Convicted Felon, Racist, Rapist, and President Trump Thread

I don't think it matters. The corruption and partisanship is so complete nothing will change.

I just don't think we will see anything matter.


Staff member
D'ya think they have a case?
For rational people? Yes.

For Republicans? God could open up the heavens and deliver evidence written on the fabric of the universe in mile high flaming letters that are visible to every state in the nation, and they still wouldn't find Trump guilty of any wrongdoing.
*So long as you were white, male, and/or wealthy
Looking in the mirror... two out of three ain’t bad?

America has always been a beautiful idea with a horribly flawed execution. But that’s more than a lot of places can say. And now we don’t even have ideals to strive for.


Staff member
You know, I pride myself on being reasonable and NOT muting/unfriending people on Facebook because of their political posts. But this week there was the fake news thing going around about the Australian park that was covered in litter from the environmental protest. Turns out the picture was from a 420 celebration in Hyde Park in April. Debunked on several news sites, including local news in Australia, the Guardian, BBC, etc. I pointed this out to a friend who had shared the picture and his response was, "Were you there? How do you know mine is fake but yours is real?"

I responded that his source was a right-wing Twitter post while mine sources were reputable news organizations with actual proof and actual pictures of the actual event.

He responded again, "Were you there?!? Are you sure?"

He's now blocked. I can deal with ignorance, but this was just stupid. And yes, he's a HUGE Trumper.
You know, I pride myself on being reasonable and NOT muting/unfriending people on Facebook because of their political posts. But this week there was the fake news thing going around about the Australian park that was covered in litter from the environmental protest. Turns out the picture was from a 420 celebration in Hyde Park in April. Debunked on several news sites, including local news in Australia, the Guardian, BBC, etc. I pointed this out to a friend who had shared the picture and his response was, "Were you there? How do you know mine is fake but yours is real?"

I responded that his source was a right-wing Twitter post while mine sources were reputable news organizations with actual proof and actual pictures of the actual event.

He responded again, "Were you there?!? Are you sure?"

He's now blocked. I can deal with ignorance, but this was just stupid. And yes, he's a HUGE Trumper.
The "fake news"outcry, combined with serious news outlets going for click-bait and regularly posting junk just for clicks/attention, along with social media giving practically anyone a pulpit, has really hurt democracy and general society enormously, and might be this generation's counterweight of crap to last generation's literal piles of waste.
Hey look, the phone call content was released. At first glance, at least, it seems the President asked a foreign leader to investigate his political rivals; offered American help with that investigation, and made it quite clear the aid would be released only after steps were taken.

That's....Why would you release that? Is he just so convinced he could kill a guy on fifth avenue and not be impeached that he's decided to just flaunt it now? And the sad part is, he's right.


Staff member
What's amazing is that it's highly redacted and STILL shows clear crimes being committed and implicated Barr directly. Oh, and another direct quote that shows Trump breaking the emoluments clause. But since nobody is going to DO anything about it, why shouldn't he? He knows with the current senate (*cough*Moscow Mitch*cough*) he's pretty untouchable.
He responded again, "Were you there?!? Are you sure?"
Well, was HE there?

I mean if that's the proof required...

That's....Why would you release that?
It was likely going to leak either way, but this way he can say it can't prove he's guilty, because he released it...

You know, like Jr. and the russian meeting e-mails that proved he was lying all along...
Surely this is the moment our well-regulated militia puts the fear of god into these tyrants, justifying all the horrors we put up with because of them otherwise. Right? Right??
Surely this is the moment our well-regulated militia puts the fear of god into these tyrants, justifying all the horrors we put up with because of them otherwise. Right? Right??
The idea that the second amendment was made as an insurance of the people against the government is a myth anyway, and I honestly have no idea where is started
Approximately 40% of the country does not care what he did, as long as it somehow means beating Democrats. And unfortunately that 40% is represented by 53% of the Senate. Those 53 Senators will make sure that nothing happens. In fact, they have already publicly pledged to block any impeachment proceedings.

And that's why they released that transcript based on partial "notes" by his aids.

Because all Trump has to do is make sure his base is still a threat to the GOP senators when it comes to their own primaries. That will keep them inline no matter how obvious the crimes.