I'm not sure I'm reading it right, but 5 x 10^-6 Torr is less force than you'd get from a small aerosol spray can. Methinks you'd still need conventional boosters to get "up to speed" but then could potentially use these EM drives for slow course corrections for as long as you had power - which, if your solar panels and batteries hold up, could be as good as indefinite.
Major changes in direction however would still have to whip around gravity wells, I think.
Wait, no, I AM reading it wrong, that was their reading for what constitutes hard vacuum
Ok, so if I'm reading it right THIS time... maybe not a week, but it'll take less time than with conventional chemical thrusters. It's already apparently stronger than existing tech ion thrusters, and because it doesn't use chemical propellants, it can be fired indefinitely generating 0.4 newtons per kilowatt. Which granted isn't a lot of force, but if you figure in you basically will never run out of fuel so you can more or less be constantly thrusting....