Convicted Felon, Racist, Rapist, and President Trump Thread

Oh it was totally intentional.

Let's face it, a ton of MAGA supporters are the type that would cheer on the villain in a movie rather then the heroes.

"Joker" didn't just do well because it was a strong narrative piece on the fragility of the human mind, but also because there are a subset of people that idolize him. He is the tantamount incel, never gets the girl, trashed by society, but then starts shooting late night comedy hosts in the head, and is now a hero to the cause, a symbol.

It didn't surprise me that after the Thanos video came out, dozens of people jumped up to explain that Thanos was the good guy doing what was right for the universe, with no prejudice, and carried out the greater good for society to thrive just like Trump is doing. It was inevitable.
Oh it was totally intentional.

Let's face it, a ton of MAGA supporters are the type that would cheer on the villain in a movie rather then the heroes.

"Joker" didn't just do well because it was a strong narrative piece on the fragility of the human mind, but also because there are a subset of people that idolize him. He is the tantamount incel, never gets the girl, trashed by society, but then starts shooting late night comedy hosts in the head, and is now a hero to the cause, a symbol.

It didn't surprise me that after the Thanos video came out, dozens of people jumped up to explain that Thanos was the good guy doing what was right for the universe, with no prejudice, and carried out the greater good for society to thrive just like Trump is doing. It was inevitable.
After all, there's this:
I'm old enough to remember when making a quip about the meaning of trumps child's name was incredibly tasteless and unprofessional.



Staff member
People are LOSING THEIR SHIT about Greta getting the "award". One guy on Facebook I saw posted that she was in good company since the award also went to Hitler & Stalin. So of course I responded that Trump & Reagan also got the award so they must be Hitler as well.

I love it when people get the right answer using the wrong equation.
I absolutely don't like Greta Thunberg - I think her style is counter-productive, even if you want aggressive and in-your-face there are better alternatives - but Time Person of the year doesn't need to go to the nicest person of the year, or the best at what they do. It's the person who had the most influence or was most in the news. And, well, it's hard to argue that Greta hasn't been hugely important and dominated the news.
People are LOSING THEIR SHIT about Greta getting the "award". One guy on Facebook I saw posted that she was in good company since the award also went to Hitler & Stalin. So of course I responded that Trump & Reagan also got the award so they must be Hitler as well.

I love it when people get the right answer using the wrong equation.
I do t know where the wife found it, but it was a response with a whole list of those false equivalencies intended to shame the OP. Stuff like, “Do you breathe air? I’ll bet you didn’t know Hitler used to breathe air, too!” and stuff like that. It was scathingly hilarious.

That just confirms there was no quid-pro-quo... see, they didn't give him what he wanted and he didn't give them money because of that... it's all "very legal and very cool"™!
Time will call them weak, callow, and pathetic. The only thing which brings me joy in what could be a perfectly reasonable democratic civilization is the way history will judge and mock this sad, self serving set of partisan hacks. I hope they lie on their deathbed knowing they were horrible fucking traitors to everything they pretended to support and believe in.

Fuck them.
I would say that history will remember them as sniveling cowards but...

a.) Texas school districts have a stranglehold on school books and are already venerating St. Ronnie and disavowing the Gilded Age, Slavery, and American Indian Genocide.
b.) With on-going climate change, it's entirely likely we're all going to be dying sooner rather than later anyway.
I mean, yeah, fine. Let death swiftly take me then if I am every forced to remind people how utterly without morals this congress is.
A new Newsweek poll of 1,000 registered voters has Trump beating every Democrat in November. Most Republican supporters, when interviewed, say that the impeachment means nothing to them and that they like that Trump "gets things done," or some such bullshit.

We are in for another 4 years (and Trump will try for even more) of this nightmare.

EDIT: It was USA TODAY, not Newsweek. Sorry.
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The hashtag "#TRUMP2020Landside" is trending and I honestly just have to laugh, because only Russian bots and idiots would misspell landslide.

As for that poll, who did they actually poll and where? I don't really trust polls these days after what happened in 2016, and after watching that earlier video of journalists getting 6 "random" people that all were old white republicans, rather then, you know, an actual sampling of people, I just don't feel confident getting in a tizzy about it.
Lol, Trump is Jesus now? For fuck's sake, I'm so tired of these people.

Democrats: "This is a serious thing, we are disappointed it has come to this"


Staff member
Lol, Trump is Jesus now?
He's been "jesus" for a while now. They were calling Trump King of the Jews months ago. Trump called himself the "chosen one" at the same time. They are literally trying to paint him as the rightful religious leader of the country world.


Staff member
There might be a false flag assassination of him at the height of the fervor, so that republicans can use it to vilify democrats and install a more manageable republican president.

Or, I dunno, maybe that's just me imagining things out loud.
There might be a false flag assassination of him at the height of the fervor, so that republicans can use it to vilify democrats and install a more manageable republican president.

Or, I dunno, maybe that's just me imagining things out loud.
I would imagine an assassination of Trump wouldn't play in the Republicans favor; he's not JFK, who was quite beloved. His crimes have been laid bare; there are none who can make a defense of his actions beyond "He was serving Conservative interests and I am a Conservative, so I will ignore his crimes." And it's not like the arch Conservatives NEED a reason to villify Democrats; their entire platform depends on misinforming the public of what they are doing and acting vengeful.

The real issue is that it would likely encourage actual assassination attempts against Democratic elected officials, which would encourage retaliatory strikes against Conservatives. I don't see the Republicans doing something that would end up with THEM in someone's gun sights, ESPECIALLY that sniveling coward Moscow Mitch.


Staff member
I would imagine an assassination of Trump wouldn't play in the Republicans favor; he's not JFK, who was quite beloved. His crimes have been laid bare; there are none who can make a defense of his actions beyond "He was serving Conservative interests and I am a Conservative, so I will ignore his crimes." And it's not like the arch Conservatives NEED a reason to villify Democrats; their entire platform depends on misinforming the public of what they are doing and acting vengeful.

The real issue is that it would likely encourage actual assassination attempts against Democratic elected officials, which would encourage retaliatory strikes against Conservatives. I don't see the Republicans doing something that would end up with THEM in someone's gun sights, ESPECIALLY that sniveling coward Moscow Mitch.
I think you underestimate how many conservatives view Trump as a good man. I'm not certain, but I'm pretty sure a fair number of them honestly think that he's not committed crimes bad enough for any president to be impeached for. I think this goes beyond just "I'll ignore cheating because it's benefiting my team", and that there are a good number of Republicans who are fully delusional and think Trump has only done what is good and necessary.

The American public (or, rather subsets thereof) has been heavily propagandized to think that Russia is our ally, Trump is the chosen one of god, the FBI and CIA are corrupt so Trump had to investigate corruption on his own, the media is lying about Trump, everyone who isn't a "conservative" "christian" is a liberal, etc. etc.

They don't need a defense of Trump's actions other than "He didn't do it, but if he did, he did it for the good of the country."