Former President and Convicted Felon Trump Thread

“What, you expect me to accept reality? You liberals and your sick political schemes...”
Considering Trump just fired CISA Director Chris Krebs, who recently said the election was secure, I'd say Gardner has reason to be nervous.

I just had a thought. There's no way the Trump family can go back to New York City after this. They wouldn't be able to eat at any restaurant without the chef putting his "special sauce" in their food.

Somebody explained what happens if you don’t certify the results to the Trump campaign, didn’t they.

(HINT: you can’t pick and choose races to not certify....)
From what I know, after the deadlocked vote, they opened up the public session and it turned into three hours of the two nay voters being absolutely destroyed. Once it was over they changed their votes to certify.

Addon, here is one of the public session moments, pretty much just imagine this happening for three hours after the first vote.



Staff member
Which is fine. It's only black people. Who cares what they want?

Do I need the /s? I don't feel I need the /s.
It looks like two people who wanted to prostrate before dear leader quickly realized that they don't want to be internet famous due to their sketchy at best social media history.


Staff member
It looks like two people who wanted to prostrate before dear leader quickly realized that they don't want to be internet famous due to their sketchy at best social media history.
You mean those racist fucks, William Hartman & Monica Palmer?
What really weirds me out about that whole thing is that they said they would certify the votes in all other areas as long as Detroit votes were excluded due to irregularities, when Detroit had a lower percentage of irregularities then other cities they were fine to pass. I mean, yes, we all know WHY they were fine with that (the other cities with higher irregularities were majority white and conservative, while Detroit is majority black and democratic), but surely they didn't expect it to pass by under ANY sort of scrutiny? Not certifying an entire county or attempting to remove votes from a major city is unprecedented, it would never have gone under the radar. They really made a mistake there and are going to continue paying for it, long after this vote.
What really weirds me out about that whole thing is that they said they would certify the votes in all other areas as long as Detroit votes were excluded due to irregularities, when Detroit had a lower percentage of irregularities then other cities they were fine to pass. I mean, yes, we all know WHY they were fine with that (the other cities with higher irregularities were majority white and conservative, while Detroit is majority black and democratic), but surely they didn't expect it to pass by under ANY sort of scrutiny? Not certifying an entire county or attempting to remove votes from a major city is unprecedented, it would never have gone under the radar. They really made a mistake there and are going to continue paying for it, long after this vote.
The racist assholes think they can come out in the open and get a free pass. That's Trump's great legacy: making the trashiest racists think it was their time to shine again.
The racist assholes think they can come out in the open and get a free pass. That's Trump's great legacy: making the trashiest racists think it was their time to shine again.
Been saying this for almost four years now.
Once you accrue a certain critical mass of like-minded thinkers, and they start validating one another, then the odds of those thought crimes getting translated into action goes up, and that's gonna be a problem when they start yelling, "Who's with me?!"


Staff member

Trump team looks to box in Biden on foreign policy by lighting too many fires to put out

"A second official tells CNN their goal is to set so many fires that it will be hard for the Biden administration to put them all out. "

The article also talks about Dolt45 stirring up trouble in: Afghanistan, China, Iran, Israel, and Yemen. Intentionally trying to hamper efforts Biden might make in international diplomacy.

Also, Trump administration informs Congress of intent to sell $23B in arms to UAE

and more sabotage:



Staff member
The racist assholes think they can come out in the open and get a free pass. That's Trump's great legacy: making the trashiest racists think it was their time to shine again.
Oh, looks like Trump called both of the republican election people in Michigan and now they want to change BACK to not recertify. Huh. I always thought it was illegal for a president to interfere with an election process. Wonder if the right will do anything about it.
Imagine if the US Press actually reported on things happening in this country the way other countries report on things happening in this country.
I would just like to see the left do something.
The whole fight about the election, dangerous as it may be, is all just a diversion so Trump and his creatures can do the absolute most they can to destroy the USA abroad and internally.
Naming lifetime federal judges at a rate of 3 per day, even unqualified ; selling $25B in arms to the UAE, planning a visit to an Israeli settlement, imposing new sanctions on Iran and threatening to increase import tariffs from China, decapitating the CIA and FBI, pulling back troops from Iraq and Afghanistan against literally every military advisor, that's just some of the things he's been doing in the past few days. He can - and will - destroy the country before leaving the WH.
I can imagine him leaving the WH absolutely empty - not a shred of paper anywhere with information about anything. I can imagine him starting a war - or igniting the one in Yemen into a bigger regional dispute. I can imagine him doing a LOT of damage. And as we have seen, the right really does not want to stop him at all.
Worst thing is he's (and they're) being rewarded for it.
Not that I ever want it to happen, but I'm honestly surprised Trump hasn't dropped one nuke anywhere. I wouldn't put it past him to nuke a "traitorous" blue state.