I was literally in a Deltascape queue for 40 minutes as DPS before giving up. The
whole point is to avoid that need. The alliance raid suggestions may work.
You can't grind out Mendacity for a Ryumaku weapon. As I said above, you NEED stuff from Alphascape to get the "special" tomestone to buy the weapon. You can't just use a bunch of Mendacity. If I'm wrong, please point out the correct procedure. See
here for how it needs 10 tokens (fine, that's 1000 tomestones) and 1 "Prototype Tomestone" which you need: 4 Sigmascape Crystalloids.
Please tell me more about the Rakshasa weapons... crafted? I'll have to look up on the market how much they usually are. Hopefully semi-reasonable.
Any more info on Eureka? Is it purely for grinding for 70+ gear, but no exp?