How to play Left 4 Dead (2).


Staff member
I might jump in if the fella and I are home. Don't wait up or anything, and please don't turn my Nick into a big-boobied woman.


Staff member
I might jump in if the fella and I are home. Don't wait up or anything, and please don't turn my Nick into a big-boobied woman.
Nick was the one with the giant horns and hair tentacles.

But don't worry, I've already swapped out mods, no anime chicks this time.
So we just did some versus, GB & myself vs Dei, Zero Esc, and Terrik. Except for one round where GB and I destroyed them, it was generally REALLY close.


Staff member
Encoding the footage. I think you guys are gonna like the mods this time. Won't be up until tomorrow morning probably, however.


Staff member
An interesting thing about the special infected, a musical sting will play when each one spawns. If it's quiet enough, and you know what the cues mean, you can tell what special infected are headed your way.


Staff member
An interesting thing about the special infected, a musical sting will play when each one spawns. If it's quiet enough, and you know what the cues mean, you can tell what special infected are headed your way.
Yeah, I used to pick up on those a lot more when I wasn't playing 4 player... with everybody jabbering all the time, I usually miss the leitmotifs.
Now that it's over and Terrik isn't getting us killed anymore, we can all look back on this and laugh ... at Terrik.

"Die, witch!"
Now that it's over and Terrik isn't getting us killed anymore, we can all look back on this and laugh ... at Terrik.

"Die, witch!"
Contrast that with me and GB in the mall:
GB enters control room, sees Witch RIGHT FUCKING THERE as he almost walks into her. I'm right behind him. GB: "Oh, fuck, the Witch is right in the control room!" Me: *walks right up to the Witch and empties the combat shotgun into her face, annihilating her* "Wait, that was a Witch?" I'd thought it was just a regular infected when I started shooting.