[Announcement] Way to go Supreme Court! Marriage Equality!

I hear this is going to cause a lot of unintended trouble with computer systems due to "Y2Gay," or the phenomenon of demographic-dependent software assuming that everyone who checks the "Married" box must be part of a heterosexual pair, and does not allow for the possibility of M+M or F+F couples.

Pro tip for software engineers: If you're going to rewrite your software, you might as well head off the inevitable and build in the ability for "Married" to recognize unions of > 2 people. Just sayin'.

You'd think people'd inform themselves beforehand about why property values are low in any given area, but noooo.
I live in Michigan, a State where subdivision developers have been known to pass out scratch-and-sniff cards with the scent of manure on them so you can decide early whether or not you really, really want to move out into farm country BEFORE you move.

Well, it's equality too.
That's basically my take on it. As long as they are refusing to acknowledge ALL marriages (like Alabama did when it got rid of marriage licensing in the follow up to this) there really isn't any discrimination. Hope they don't mind losing out on the money for marriage licenses though... though I can't wait for the insurance companies to try and pull "You don't got a marriage license, so your partner doesn't get benefits" on people in these states. It's gonna be a SHITSTORM.
Back when there was a debate over a potential law allowing gay marriage in Taiwan, a Facebook friend of mine posted a status arguing against it. Her main argument? Taiwan's birthrate is already disastrously low (which is true), and allowing gay marriage will make it drop even further.

Unfriended her, not for being bigoted, but for being an idiot.


Staff member
Ted Cruz on the Today show argued that a federal ban on slavery was cool with him because we fought a bloody war over it. Usurping states' rights is cool with Cruz as long as a whole lot of conscripted young people die for it.
That's basically my take on it. As long as they are refusing to acknowledge ALL marriages (like Alabama did when it got rid of marriage licensing in the follow up to this) there really isn't any discrimination. Hope they don't mind losing out on the money for marriage licenses though... though I can't wait for the insurance companies to try and pull "You don't got a marriage license, so your partner doesn't get benefits" on people in these states. It's gonna be a SHITSTORM.
Presumably, a lot of people are simply going to go to the neighboring states, especially now that full faith and credit has been pointedly re-addressed.