We all have preferences. I prefer dark haired, exotic women, but I married a white, blonde haired woman. I find her extremely attractive, just not my perfect preference. Now if I was surfing a dating site, saw a black woman, and the reason I decide to click off and say "Nope" is because she is black, that is racist. I judged her attractiveness on the color of her skin as the main attribute and deemed that unworthy. Think of it in another light. What if the site was just to find a friend rather then a lover, and in the same manner, you wrote people off because they were black or hispanic, would you not call that racist? Why does the attribute of looking for a mate give a free pass?So, I recently read an article claiming that gay men who post on "dating" sites that they are only attracted to specific races are racist.
It makes me think of that Avenue Q song, "Everyone's a little bit racist".
I'd like to post in this thread but
I should be more specific, gender preferences are hard wired, but all the other little things that form our general preferences are nurtured. If you are a white woman growing up in a mixed race neighborhood, with mixed race friends, you are more likely to have attraction to both black and white males of your preferred gender. If you grow up in the middle of a white suburb, and your only knowledge of black men is seeing them as criminals on television, you are less likely to find them attractive as a mate due to those notions.And this is essentially the question the OP asked. Are all our our sexual preferences hardwired, and can they include other physical aspects of a person beyond a penis and a vagina, or just the penis/vagina thing?
I completely disagree with this statement, and it isn't supported by the (admittedly scarce) scientific scrutiny on the subject.I should be more specific, gender preferences are hard wired, but all the other little things that form our general preferences are nurtured.
Which? The nature of gender or the nurture of preferences? Do you believe both are hard wired, or that neither are? I have seen just as much (though sometimes flawed, I admit) research pointing both directions for all the various ideologies.I completely disagree with this statement, and it isn't supported by the (admittedly scarce) scientific scrutiny on the subject.
Just going back to this quote, again, we are not talking just "preference". A white guy that "prefers" a white woman over a black woman, but is still attracted to the black woman and would date her if qualities matched, is not racist. Going back to the first quote in the OP, "Only Attracted" represents that there is no attraction to other races, at all. If I saw a black woman, and the fact her skin was black made her completely undesirable to me, that is something formed, likely, by racist qualities.I know a white woman who largely prefers to date black men. Is she more or less racist than a white woman who would almost never prefer to date black men? On the flip side, I know a black woman who overwhelmingly likes the look of white guys, and in fact is married to one. Is she racist for her preference?
The scientific evidence leans toward racial bias in sexual selection to have at least some genetic influence. To try to equate not being attracted by the physical characteristics of a specific race as akin to crossing the street to avoid a black man out of fear is just ludicrous. It also unfairly stigmatizes what may be a bonafide sexual preference.Which? The nature of gender or the nurture of preferences? Do you believe both are hard wired, or that neither are?
I have never seen such studies pointing to our own genetics pointing us to certain races. I would be curious to read them if you have links.The scientific evidence leans toward racial bias in sexual selection to have at least some genetic influence. To try to equate not being attracted by the physical characteristics of a specific race as akin to crossing the street to avoid a black man out of fear is just ludicrous. It also unfairly stigmatizes what may be a bonafide sexual preference.
Additionally, the crux of your argument seems to be built upon the foundation that these 'racist' people are only attracted to their own race, completely ignoring the countless people who are drawn specifically to races other than (and to the exclusion of) their own.
Sorry. I was editing when you replied. I put some more stuff up there.I have never seen such studies pointing to our own genetics pointing us to certain races. I would be curious to read them if you have links.
In the end I am going off my own opinions and experiences, as was asked in this thread. We can disagree, but until I see more information linking that sexual desire towards race is a genetic trait, and not something nurtured over time due to factors in ones life, I am going to stick by what I said.
Why do you find it offensive? May I ask, do you feel zero attraction to women outside your race? I know, personal question, and I will not judge in any manner based on how you answer, I am just curious if you fall under the "ONLY" moniker that I am trying to discuss here, or you do find some attraction to other races, but lean always to your own? I find nothing wrong with the latter, but I feel there is more to the former.Your argument boils down to: "If you find yourself not attracted to a specific race, then you're a closet, subconscious racist," which I find patently offensive.
I find it offensive, the same as I would find any stigmatizing, bigoted blanket statement offensive. Why are you trying to bring my personal preferences (which have no bearing at all on the discussion) into the argument?Why do you find it offensive? May I ask, do you feel zero attraction to women outside your race? I know, personal question, and I will not judge in any manner based on how you answer, I am just curious if you fall under the "ONLY" moniker that I am trying to discuss here, or you do find some attraction to other races, but lean always to your own? I find nothing wrong with the latter, but I feel there is more to the former.
That is one of the better pics of Baje Fletcher that I've seen. I would never date her...for other reasons.Let me put it this way. You're (as in everyone, not trying to push this towards any one person in this thread) a red-blooded heterosexual man stranded on a desert island. The only other survivor of the horrible boat accident is a woman of another race. Let's imagine it's this woman.
We can agree to disagree. If you find Baje Fletcher attractive, you were not blanketed under my discussion anyways. You can feel offended by it, but I believe if someone can feel no attraction to someone due to variations in skin color, there is likely another cause then just base genetics. We can disagree, but until more research is truly done on the full nature of attraction, neither of us will gain much ground.You're trying to simplify my argument into a strawman. I've stated twice (and now thrice) that mating attraction (for both race and gender) is far more complicated that genetics versus environment. The reality lies somewhere in the mix of the two, and that mix likely varies from one individual to another. To simply label someone as a racist because of their stated attraction (without any other corroborating evidence) is offensive and wrong.
We listened to the Cracked podcast about that subject just yesterday. They found that babies prefer to stare at people like themselves rather than going too far outside their racial phenotype.Not that it's exactly a scientific journal, but I remember this from a Cracked piece on how awful babies are
That is a fair point, but does that mean we have two variations of "attraction" that need to be considered?I would also suggest that what we look for in a lover may not be the same thing(s) we look for in a mate.
It's possible. I'm not even sure that monogamy is anything other than an imposed social construct, for that matter (and I'm saying that as a guy who got cheated on big time).That is a fair point, but does that mean we have two variations of "attraction" that need to be considered?
Really though I have no place in this argument because I will fuck anyone.
Well, try not to cross over into T.C. territory. That'd be...excessive."I'LL FUCK ANYTHING THAT MOOOOOOVES!"
Did it involve trading partners, like you need to do with a real pokedex?Seriously though in my last single spell I actively tried to fill my racial pokedex