to know.
Interesting. I've never gone to chzbgr on my phone, (I almost never use it for web browsing, and even when I do, it's only for here). I wonder if they disable the protection for mobile users.


Staff member
Facebook on the phone? Any other social stuff (twitter, reddit, 4chan, etc) that sometimes links to cheezeburger stuff?

Perhaps they don't block mobile. I can see that making sense too.
Nope. I don't have a facebook page, nor twitter. Really, practically do no non-phone stuff (aside from google navigation on trips and tethering for my tablet which I don't have with me now to check it) on my phone because it's a droid 1 on 3g and doesn't have the ram/processor.

Also I just deleted all my cookies that have the phrase chz or chee in them... and forced a hard reload of the thread, and still see it. Maybe they also track my IP on their end? Seems a long way to go.


Staff member
Well if you do martial arts that is not too far from the muscle you get. Looks less like a six pack and more like a small potbelly. They call it "hara" in karate and judo. Which is just Japanese for abdomen.