But don't you know [company] is part of a conspiracy against [holiday]?! Or perhaps [holiday] is a cultural appropriation of [old custom]! Or perhaps [holiday] is actually [racist/sexist/privilege/etc]!I hate people who have to ruin shit for everyone else. Don't celebrate? Who gives a shit. Don't dress up.
Tyrone Tappler Productions posted Aug. 31 on Facebook looking for volunteers to pose as shooting victims.
"Club Pulse, Dancers, Victims … CAGED PEOPLE/SCREAMERS, Extras needed trying to escape a cage! … SOUNDS INTERESTING? COME OUT THIS SATURDAY!!!," the post read, according to the Windy City Times.
The Facebook page has since been deactivated.
Scenes of botched abortions and a recreation of the Charleston church shooting in 2015 were also set to be included in the haunted house.
Don't worry, just one more week and the skies will be blue, the grass green, the birds will sing and the Evil Overlord will Ascend to Consume the World.You salty people couldn't let a thread about Halloween stay apolitical for 2 hours.
The same election with Trump in a 5 point lead.I can think of nothing on this planet scarier than this election.
Um actually, I don't recall Leia using a lightsaber (and before you say it, the EU is dead).They both had light sabers and they were the correct ones
NEVAR!!!(and before you say it, the EU is dead).
Now THAT's doing the thing.Who the Hell is CAPT Tso? And why is he holding a little red hen? Is he from Rhode Island?
I can't ever see that graphic without it immediately reminding me of Pop 101.Now THAT's doing the thing.
Sadly, no. I didn't get to dress up at any point this year.Did @Celt Z go through with the Koakuma costume?
Sadly, no. I didn't get to dress up at any point this year.
But that doesn't mean I can't do it just for fun! And maybe I will....