[Movies] Talk about the last movie you saw 2: Electric Threadaloo


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The Searchers: John Wayne, Jeffery Hunter, and Natalie Wood
i.e. the movie that SHOULD have won the Oscar for John Wayne. A very tight, visceral look at vengeance and racism. It had to be the most serious Western movie made to that date. But thank God for Ward Bond as The Reverend Captian Samuel Johnson Clayton. A comic relief bad ass.

If you have never seen this film add it to your bucket list now.
Hah, after all these years, I still remember "I'll thank you to unhand my fie-antsy!"

I was going to see Arrival last night, but there was a fire at the theater while we were waiting for it to start, so uh, that was a no go. Maybe tonight will be different.
Purely on the basis of certain gifs that have been posted, I decided to watch Cashback.

Holy shit that first 20 minutes is a slog. Then the fanservice starts, and it vastly improves. Not only because of the nudity, but also because the character finally starts becoming moderately interesting.

By the end of it, once the narrator / plot got a bit over themselves, it actually finished up kind of nicely. He is extremely lucky that she thought he was romantic instead of creepy, though.
The Wolverine

I tried watching this once when it first came on Netflix. Soon into it, I lost interest and decided to turn it off. Tonight, I decided to give it a second chance.

And it's...okay. I get that they were trying for an almost noir mystery and Logan trying to figure out all the different factions. As a whole, it just doesn't work. There's one big "shock" near the tail end and it would've worked so much better if they'd revealed it like 10-20 minutes earlier.

Overall, it's just okay. There are many worse comic book movies out there, but there are a lot better ones, too. It's better than Wolverine: Origins or X-Men 3, but that's not saying much.
The Wolverine

I tried watching this once when it first came on Netflix. Soon into it, I lost interest and decided to turn it off. Tonight, I decided to give it a second chance.

And it's...okay. I get that they were trying for an almost noir mystery and Logan trying to figure out all the different factions. As a whole, it just doesn't work. There's one big "shock" near the tail end and it would've worked so much better if they'd revealed it like 10-20 minutes earlier.

Overall, it's just okay. There are many worse comic book movies out there, but there are a lot better ones, too. It's better than Wolverine: Origins or X-Men 3, but that's not saying much.
Let's hope Old Man Logan makes up for it.
I enjoyed Moana. Can't say more right now, but it was good.
It's really odd. Normally, in Dutch, we either keep the English title, or do a literal translation. In french, they tend to go a bit further and really change titles to completely different stuff. Anyway, early on, there was Dutch/English marketing for Moana, and French marketing for "Vaïana: La Légende du bout du monde" (which is the French name of the movie, for some reason). However, when they sort of stopped with trailers/sneaks, shortly before the big push to release, they decided to change it over for us as well. They say it was for practical reasons, but in the end, you now have: a) a bunch of confused people looking for Moana and only seeing Vaïana; b) Dutch-the-Netherlands merch for Moana alongside Dutch-Belgium merch for Vaïana. I don't understand why they thought this would be a good move.
The Arrival

Damn good sci-fi movie. Definitely worth seeing. Though I regret having the twist spoiled for me before going to see it.

Fantastic Beasts & Where to Find Them

This was genuinely charming and fun. All the same dazzling fun you'd expect from the same Potter universe. The sudden twist right at the end felt a little cheap, though. And I have to agree with MovieBob's assessment: it shared a LOT of similarities with Doctor Who. In fact, with that in mind when I saw it, I couldn't help feeling like I was watching a mystical version of Doctor Who, with the main character doing a pretty good Matt Smith impression, and complete with a box that's bigger on the inside.

Still a lot of fun, though, and I'm definitely down for the planned sequel.
Moana was a lot of fun. Beautiful movie, many good scenes and they kept the focus tightly on the two leads. Lots of fun storytelling techniques at play too in going over backstories and legends.

Audience-wise, I felt so bad when

Moana's grandmother is dying. A little girl way in the back was sobbing so hard. Most of the kids in the audience weren't really processing it, aside from a little boy asking "What's wrong with her? What happened to her?" but that little girl was having a rough time of it.


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I just rewatched Top Gun for the first time in probably decades. It's interesting to see how different a 30 year old movie is today than when you first watched it. It's a movie with problems.

I mean, even putting aside the rampant inaccuracies (Migs carrying French exocet missiles? F-14s DOGFIGHTING WITH GUNS??) and repeated use of the same aviation footage again and again, and the fact that the narration of the action sequences seldom actually match what is happening on screen, AND putting aside the fact that of course the "MiG 28s" are actually F-5s because where the heck would hollywood come by an actual MiG 28 in 1985, and especially putting aside the idea that the Indian Ocean would possibly have "enemy territory" for a disabled US ship to drift into in the first place, much less territory of an enemy equipped with cutting edge MiG fighters...

..Even putting aside ALL that...

... the first half of the movie is a disjointed headache. It seems less a coherent story than a montage of unconnected events. No rhyme, reason or motivation that carries the viewer from one scene to the next other than "oh, I guess this is what is happening now, whatever this is." I was starting to get a little depressed at how badly the movie was failing to measure up to my nostalgia for it.

And then Goose died.

And holy shit did the movie suddenly become oscar material. The directing vastly improves. The story actually flows in a way that is understandable from scene to scene, as opposed to the previous jarring experience. The actors actually have to start showing more emotion and depth than simple swaggering bravado, and they do. The conflict within Tom Cruise's character is communicated expertly without verbal exposition, and the various characters dealing with the loss and the need to move on form a tableau. Maverick loses his mojo, learns about his father's mysterious death, gets his mojo back. It's powerful stuff.

It's funny how all the "boring" parts I wished would be over so they could get back to blowing up stuff when I was a kid is what turns out to carry this movie in the eyes of an adult.

So yeah, it's a movie with problems, but it redeems itself amazingly in the fourth and fifth reel.
Hollywood would have a very hard time finding a real MiG-28 in any era, because MiGs are only issued with odd numbers. It could possibly have been a MiG-29K (naval version of MiG-29) but they look nothing like an F-5. Exocet missiles were undoubtedly named because of their infamy due to the Falklands war, Libya, and Iran-Iraq war, in which British and US ships took hits from French Exocet missiles. A MiG-27 could have carried Kh-59MK Ovod missiles.

An F-14 dogfighting with cannon is unlikely but possible; with wings fully extended it was surprisingly maneuverable at 400 km/h, which is the average speed at which air combat maneuver takes place, and 20mm cannon is not a bad option at close range when a missile lock is uncertain. By the way, the "hard deck" they mention during Top Gun training? Not to go below 10,000 feet? That's because many air to air missiles get confused by the ground at altitudes lower than that. MiGs in Vietnam quickly learned that, since F-4s didn't have cannon at the start of the war, if they dove below 10,000 feet, our fighters couldn't engage.


Staff member
Saw the new Ghostbusters. Wasn't as bad as the trailers made it look. I laughed, but it was short on plot, and they made the same joke about 20 times (ha ha isn't it funny when we talk over the top of each other and try to make opposite points).
Saw the new Ghostbusters. Wasn't as bad as the trailers made it look. I laughed, but it was short on plot, and they made the same joke about 20 times (ha ha isn't it funny when we talk over the top of each other and try to make opposite points).
Yeah it wasn't terrible, but it wasn't especially good, either. And it did tend to beat the same gags into the ground.
Saw the new Ghostbusters. Wasn't as bad as the trailers made it look. I laughed, but it was short on plot, and they made the same joke about 20 times (ha ha isn't it funny when we talk over the top of each other and try to make opposite points).

They made the same wonton soup joke like three or four times? Were these all takes on the same scene that they just used to pad out the movie? WTF?
Hunt for the Wilderpeople

Lived up to the hype. It was funny, laugh out loud in some scenes. Heartbreaking in others. The kid was a charming scene-stealer and Sam Neill played off him perfectly. It never dragged and it shows the rugged beauty of the New Zealand bush at every occasion. A truly excellent movie.
You guys, I am in the grips of a depression that I haven't gone through for years, way before I went on anti-depression meds. Like, last night I sat in a chair for around 30 minutes, staring vacantly at a Hot Wheels track on the ground, just trying not to break into another round of head-aching sobs, trying to remember why I quit drinking. I mean, it's ugly.

I'm not telling you this because I want sympathy or anything. That would be in another thread. I just wanted you guys to have some context here.

So, Batman V Superman wasn't that bad.
The Road

Whoo buddy. it's a good movie that really grabs you by the heart. it's not GREAT, in my opinion, but it's certainly close. Vigo and the kid both do pretty great jobs I feel. I felt like the kid actually had some mannerisms of char-lease-there-on (sp?) Who plays his mom. I didn't notice that the first time around.

Some of the other people though I just kind of feel like.... I dunno. they were clearly sad and all but it almost felt over the top.

The ending
Is a little more cheerful than the book as the son meets the whole family that had been following them. In the book it's just the one man (if I remember correctly) so it's a little up in the air if he was on the up and up. I feel like for the movie and the amount of time spent on vigo's death you have to bring it back up a little

8/10 would cry to again
The Road

Whoo buddy. it's a good movie that really grabs you by the heart. it's not GREAT, in my opinion, but it's certainly close. Vigo and the kid both do pretty great jobs I feel. I felt like the kid actually had some mannerisms of char-lease-there-on (sp?) Who plays his mom. I didn't notice that the first time around.

Some of the other people though I just kind of feel like.... I dunno. they were clearly sad and all but it almost felt over the top.

The ending
Is a little more cheerful than the book as the son meets the whole family that had been following them. In the book it's just the one man (if I remember correctly) so it's a little up in the air if he was on the up and up. I feel like for the movie and the amount of time spent on vigo's death you have to bring it back up a little

8/10 would cry to again
I always found this book/movie to uplifting, but other folks who've watched it can't make it to the end. *shrug*

No, he meets the whole family eventually. I remember the woman was really religious in the final paragraphs.

Pretty great overall. The story was really fun and engaging. The characters had some demension to them, at least as much as you need for a kids movie. The music was good for the most part. I was actually surprised that Dwyane Johnson sang and that it was passable at that! The display of their culture felt respectful. The villains were all pretty unique and how they were delta with was fun each time. I liked that Moana didn't have a love interest and Maui more questioned her age and background than gender as why she was weak and unfit for an adventure. Overall a really good experience for kids and adults alike I'm sure.

9/10. I didn't dig the crab monster as a character that much and his song reminded me of bowie but more as an impression than tribute. Otherwise 10/10 probably.