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Halloween 2016




We wanted to go steampunk this year, but didn't want to blow a lot of dough. Party City was all out of steampunk costumes, so I present to you: Pharoah and his Queen.

full body us no smile.jpg pharoah.jpg cleopatra.jpg us normal.jpg




We don't do Halloween at my school due to certain religious objections from part of the community, but we do hold a Crazy Hat Day. This is a thing I made. This is a thing I wore on my head today.

I also rigged it up with a speaker and played a number of Mario themes through it.




that's cool :D




I hate people who have to ruin shit for everyone else. Don't celebrate? Who gives a shit. Don't dress up.




I hate people who have to ruin shit for everyone else. Don't celebrate? Who gives a shit. Don't dress up.
But don't you know [company] is part of a conspiracy against [holiday]?! Or perhaps [holiday] is a cultural appropriation of [old custom]! Or perhaps [holiday] is actually [racist/sexist/privilege/etc]!




I find it amusing that elementary kids here aren't allowed to dress up because it's too distracting, but middle and high school can.




Well, in this case he specifically said it was religious. You know, the tolerant people.


Charlie Don't Surf

Charlie Don't Surf

ever wonder where all the thoughts and prayers by Christians go after things like the Pulse massacre and Charleston church shooting?


Tyrone Tappler Productions posted Aug. 31 on Facebook looking for volunteers to pose as shooting victims.

"Club Pulse, Dancers, Victims … CAGED PEOPLE/SCREAMERS, Extras needed trying to escape a cage! … SOUNDS INTERESTING? COME OUT THIS SATURDAY!!!," the post read, according to the Windy City Times.

The Facebook page has since been deactivated.

Scenes of botched abortions and a recreation of the Charleston church shooting in 2015 were also set to be included in the haunted house.




You salty people couldn't let a thread about Halloween stay apolitical for 2 hours.




You salty people couldn't let a thread about Halloween stay apolitical for 2 hours.
Don't worry, just one more week and the skies will be blue, the grass green, the birds will sing and the Evil Overlord will Ascend to Consume the World.

Well, or Evil Overlady, you know how it is.




I thought I was your Evil Overlord.

Ummm... Overlady.





I can think of nothing on this planet scarier than this election.
The same election with Trump in a 5 point lead.




Man we moved to a new neighborhood, and still only about 5 trick or treaters. Keeping in mind that this is the third largest city in the US.


Celt Z

Celt Z

We actually got a few trick or treaters, between 20-30. I'll never understand this neighborhood. In 10 years, we've had, maybe 3 or 4 random years with trick or treaters. Last year it was a Saturday, and since we were taking Li'l Z out, I left a bowl of candy on the porch. No one touched a piece. Good candy, too. (I don't buy the crappy kind, in case we get leftovers. Yum!)

And I only had to put out the Stale Candy jar once this year for teenagers that didn't come in costume!




we had a decent turnout this year. Started slow so we were giving out handfuls of the stuff. Almost finished the giant bowl we had filled to the brim.




My husband almost ran out because he is a sucker for cute kids asking nicely for more candy.


Fun Size

Fun Size

We had our usual, which is a lot. Maybe 100. But that wasn't what made the night.

Last year, my wife wanted to buy a projector for parties. Well, I finally got to put it to decent use. I spread fake webs across our storm door, and then projected hauntings against the back of it all evening. The effect was amazing. I was so friggin happy.




We had 5 boxes of "full size" candy bars. That's 150 bars. Most kids got one of those.

We had 1 bag of "mini" candy bars. I dunno how many comes in those packages, but we gave 2 of each of those to smaller kids.

We ended up with maybe 10-15 pieces of candy left over by the end of the night. For a .93 sq mile town, this place is crazy busy on Halloween. Busier than any place I've ever lived. Probably because every kid in town can conceivably walk to every house in town over the 2-3 hour window that comprises a typical Halloween night.




... it occurs to me that I've never had a trick-or-treater since I moved out on my own.

I mean, my first apartment was locked indoor access, so that made sense.

Then I moved for college, and I lived in waaaaaaaay out in the woods on a gravel road with barbed wire and "NO TRESSPASSING" signs, so that made sense.

But now I live in town, front door accessible from the street... and I've never had a trick or treater.


I just remembered I actually did get a few trick or treaters in my first apartment, other kids who lived in the same building. So never mind that.




Thankfully, we had a pretty good turnout this year. There's nothing worse than a house with two diabetic stoners and a butt ton of leftover candy.




I live in a new neighborhood with a lot of young families, there were hundreds of kids out there last night. We spent half of it with my daughter giving out candy and me dressed up as a dinosaur entertaining the kids in the street. Later portion we went trick or treating but I kept getting delayed due to 30+ hugs, 100 pictures 300+ high fives. It was fun. I wonder on how many Facebook/Instagram/Snapchat pages.

Wore it at work... won best costume from 3 different office. Got a $50 gift card... so technically broke even with the costume minus the awesome memories for Leyla and my family. :)






I saw so many T-Rex costumes this year.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

No one ever knocks on the door, but if I put a bag of candy hanging from the knocker, we'll hear people getting some now and then. Majority of them probably aren't trick or treaters though.




I last went trick or treating when I was 14. I was 6 feet tall and 200 pounds... I wore a mu-mu and a witch mask. I scared the fuck out of a couple of home owners. I got a lot of candy though...


Celt Z

Celt Z

Funny enough, I only saw one Harley Quinn the entire weekend before and on Halloween, and it was a woman dressed as classic Harley Quinn (BtAS).




I only saw one as well and she was about 8. You could tell who she was but it wasn't "sexified" like the adult costumes are.

My favorite from the night, though, was a couple little kids. The little girl was dressed as Princess Leia with the white outfit and her hair in the cinnamon rolls. Her brother was Kylo Ren. They both had light sabers and they were the correct ones. When they left after getting candy they didn't say, "Thank you!" They said, "May the Force be with you!"




They both had light sabers and they were the correct ones
Um actually, I don't recall Leia using a lightsaber (and before you say it, the EU is dead).




(and before you say it, the EU is dead).




Best. Costume. Ever.




Who the Hell is CAPT Tso? And why is he holding a little red hen? Is he from Rhode Island?





Who the Hell is CAPT Tso? And why is he holding a little red hen? Is he from Rhode Island?

Now THAT's doing the thing.




Now THAT's doing the thing.

I can't ever see that graphic without it immediately reminding me of Pop 101.

...and maybe it wouldn't be as confusing if someone knew their rank insignia a little better.





Did @Celt Z go through with the Koakuma costume?


Celt Z

Celt Z

Did @Celt Z go through with the Koakuma costume?
Sadly, no. I didn't get to dress up at any point this year. :(

But that doesn't mean I can't do it just for fun! And maybe I will....:devil:




Sadly, no. I didn't get to dress up at any point this year. :(

But that doesn't mean I can't do it just for fun! And maybe I will....:devil:


Celt Z

Celt Z

Well, you did sign up for Secret Santa, so here's to hoping!




Well, you did sign up for Secret Santa, so here's to hoping!




This was in the new pictures thread, but I thought I'd post it here too because it was a Halloween costume. I'd worked out all summer long to pull off the outfit. I'll keep it up until next summer. Because I want to be 100% fit for Comic Con.
