Fought against it. Rogue did Swashburglar (Patches came out, but that's irrelevant now). Shadowstep. Swashburglar. Shadowstep. Swashburglar. Coin. Ferryman. Swashburglar. She had the quest done on turn 3, and only had to wait two turns before every crappy one-drop was a 5/5, plus all their other effects. My warlock could not compete even though I finished my quest soon. 3/2 < 5/5.
Also, shit on Reddit for believing the priest quest would be hard to pull off. It's summon deathrattle minion, not play. That leaves plenty of wiggle room to suddenly be boosted to 40 health. Right now, I think paladin's quest is hard to pull off, but I can't deny the outcome. 11/5 Galvadon had taunt and windfury, and then I threw a divine shield on for extra. Opponent conceded, but the wrong card in their hand would've ended all that work.
I have 9 copies of some cards, but I'm going to fight the urge to disenchant extras until things have settled; want to make sure Blizzard won't be nerfing something I play. This evening has been weird; there's so much to take into account, both with cards gone and mechanics introduced, it feels like learning the game all over. I had to keep reminding myself "no, that enemy warlock's HP is actually going down; Reno isn't about to pop up and enrich the guy."