[PC Game] Hearthstone (Practically Beta)


Staff member
My initial impression was that I would hate this Brawl, and that Face Hunter/Shaman would completely dominate. After playing some face Hunter, I'm not so sure. Mages can cause a lot of trouble for a Hunter, though I'm not sure they'd prevail against a face Shaman.

In any case, this is probably not a good Brawl for most classes, and definitely not one for newbies to complete quests.
Kibler is having a tourney for Twitch subscribers on Saturday. I'm thinking about playing in it. I'll probably get wrecked, but w/e
About time DT updated.
It's like since Overwatch started being in beta, all the usual HS folks suddenly seem to have something more important to spend their time on.

Kibler is having a tourney for Twitch subscribers on Saturday. I'm thinking about playing in it. I'll probably get wrecked, but w/e
So I won the first round, lost the second, waiting for my second bracket match now. But I've already won 1 more round then I expected to win, so go me. Yay mediocrity!

I also recorded it to later berate myself for all my misplays.[emoji14]
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Yeah I was trying to talk in tourney chat as well, and anytime it wasn't the active window it did that. I clearly need to edit the video, but lazy right now.
You actually are. It's a guaranteed card in your very first pack.

Just to add to this, here's the direct quote.

Blizzard said:
C’Thun is especially tickled to lend you its aid: a Legendary C’Thun card and two Beckoner of Evil cards lie waiting to add the unutterable awesomeness of the Old Gods to your collection. Just open your first Old Gods card pack to collect these questionable new allies.
And you can pump him up as a time bomb.
I assume that also means lots more hard removal/counter, possibly even a "If your opponent plays a Legendary, counter it" secret mechanic, or a minion whose text is "Opponent cannot play C'Thun."

I wonder how it will interact with things like Snipe, Repentance, or Sacred Trial (or Mirror Entity).

Secrets won't trigger in time.

From the Hearthstone Gamepedia article on Battlecry said:
Battlecries occur after the minion enters play, and after 'whenever you play' triggered effects such as those of Illidan Stormrage and Hobgoblin. Battlecries occur before Secrets such as Mirror Entity, as well as Knife Juggler's 'after you summon' effect. However, 'whenever you summon' effects vary depending on the card:
I had a 13 priest, took an hour or so of casual questing to hit 15. Less than 40 min in dungeon finder for the last 5 levels.
Hey now we see the reason for the 1/1 brawl.
Now I just want to know if it copies everything (buffs, deathrattles) or just the base card.
