Convicted Felon, Racist, Rapist, and President Trump Thread

Read the whole story. Pubs had this vote on the calendar every day for months. Told the Dems they wouldn't hold it on 9/11 so people could do the whole memorial thing and, obviously, were fucking lying. The democrats were stupid for believing obvious lying scumfucks and the republicans are obviously lying scumfucks. Literally, never believe a word they say.


Staff member
Read the whole story. Pubs had this vote on the calendar every day for months. Told the Dems they wouldn't hold it on 9/11 so people could do the whole memorial thing and, obviously, were fucking lying. The democrats were stupid for believing obvious lying scumfucks and the republicans are obviously lying scumfucks. Literally, never believe a word they say.
Well, yeah, obviously that was a lie. I wasn't referring to that part, more the thing where DA keeps saying "stop worrying about votes and DO WHAT IS RIGHT!"

They've never put "right" ahead of votes, for the most part, and it's unlikely they will without being replaced. I mean, there are a few ideologues like Cortez, but they are very, very much statistical outliers.
Did someone cover that trump wants to start putting homeless people in concentration camps? Might've missed that here but that seems like a big deal.

Edit: never mind, frank got it.
Personally, I think if Bin Laden was still alive today, he'd be sending a message to Trump going, "Okay, too much there, infidel."
Personally, I think if Bin Laden was still alive today, he'd be sending a message to Trump going, "Okay, too much there, infidel."
Trump would be a big fan of his and be in "friendly" communications with BL to discuss the handing over of Afghanistan and the withdrawal of U.S. troops.
So Iran complied with the agreement, then America abandoned the agreement, so Iran stopped complying with the agreement, so America placed sanctions on Iran and now America is going to pay Iran to return to the agreement....odd.
Jesus, you guys having major debates so far out from an actual election. I'm so fucking glad Canadian election season is legally only allowed to by a few weeks.
So Iran complied with the agreement, then America abandoned the agreement, so Iran stopped complying with the agreement, so America placed sanctions on Iran and now America is going to pay Iran to return to the agreement....odd.
I'm like 99% sure I posted at some point that this was going to be the conclusion of the Iran deal. Just like NAFTA.
I think if you want to hurt cheeto, you need to pound relentlessly on the scandal about making the military use his hotels. Yes it violates the constitution, but the simple farmers, the people of the land, the common clay of America, they can understand this. They know it's not okay to make people who report to you give you their money.
I think if you want to hurt cheeto, you need to pound relentlessly on the scandal about making the military use his hotels. Yes it violates the constitution, but the simple farmers, the people of the land, the common clay of America, they can understand this. They know it's not okay to make people who report to you give you their money.
They still won’t care. As long as Trump keeps promising to put brown people in cages and piss off “the libs,” they’re going to support him no matter what. He has 40% of the country locked in.


Staff member
They know it's not okay to make people who report to you give you their money.
I'm not sure they do. There are a lot of people, especially white dudes, who think it's absolutely necessary for businesses to exploit their workers in order for businesses to be competitive. They've been told that businesses are just barely getting by, and that's why jobs are leaving the country. They've been told that businesses have to underpay, understaff, overwork, etc their workers, or else they won't be able to employ anyone at all. It's an abusive relationship where workers believe that they have to put up with being exploited, because they think the abusive partner is the only one who will support them. (And sometimes it's highly educated, salaried workers with job security, who are just nodding along to conservative talk radio saying "well, they should be happy they have jobs at all, no other business would want them".)

Also, there are a lot of people out there who will see this as a triumph of business over government; the evil government has been forced to give money back to the good businesses that make this country possible.


Staff member
We need to go back to the 1960's & 1970's when businesses were aware that they had a connection and obligation to the community and not just shareholders. The move from socially conscious business ethics practices to that of the "shareholder maximization" was the primary driver for the oligarchy we now "enjoy".
We need to go back to the 1960's & 1970's when businesses were aware that they had a connection and obligation to the community and not just shareholders. The move from socially conscious business ethics practices to that of the "shareholder maximization" was the primary driver for the oligarchy we now "enjoy".
Did we ever, though? It may the the cynic in me, but it seems like for a long time those companies didn't have a shortage of home-grown undereducated workers that didn't have the means to leave their hometown or complain about labor. But when saw the rise of the average American receiving higher education, we also saw jobs shipped overseas.

To be fair, I wasn't born yet, so I'm looking at this with different eyes. But I'd like what you said to have been true, and to see it come back. I think that would require a shot that eliminates "greed" from our DNA.
I think that would require a shot that eliminates "greed" from our DNA.
Hell, I'd settle for a vaccination that allows people to see avarice for what it really is, and not confuse it with "motivation," "drive," "attraction," or "success," but of course they'd refuse to get it because anti-vax.

Honestly, I have told my friends for years now that I blame a lot of the worlds issues on "public companies."

Most businesses, when handled well, can sustain themselves on their own. Make more revenue then expenses, save profits, continue. The issue is that doing that will not make you, the owner, super wealthy. No, to do that you take the company public, open to shareholders, become a millionaire / billionaire through shareholder investments and bonuses (on the assumption that you will always grow the company) and then just sell the business to some hedge fund investor, who then cuts expenses / jobs to keep growth levels high until the inevitable day growth stales, shareholders leave, and the company is either bailed out or buckles under the weight of all that "growth" it had to deal with.

It's shareholders that bring us amazing new systems like loot boxes (or now whole fucking casinos) in $60 video games, because all that extra money coming in looks good, and adds to growth, even if it's fucking predatory.

Anyways, sorry, just a strong opinion of mine.
The stakeholder-to-shareholder move took a long time and has utterly destroyed capitalism and economic liberalism. Eternal growth is impossible and frankly undesirable, but is the only goal left.
cheeto walks into a room and shouts "where's my favourite dictator" where he was to meet the Egyptian President.

I'm running out of garbage cans.

Did we ever, though? It may the the cynic in me, but it seems like for a long time those companies didn't have a shortage of home-grown undereducated workers that didn't have the means to leave their hometown or complain about labor. But when saw the rise of the average American receiving higher education, we also saw jobs shipped overseas.

To be fair, I wasn't born yet, so I'm looking at this with different eyes. But I'd like what you said to have been true, and to see it come back. I think that would require a shot that eliminates "greed" from our DNA.
After the Farmington disaster in 1968, miners marched on Charleston to push for black lung legislation. They had to fight THEIR OWN UNION LEADERSHIP to finally get it.
"If you’re wondering why so many progressives are mourning Bolton’s firing tonight, it’s because Bolton himself fundamentally was a man of the left," (Tucker) Carlson said Sept. 10 on his show. (Politifact)

In other news, we've always been at war with Eastasia.