I think what bothers me is how you equate the whims of this president with the whims of all the previous. This administration is unprecedented, to the point where George W. Bush, the most WTF president of our time, said during inauguration "That was some weird shit".
All things aren't equal. Previous presidents respected tradition and respected the press, at the very least attempted to play 'the game'. This isn't normal. It isn't something which has happened time and again due to an extreme overuse of power. Today is different. I have no idea how you can think this is what we've already seen.
All things aren't equal. Previous presidents respected tradition and respected the press, at the very least attempted to play 'the game'. This isn't normal. It isn't something which has happened time and again due to an extreme overuse of power. Today is different. I have no idea how you can think this is what we've already seen.