There was a huge push to install solar panels here a while ago, with ridiculous tax incentives and subsidies for installing them. Turns out these things pretty much pay for themselves, so the subsidies were a bit exaggerated - people were making a profit from selling back power after 2 years, and they were promised subsidies for 20 years. The power companies were furious as well since having distributed power supply like that meant much more expensive maintenance and having to put in counters that could run both ways and whatnot, but they were legally barred from charging for the extra costs.
Now the government is trying to roll back the subsidies, but they're being challenged in court for reneging on a contract. Lovely. So the power companies have hiked up all prices for everybody, forcing those who couldn't (afford to) put in solar panels to pay for those who could/did.
Once the subsidies were lowered, the solar panel installation companies have started complaining -their business imploded, about 85% less work
Ahhh, lovely political decisions by people with no business sense.
Still, solar panels are a great investment in sun-drenched regions.