The following tropes in manga:
Male leads who are said to look scary or average, despite there being nothing physically wrong with them.
Fake romances that turn into real romances.
Romances that happen after one of them blackmails the other.
Romances between ten year olds and adults. WHY DO I KEEP SEEING THESE?!
Average male protagonists that exist solely to be a place-holder for the reader.
What I call:Kirito Style.
I do not know if this is where it started, and expect it not to be, but I see this design for protagonists EVERYWHERE and its annoying.
Stories where girls hide the fact that they are super strong for fear of not being popular.
Invisible parents.
When two of the main characters fight because of some dumb argument, when we KNOW they are just going to be friends a story arc later. LOOKIN' AT YOU FAIRY TAIL!
Something that happens in western fiction as much over there: Waiting an eternity for the two characters to start dating...and that's it! Not dating story, no break-up story, just the beginning and maybe flash back to the wedding and that's it. LAME!
And that's all I got right now.