Comic Book News

The episode order is fucked up and I swear to God from my last viewing of the series that it's missing the Scarecrow origin episode. I could be wrong about that as I used to watch the episodes while writing reports and sometimes would miss a bunch.


Staff member
Ugh this evil Bruce Banner crap. What is with the treatment of Banner these days? The writers of Avengers Assemble said there were no plans for Banner because people come for the Hulk. Really? I always came for the Banner/Hulk dynamic.
I've never once collected comics for their collector value.
There comes a point with a comic (or anything collectible for that matter) when it stops being the domain of the "gotta catch 'em all" personality, and starts being about "I have it and you don't and I'm never going to share," and I despise this second personality, because these are the idiots who will (supposedly--it has never been proven) buy up two of the rarest stamps in the world just so they can burn one of them to make the other one more valuable.

There comes a point with a comic (or anything collectible for that matter) when it stops being the domain of the "gotta catch 'em all" personality, and starts being about "I have it and you don't and I'm never going to share," and I despise this second personality, because these are the idiots who will (supposedly--it has never been proven) buy up two of the rarest stamps in the world just so they can burn one of them to make the other one more valuable.

Ahh... the Seto Kaiba approach.
Land is a fucking hack, dude traces porn faces. Used to have some good artwork, too, it's pretty sad.

The second cover is just ugly as hell.

For one month, all DC comics will be covered by Darwyn Cooke.

Each and every one of them are amazing. They depict a fun, happy DC universe that has been sorely lacking for a very long time - arguably even before the New 52 universe.

I'll be using several of these as desktop wallpaper.
What about the content of those comics though? :p

I love that the Justice League Dark one emphasizes the team as the light in the darkness, instead of them being as grim as their surroundings.

"So... Bruce... you doin' anything later?"

Also, is Batman Beyond not getting a variant? Jesus, did it get canceled while I wasn't looking?
I think they already had US1 show up during a Deadpool issue.
It's entirely possible. In his first issue of his original ongoing series, he fought an army of clones of horrible old dead characters, like Wizzer, Ringer, and even (the then dead) Aunt May who was boning Uncle Ben.
Blue Beetle (Ted Kord) and Booster Gold will be back in comics, this time turning up in Justice League 3000. The interesting thing to note: these are not New 52 versions of the characters. These are the original versions of them, with Justice League 3000 turning out to be set in the future of a pre-New 52 universe.
Blue Beetle (Ted Kord) and Booster Gold will be back in comics, this time turning up in Justice League 3000. The interesting thing to note: these are not New 52 versions of the characters. These are the original versions of them, with Justice League 3000 turning out to be set in the future of a pre-New 52 universe.
Now all we need is a Superman story based in a pre-New 52 universe and order will be restored.