No, you’re actually wrong. They’ve discussed it at length with the press, and they have determined without a doubt they will not be hiring Gunn back on despite everyone who works are Marvel Studios practically begging them to reconsider.
The movie is on hiatus because the cast is publicly upset (especially Bautista), much of their target audience will not support a new GotG movie without Gunn, and they aren’t sure exactly who to get to replace Gunn. At the odds are very good that they won’t ever make it, and instead completely reshuffle their Phase 4 plans.
No, the current Walt Disney executives in charge of the movie said this. Alan Horn is the current big dog amongst those who made the firing decision and the one who stands to lose the most... the one who has ALREADY lost the most. The word is out that he's going to retire in a few months because he's lost his chance at the big chair, so the delay is just a face saving measure for him. This won't look odd, he's already 75. Once the heat is off and the people who stood to lose face are gone, there really isn't anything keeping them from bringing Gunn back ether as director or as shadow-co-director.
As it is though, unless the next Avengers completely writes off the Guardians, Phase 4 is kind of fucked. They could do Nova or something (maybe bring back John C. Reily as a mentor for Nova?) but the fans already know what happened and they will not be pleased.
And yes... the shareholders have their torches and pitchforks out. That movie was guaranteed money and it got iced because a single old executive at the top wasn't media aware. Expect to see heads roll if something like this happens again.
EDIT: Something else to consider; Disney hasn't talked to ANYONE about taking over a director of the movie. If they had, we'd know. Which ether means no one wants the job because of the heat or that it's basically cancelled at this point.