Hey, out of curiosity, how well do you make out at cons selling books? I was talked out of bothering because I was told novelists make little to no money having a table. It winds up being more an expense than bringing in any kind of profit.
SCCC was my first con, so I only have the one experience to draw from.
Everything I've read says to keep expectations low: Hope to just barely cover expenses. And, as Denbrought says, it's better if you can share expenses. I saw a number of people along "author alley" doing exactly that. That said, I've heard some people do amazingly well. This con wasn't profitable for me, but I didn't expect it to be. I had a lot of one-time sunk costs in infrastructure: advertising, tablet for taking credit cards, display shelves, etc.
I chose to fly to Houston rather than hitting a local Con, because I knew a lot of people in town and hoped that they would show up to the con. (Point of note: Tons of people
said they'd show up..about 4 actually did). Plus I had friends in Houston willing to volunteer, giving me the ability to go take a whizz during the day, and giving me someone to talk to when I wasn't selling merch. And, the psychological boost of being on my "home turf" meant I was a lot less nervous/stressed than I might have been.
If you have to fly, rent a car, and rent a room, it's going to be difficult to even cover expenses. I stayed at a friends house, so I didn't have that cost. But car rental, airport parking, and flying are all super-expensive costs.
At SCCC, the first two days were horrible due to the Houston flooding. I sold maybe 6-10 items each of those days. Sunday was
much better. I was constantly busy the entire day, and moved closer to 75 items. If every day had been like Sunday, I'd have come close to breaking even (not counting the one-time costs). The next time I do one, I plan on driving, so that I knock out the flight expense and the rental expense, and only have gas to deal with--and the mileage will be
tax deductible according to the IRS.
Here's kind of my rough expense breakdown for future cons:
Driving to/from con: $40-600 (depending on distance)
Con table: $300-1000 (depending on con)
Merch: I already have an inventory now from unsold units of the last con
Advertising: I have that now too, so there's no cost as long as everything stays in good shape
So, if I keep expenses at around $700-800 for a con, I can make a profit off of one good day like Sunday's at SCCC. If I have an entire weekend like that, I could bring back a couple thousand dollars in profit. There are a few cons around the DC/Maryland/Virginia area that I could easily drive to, and I have some experience under my belt, so I feel comfortable branching out.
Be aware that you have to really be gregarious, make eye contact, smile, and do whatever it takes to engage the people walking by. A lot of authors along my row were heads-down, writing, reading, or otherwise not approachable. The guy in the booth immediately to my right sat slouched in his chair, arms crossed, looking surly out at the crowd all weekend. I think I saw him sell 3 books the entire time, and he'd give me the meanest look every time I'd get someone to come over to my table to talk. I understand that a lot of authors are introverts--but you aren't going to make money at a con that way.