HF Gaming Night! (Oct 10th) & Survey!

If your SO asks you, "Do you think that person is attractive?" What do you answer?

  • Yes

    Votes: 4 44.4%
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  • Docseverin -2

    Votes: 5 55.6%

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Alright folks, looks like TF 2 went nicely. 7 people or so showed up, sadly my TF2 install was randomly lame so I got to spend "time" with the wife... so everyone got to play. :)

Before we commence, can you kindly check this Excel sheet quickly and validate that YOUR INFORMATION is properly put in? Currently, it's quite out of date and it's making it pretty hard to organize.

Kindly upload it when you're done.

A few questions (please answer constructively - thanks!!!) :

1. Are there any games on the list you don't see, that you'd like us to play?
2. Is Friday night's game time convenient for you regularly to attend?
3. What game would you like us to play soon? Why?
4. My plan is to have 3 game nights in a row with a "social games" night tossed in to keep it fresh and reduce the amount of sausage-ness. Do you agree with this?

To keep it fresh, I propose L4D2 this Friday night. Any objections? (4 or 8 players) However please make sure TF2 is installed depending on attendance.

Same pleb place, same pleb hour.



Staff member
As a fallback position, I know of a couple good underpopulated TF2 non-MvM servers that fill empty slots with bots that we could pretty much get halforums-only games going.
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Reactions: Jay
I'd be up for Saints Row but that's only 2 players in Co-Op.

I'd suggest Warhammer 40K Space Marine (PVP or Exterminatus Modes) or Transformers: Fall of Cybertron but I don't think a lot of people here have them.

So far the time is okay for me, I might be running a little late most of the time though.
I'd like to have 4+ only player games if all possible. Sucks to say but anywhere from 4-10 people show up and I want peeps to get some gaming on on gaming nights.

I'd love to try Killing Floor one of these days.
I have been wanting to play left 4 dead again, but whether or not I can do things is generally sketchy.


Staff member
Killing Floor would be awesome. None of my RL friends stick with it, they all complain it's "too intense." Psh.


Staff member
Too intense? Killing Floor is baby stuff compared to L4D.
Nah, L4D is positively casual in comparison. The differences in weaponry is 90% cosmetic, you don't have to find and use a trader on a rapidly dwindling timer, healing is several orders of magnitude more straight forward, you can get "killed" up to 3 times without healing before you die for real so long as another player spends 5 seconds "helping you up," pipebombs are get out of jail free cards, enemies have WAY less HP and melee is tons stronger/safer. Plus you never have to deal with a cloaking, self-healing tentacle zombie who has a combo chaingun/rocket launcher arm.

Oh, and you get a targeting reticle and don't have to use realistic iron sights.
Nah, L4D is positively casual in comparison. The differences in weaponry is 90% cosmetic, you don't have to find and use a trader on a rapidly dwindling timer, healing is several orders of magnitude more straight forward, pipebombs are get out of jail free cards, enemies have WAY less HP and melee is tons stronger/safer. Plus you never have to deal with a cloaking, self-healing tentacle zombie who has a combo chaingun/rocket launcher arm.
By the same measure, it's MUCH easier to get taken out in L4D, especially if your team isn't paying attention. A bad team in Killing Floor can be overcome... enemy movements are predictable and it's possible to find enough firepower to compensate. In left 4 dead, you NEED your team if you get nailed by a special.

To put it simply, Killing Floor is a challenge of strategy and tenacity. Left 4 Dead is a test of teamwork and awareness.


Staff member
By the same measure, it's MUCH easier to get taken out in L4D, especially if your team isn't paying attention. A bad team in Killing Floor can be overcome... enemy movements are predictable and it's possible to find enough firepower to compensate. In left 4 dead, you NEED your team if you get nailed by a special.

To put it simply, Killing Floor is a challenge of strategy and tenacity. Left 4 Dead is a test of teamwork and awareness.
It's important to stick together and watch out for each other in L4D, true enough... but they can also find you hiding in a closet later on the same level.

Let me also put it this way. Pauline loved Left 4 Dead, it was one of her favorite things to play.
Killing Floor nearly made her have a flustered, frustrated, tearful nervous breakdown.


Staff member
Hah, I remember one time I was playing L4D with a friend of mine and his dad... and his dad is taking SO LONG, I mean, checking EVERY SINGLE ROOM for supplies, stopping to ponder over every item as to whether to trade it for what he's got already or leave it behind... and this was level 1 of No Mercy! I couldn't bear to think how he'd be when we started going through actual office buildings later in the game. So when we got tired of waiting for him, my buddy led BotZoey into the safe room in the subway, and I went back out and melee'd the car right outside the entrance, setting off the car alarm and triggering a horde panic event, then sprinted back into the saferoom.

BuddyDad didn't make it. He kept yelling for help and we kept saying "where are you?" "He's not over here" "can't find him" but we were really still in the safe room.

BuddyDad got SO mad when he died and we instantly finished the level. I mean, it resurrected him immediately for the beginning of the next level, but he quit and never played with us again.


Staff member
Sorry guys, you really did miss out on one of the best cooperative gaming experiences of the late 2000s.


Staff member
Hrm. Ok. Can try it. Dunno if everybody has it, but at least you and I do![DOUBLEPOST=1412985056,1412984977][/DOUBLEPOST]I call coach.
I had to work today, but I'm off Sunday!

I have L4D2... never played it.[DOUBLEPOST=1412996381,1412996349][/DOUBLEPOST]And did @Jay really take his ball and go home?