Many (dare I say most?) people have something that motivates them that is more of a lure than money.
I cannot even begin to try and explain how much it irks me that I was (and probably forever will be) denied the opportunity to experiment with the Universe due to a combination of lack of equipment, lack of funds, restrictions on materials, etc. I have a curiosity which cannot be contained, but I run into soooo many roadblocks that keep me from following it where it otherwise would lead. I look at the achievements of Da Vinci, Franklin, Tesla, etc., and while I don't for one moment think that I would bend History as much as any of them, the fact that I am denied the opportunity to even try due to my urgent need to spend almost every waking moment keeping a roof over my family's heads and food in our bellies makes me SO FRUSTRATED.
You could "pay" me in food, shelter, and lab supplies, and I would probably live a productive and happy life on next to no "income," but that is not how this world works...and it burns. Burns.