[Gaming] Among Us (Saturdays at 9pm EST!)

Sounds kinda suk.

I mean it's entertainment enough cause they are short sessions. But the problems that I find is...
1) Works better with 1 imposter because text chat when there are 2 imposters is just chaos.
2) BEING the one imposter is challenging because usually the kill cooldown is too high and the tasks per crewmate is too low, so the crewmates win just because you can't possibly kill enough of them in time. I've also run into situations where I was guaranteed an imposter win because it was down to three people, but then I couldn't call a reactor emergency before they could call an emergency meeting.
3) A lot of people just drop game because they didn't get the role they wanted or for whatever silly reason.
4) Some people are just there to mess with everyone else. The number of times we begin a game and someone calls an emergency meeting ASAP just to accuse someone of "being sus" is ridiculous.
Mr. Z was watching her stream last night:

Mr. Z: "AOC is playing Among Us right now, if you're interested."
Celt Z: "I heard she was going to. But I don't want to kill her! I'd feel terrible!"
MZ: "I think she's the Imposter right now."
CZ:"...well, now I'm conflicted."
True for the first three games of the night :D

(Also, Terrik has only been imposter once in the last two weeks, so it's fair lol)
lol Why did it make me Imposter my very first three games in a row? How the hell do you successfully lie about tasks you've never even done before?
While I honestly enjoyed making all of these, TushyTerrik might be my favorite. I couldn't stop giggling while I worked on it, especially the butt highlights.

Dirona's drove me nuts because it's so @#$$%$# hard to make outfits with no arms! Also Eriol's, because a tiny shirt with "I Kill My Wife" was too small to be legible.
Ashburner's model is pure genius.
@PatrThom - There was a game where Ashburner was voted off as the Impostor (incorrectly, if I recall), and before he died, his final words before his betrayal were, "There's a snake in the grass, and it's name is Cobra!".

A pretty damn good epitaph, if you ask me.
While I honestly enjoyed making all of these, TushyTerrik might be my favorite. I couldn't stop giggling while I worked on it, especially the butt highlights.

Dirona's drove me nuts because it's so @#$$%$# hard to make outfits with no arms! Also Eriol's, because a tiny shirt with "I Kill My Wife" was too small to be legible.
I love it. And I think it needs a halo!