I have $150 CAD in amazon giftcards and $100 in Futureshop (bestbuy), and am looking at upgrading my pc.
I am looking at this MB and this processor, for approximately $150.
and 8GB of RAM for $100 at futureshop.
if anyone could help me out, it would be appreciated.
I don't really game, but am noticing that 4GB of RAM is almost too little for Minecraft.
The other option is finding 4 sticks of 2GB of DDR2 667Mhz. which is almost the same cost
I am looking at this MB and this processor, for approximately $150.
and 8GB of RAM for $100 at futureshop.
if anyone could help me out, it would be appreciated.
I don't really game, but am noticing that 4GB of RAM is almost too little for Minecraft.
The other option is finding 4 sticks of 2GB of DDR2 667Mhz. which is almost the same cost