a Trump vs Clinton United States Presidential Election in 2016

Who do you vote into the office of USA President?

  • Total voters
He doesn't live in Texas, McMullin *was* on the ballot where he lives.
Not that you would have voted for him, but McMullin did register in texas for write in, so he is eligible for presidential votes in TX.

http://www.dallasnews.com/news/2016...t-evan-mcmullin-eligible-write-ontexas-ballot[DOUBLEPOST=1478638912,1478638799][/DOUBLEPOST]And, in fact, there are only 8 states where you cannot vote for him:

States Where McMullin Appears on the Ballot

  1. Virginia (listed as an Independent candidate)
  2. Kentucky (listed as an Independent candidate)
  3. South Carolina (listed as an Independence candidate)
  4. Arkansas (listed as a Better For America candidate)
  5. Louisiana (Courage, Character, Service; party listed as Other)
  6. Minnesota (listed as an Independence candidate)
  7. Iowa (listed as an Independent candidate)
  8. Idaho (listed as an Independent candidate)
  9. Utah (listed as Unaffiliated)
  10. Colorado (listed as Unaffiliated)
  11. New Mexico (listed as a Better For America candidate)
States Where You Can Write In McMullin

  1. Maine
  2. New Hampshire
  3. Vermont
  4. Massachusetts
  5. Rhode Island
  6. Connecticut
  7. New York
  8. New Jersey
  9. Pennsylvania
  10. Delaware
  11. Maryland
  12. West Virginia
  13. Ohio
  14. Michigan
  15. Tennessee
  16. Georgia
  17. Alabama
  18. Wisconsin
  19. Illinois
  20. Missouri
  21. North Dakota
  22. Nebraska
  23. Kansas
  24. Texas
  25. Montana
  26. Wyoming
  27. Arizona
  28. Washington
  29. Oregon
  30. California
  31. Alaska
States Where McMullin Has no Ballot Access

  1. North Carolina
  2. Florida
  3. Indiana
  4. Mississippi
  5. South Dakota
  6. Oklahoma
  7. Nevada
  8. Hawaii
via http://heavy.com/news/2016/11/can-i...ident-where-states-mindy-finn-nathan-johnson/


Staff member
I won't vote third party because I don't like the candidates.[DOUBLEPOST=1478639050,1478638970][/DOUBLEPOST]So did anyone voting see anything weird at the polls like the alt-right people who said they were going to poll watch? Or were they only going to minority polling places?
I won't vote third party because I don't like the candidates.[DOUBLEPOST=1478639050,1478638970][/DOUBLEPOST]So did anyone voting see anything weird at the polls like the alt-right people who said they were going to poll watch? Or were they only going to minority polling places?
So vote independent! No party necessary.
I won't vote third party because I don't like the candidates.[DOUBLEPOST=1478639050,1478638970][/DOUBLEPOST]So did anyone voting see anything weird at the polls like the alt-right people who said they were going to poll watch? Or were they only going to minority polling places?
I did see one poor guy storm off because they wouldn't let him vote because the genius poll workers couldn't find him in the book and I wasn't able to grab him and tell him he could always fill out a provisional. :(

This was at 630am, so I'm hoping he got it sorted and came back.


Staff member
There's lots of reasons not to vote 3rd party. Stein is an anti-vaxxer who has no idea how government actually works. Johnson has no idea how to make his pipe dream agenda work. If you wanted to make a point about 3rd parties, you'd have been far better off with Weld heading the ticket instead. But instead you voted for the (L) next to the name same as the people you mock for voting for the (D) or the (R) instead of the person.
However many reasons you give to not vote Johnson or Stein, there are more to not vote Clinton or Trump. And to repeat myself yet again, breaking the 2 party stranglehold only works if you vote 3rd party up front to show that it can be done. Otherwise, every 4 years it'll be the same "can't vote 3rd party, they can't win because nobody votes for them" situation that keeps us shackled to the Demopublicans. The same old race to the bottom where both candidates get worse and yet their supporters only get more fervent because the other guy is so much "more" awful. And we stay with it because every 4 years we also forget we're electing a president, not a dictator. As I said before, even if Johnson were to magically get elected, that doesn't mean the legislative branch just gives him a rubber stamp and goes home.

And on that bombshell,
More like tiny fizzle.[DOUBLEPOST=1478639421,1478639364][/DOUBLEPOST]
I won't vote third party because I don't like the candidates.
So you didn't vote at all, then?
Voting third party isn't going to stop Trump. I'm voting Clinton because that's the best chance of that. This isn't complicated.

Feld really should've been the Libertarian nom IMO, but I guess that doesn't matter.
All in all, Weld seems like a real solid guy with a good history of getting things done. I'm honestly quite surprised that the Libertarians preferred Johnson.
All in all, Weld seems like a real solid guy with a good history of getting things done. I'm honestly quite surprised that the Libertarians preferred Johnson.
Weld didn't run for the LP nomination, so it's not a matter of the party members preferring one or the other. Johnson is the one who brought Weld in to the party after he secured the nomination.
I think I already said my piece on this in the political pictures thread but I'll post here just because I'm seeing a lot of this "logic" going on in this thread.



Staff member

This is why we're shoveling shit on you guys. You bring up this weak ass shit on Clinton and act like "oh see they're BOTH bad". No, it's not the same at all.

I don't like Clinton. She's a career politician and part of a political family, two things I don't particularly enjoy. However, putting her anywhere even remotely NEAR the ballpark of Trump in terms of being a bad choice is....well it's insulting. Or...self insulting? What's the word for that? Stupid?
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Only Trump could make Clinton look good.
Both candidates are weirdly enough the only candidates the other could possibly beat. We got the worst choices possible, the system works.

In other news, I had a tire blow out on me on the way to the polling place. Seemed like the universe was commenting to me.
You know I made it through all of election season without having to unfollow my relatives, but my aunt is spamming voter fraud things all over her FB and it's the only thing I can even see in my feed.


Staff member
But I thought you didn't vote for candidates you didn't like.
With 4choices I don't like, you vote for the one most palatable, which I did. You can keep trying to twist things around on me but I really don't have to justify shit to you.
I won't vote third party because I don't like the candidates.[DOUBLEPOST=1478639050,1478638970][/DOUBLEPOST]So did anyone voting see anything weird at the polls like the alt-right people who said they were going to poll watch? Or were they only going to minority polling places?
I live in Milwaukee on the north side, so no. This is the first year I've lived in a plac where there were more Democrats on the ballot than Republicans.
Man, Samantha Bea had a pretty good thing on how Hilary has taken a disproportionate amount of public shit her entire adult life, since Bill was a Governor. Every time she's "just as badded" as Trump just continues to prove it.


Staff member
There was a guy just standing outside my polling place who looked weirdly out of place, but it was an elementary school and it was letting out right when I finished. He didn't seem to be getting a kid, but the kid could have been coming out late.


Staff member
With 4choices I don't like, you vote for the one most palatable, which I did. You can keep trying to twist things around on me but I really don't have to justify shit to you.
Well, glad to see you're comfy with your open cognitive dissonance. You said you didn't vote third party because you didn't like the candidate. Not because it wasn't the best chance to defeat Trump, a la Zero, but because you didn't like the candidate.

So, it only stands to reason that either you like Hillary and just don't want to own it, or despite your protestations, you were really just also voting for who you thought was most likely to result in a Trump defeat.[DOUBLEPOST=1478643782,1478643705][/DOUBLEPOST]
Man, Samantha Bea had a pretty good thing on how Hilary has taken a disproportionate amount of public shit her entire adult life, since Bill was a Governor. Every time she's "just as badded" as Trump just continues to prove it.
No it doesn't, you just have a confirmation bias bigger than anyone I've ever seen in my life. And around here, that's saying something.


Staff member
You're starting to sound like Scott Adams Gas.
I would assume Scott Adams Gas sounds kind of farty. The question is what kind? Is he a "silent but deadly" or a "rip and roar" kind of guy? Based on what I know of Scott Adams I'm going to guess he's more the "mouse squeak" kind of farter, with the occasional "wet and wild" variety.