[PC Game] Hearthstone (Practically Beta)


Staff member
Quite a flood of cards revealed today... Guess the release is soon.

I want a Mechanical Yeti.[DOUBLEPOST=1417559788,1417559649][/DOUBLEPOST]Oh, I missed the release date announcement. December 8th.[DOUBLEPOST=1417559919][/DOUBLEPOST]Also, balance changes to existing cards. Three cards will get bumped up a mana cost:

Soulfire will cost 1
Gadgetzan will cost 6
Flare will cost 2[DOUBLEPOST=1417559980][/DOUBLEPOST]I'm surprised at no Undertaker nerf.


Staff member
Goblins vs Gnomes cards are now available to play with in the Arena!

Plus, anyone who logs into their Hearthstone account between Dec 4th and Dec 8th will get a free arena pass to use.[DOUBLEPOST=1417733347,1417732822][/DOUBLEPOST]Oh, and webspinners can pull GvG cards now, too.
So I started my free arena run, but got a kinda crappy draft. I'm 0-2 right now. I'm wondering though if I finish it on the 8th will my pack of cards be a GVG pack? Or since I started before GVG it'll be a classic pack. It didn't even dawn on me to maybe log in, get the free arena voucher and then do it on the 8th to ensure that I get a free GVG pack out of it.


Staff member
'rilla and King are both Hunter cards.
As are all other beasts that aren't neutral, besides Malorne (and the druids who transform into beasts, but those can't be drawn by Webspinner). I was suprised by Malorne because it's not a neutral or Hunter beast. Though, I guess there's going to be a lot of ways to get other classes minions now, so I shouldn't have been surprised.
So this is interesting: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1obrM_vAsopwMQz2U38HO5VTd3cI52riIPgvlZ6kC5zk/htmlview?usp=sharing&sle=true#

It's a table of several pro players reviews of the cards, ranging from Good-ok-bad. Some of these are kind of surprising and are making me think about the cards differently. I would have assumed feign death to be rated higher but only one thought it was good. Also interesting that out of all of them Amaz, who plays mostly priest, thought that lightbomb was bad.


Staff member
Almost forgot about this fun screenshot:
Hearthstone_Screenshot_11.28.2014 Double Malygos Win.jpg

First I mind controlled his Malygos. Then I used Faceless Manipulator and Holy Nova to wipe his board of giants. Then I used Holy Smite to finish him off the next turn.


Staff member
Argh! I like watching Total Biscuit play Hearthstone because his themed decks (like Lord of the Legendaries) produce much hilarity, but he's terrible at arena. He's playing Paladin, and he drafted a Novice Engineer. It's not a good card to begin with, but it's completely pointless in Paladin. A 1/1 that draws a card isn't actually card draw for a class that can create a 1/1 anyway! And he keeps it in his opening hand to play on turn 2... Just pick either of the two other cards in the draft, keep that card in your opening hand and pretend that you drew that card when you used your hero power on turn 2; congrats you've just added a 31st card to your deck "the imaginary novice engineer".
Argh! I like watching Total Biscuit play Hearthstone because his themed decks (like Lord of the Legendaries) produce much hilarity, but he's terrible at arena. He's playing Paladin, and he drafted a Novice Engineer. It's not a good card to begin with, but it's completely pointless in Paladin. A 1/1 that draws a card isn't actually card draw for a class that can create a 1/1 anyway! And he keeps it in his opening hand to play on turn 2... Just pick either of the two other cards in the draft, keep that card in your opening hand and pretend that you drew that card when you used your hero power on turn 2; congrats you've just added a 31st card to your deck "the imaginary novice engineer".
It's not useless, card cycle does have value, not because it lets you pretend you have 31 cards, but the opposite, pretend like you have 29. But you are correct that it's not that useful in arena.


Staff member
It's not useless, card cycle does have value, not because it lets you pretend you have 31 cards, but the opposite, pretend like you have 29. But you are correct that it's not that useful in arena.
The only time it has use for Paladin is if you want two 1/1 minions on the same turn. If you're not already using your hero power on the turn you play the Novice Engineer, then it doesn't actually cycle a card, and you might as well have had one less card in your deck to begin with. Especially if you intentionally kept it in your opening hand. Simply X-ing out an unwanted card and playing your hero power on turn 2 is just as effective as keeping the Novice Engineer and playing it on turn 2.

If you get it in late game topdecking, then a Novice Engineer is basically "use your hero power twice one turn", which isn't completely irrelevant, but that doesn't make the NE a card to keep in your opening hand. And it sure doesn't make it a better draft pick than an Ancient Brewmaster or an Oasis Snapjaw.
and you might as well have had one less card in your deck to begin with.
That's exactly what I said, it lets you play as if you had 29 cards, which can be advantageous... Just not in this scenario. TB is bad at hearthstone, but hey, at least he's better than Jesse Cox.
If you've been saving packs like me, to open today, you're outta luck. GvG packs are seperate from regular HS packs.

However, if you log in during the launch event, you'll get three free packs. And I even got my first new legendary.



Staff member
My first three packs:
Hearthstone_Screenshot_12.8.2014 _ GvG Pack 1.png
Hearthstone_Screenshot_12.8.2014 _ GvG Pack 2.png
Hearthstone_Screenshot_12.8.2014 _ GvG Pack 3.png

Aside from the mass amounts of Seal of Light, this is not a bad start. That Ogre Warmaul is even golden.


Staff member
After getting stomped in the first game of my free arena, I thought I'd just plow through and see what type of card pack an arena started before today results in. But no, I won my last two games with that deck, including the most recent that went to fatigue.

I was up against a Paladin, who had, from what I remember: 3x Consecration, 3x Aldor Peacekeeper, a Guardian of Kings, Hammer of Wrath, Truesilver Champion, Sword of Justice, Lay on Hands and Argent Protector. He had me down as low as 4 health at one point, when he was at 30.

Thank goodness my Blingtron decided to give him a Light's Justice when it gave me a Truesilver.[DOUBLEPOST=1418083991,1418083537][/DOUBLEPOST]Recombobulator combos look to be a lot of fun:
I plan on trying recombobulator in my handlock deck. Assuming bnet ever stops being borked. They've been getting ddos'd again.
Let's be honest.
It's his new favorite card because his face could've been the reference model for the card art.
