I watched both. It's too bad that the study he quoted didn't include anyone with hypotension, but without that group there, I guess I can include myself in the normal group as I certainly don't belong to the high pressure group. I guess that I don't have to feel bad when I drive through for some of those bad, bad McDonald's fries that I love.Go to 2:13 in this one. Other stuff before that isn't related:
And just watch this whole one:
Salt is basically only bad for you if you are consuming MASSIVE amounts, or you're already sensitive to it. Consuming too LITTLE is even worse than consuming too much, regardless of if you already were sensitive.
So don't worry about consuming some salt. Your doctor appears to be well-informed (on that at least).
My doctor has recommended that I eat more salt on many occasions including when my pressure was dropping 20 points on standing and when I've mentioned that it's been super low at a treatment. More investigation was done to find out why it was dropping 20 points on standing, he suggested the salt as something that might help while I waited.
What I find odd is that I have a friend with high blood pressure and her doctors freak out over it and she is medicated for it and monitored constantly for it. Isn't low pressure dangerous as well? Not that I want any more medical things on my schedule.