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Convicted Felon, Racist, Rapist, and President Trump Thread

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The election is over, but I get the feeling we're gonna need a separate place to catalogue the complete and utter shitshow that is going to be the next 4-8 years.

And to start: Reports that Russia has video evidence of Trump hiring Russian prostitutes to give him golden showers.




Until I see proof from a reputable source, I will not reprint or comment on stuff like that. There's just too much real stuff to hate him for without having to resort to unproven rumors.




We're post-truth now.






Danny Zuker must have been on the intel team because he nailed this back in march




Until I see proof from a reputable source, I will not reprint or comment on stuff like that. There's just too much real stuff to hate him for without having to resort to unproven rumors.
You just look out for number one.




I care less about Trump's weird sexual fetishes than I care about every thing else that hit the news today.




I care less about Trump's weird sexual fetishes than I care about every thing else that hit the news today.
Yeah, it's like, hey everyone, let's try not to let the Russian hooker piss distract us from the actual treason.




The hooker piss is the only part of this story that hasn't been obvious for months.




Does that make Trump an expert in human trafficking?




I thought we were naming this thread Orange is the New Black President.




Frankly, I don't care if he's into golden showers. Or uses prostitutes. I don't care if he likes pegging, or is into bondage or for all I care he's gay. That might upset some "family values" voters (but why did they vote for DT anyway?), but honestly, I don't care about his personal preferences. I don't eve care all that much if he likes his steak properly or well done (that'd only go to further proof his bad decision making).
The same goes for other politicians. Personal stuff is personal. It might reflect on a president on some topics and values - trustworthiness and such - but it's still mostly his own thing.
I care far more for actual ideas, propositions, laws, etc.

Which doesn't mean we can't have fun laugh about it all.




Frankly, I don't care if he's into golden showers. Or uses prostitutes. I don't care if he likes pegging, or is into bondage or for all I care he's gay. That might upset some "family values" voters (but why did they vote for DT anyway?), but honestly, I don't care about his personal preferences. I don't eve care all that much if he likes his steak properly or well done (that'd only go to further proof his bad decision making).
The same goes for other politicians. Personal stuff is personal. It might reflect on a president on some topics and values - trustworthiness and such - but it's still mostly his own thing.
I care far more for actual ideas, propositions, laws, etc.

Which doesn't mean we can't have fun laugh about it all.
While I agree with that for most public figures, I think it's fair to criticize politicians' personal lives if they're supporting legislation to target "immoral" behavior or publicly dragging other candidates' personal lives through the mud, and then it comes out they're just as (or more) "immoral" as the people they're attacking. Yes, I'm looking at you, Newt Gingrich.

So if Trump was hiring the prostitutes while he was married, he'd be fair game for criticism considering how he was constantly bringing up Bill's infidelities. If he hired them between wives, then it's not an issue--unless he starts moralizing about the evils of sex workers.




So what is it with Trump's bathroom fixtures, golden toilets, sinks and showers?




I also have an issue with doing something that can become blackmail leverage, like hiring prostitutes. It would be the same for any action he tried to hide from the public, whether it be drug use or sexual partners or gambling debts. If he knows that another government has some kind of dirt on him, he needs to come out with it immediately.




I also have an issue with doing something that can become blackmail leverage, like hiring prostitutes. It would be the same for any action he tried to hide from the public, whether it be drug use or sexual partners or gambling debts. If he knows that another government has some kind of dirt on him, he needs to come out with it immediately.
See, most of that kind of thing can only work if you're actually asamed of it and/or could be hurt by it.

I much prefer the French approach over the American approach - "Et Alors?".

(it's a reference to Mitterand, a French president, who, when it was revealed he had an extramarital daughter, simply replied "Et Alors?", or, in English, "So what?". That was the end of the issue, really, except as joke fodder)




So... what else has Trump done that he needs the distraction?




So... what else has Trump done that he needs the distraction?
Treason, from what I understand. No biggie there, though, right? Golden showers are a bigger deal.




So what is it with Trump's bathroom fixtures, golden toilets, sinks and showers?

Gold is his fetish? Which I suppose is why he gets super pissed the most if anyone makes him out to look like he's worth less than what he claims.




Until I see proof from a reputable source, I will not reprint or comment on stuff like that. There's just too much real stuff to hate him for without having to resort to unproven rumors.

Yeah, remember how we didn't talk about the "rumors" that Obama was born in Kenya?




Yeah, remember how we didn't talk about the "rumors" that Obama was born in Kenya?
I think @Dave is intending to retain far more moral standing through this presidency than the average Birther has kept through Obama's.




I think @Dave is intending to retain far more moral standing through this presidency than the average Birther has kept through Obama's.
That's not exactly a high bar to set. It's like "looking younger than Dave".




Now you're just trying to get me to post the sign.




Now you're just trying to get me to post the sign.
....And I wasn't the other 15 times? :p

We need some new running gags in this forum, we had a few, but most were retired for one reason or another (Frosty Susan, sauna pants, etc).




I think @Dave is intending to retain far more moral standing through this presidency than the average Birther has kept through Obama's.
It really amuses me how over the r/the_donald they're all screaming about the evil media using anything anti-trump and not just accepting they won and getting over it... after 8 years of not their party, but their actual president-elect, peddling bullshit (that he then said he didn't start, but ended, as if he didn't harp on about it for 7 years) right in the open.


It's made it quite clear that it's the people that lack any self awareness are the ones that would need to go when the revolution comes... :deadpool:




Also, for those into this sort of thing, there's now a "Presidential Trump" parody twitter account that rephrases and rewords Trump's tweets to be more presidential. It can almost make him look good on occasion. https://twitter.com/MatureTrumpTwts





Oh my God.







I rescind my original Entry of the Gladiators comment.

It is now this:




WHAT THE FUCK???????????????????????????????

[DOUBLEPOST=1484156442,1484156362][/DOUBLEPOST]I can't. I'm done on the internet. This is madness.

Like, this is honestly madness.




I think I will buy stock in a company that manufactures anti-depressants.




I can't. I'm done on the internet. This is madness.

Like, this is honestly madness.
Like honestly, are we not doing phrasing Sparta anymore?




From the Time transcript:
I’m gonna detail some of the extraordinary steps now that the president-elect is taking. First, President-elect Trump’s investments and business assets commonly known as the — as the Trump Organization, comprising hundreds of entities which, again, if you all go and take a look at his financial disclosure statement, the pages and pages and pages of entities have all been or will be conveyed to a trust prior to January 20th. Here is just some of the paperwork that’s taking care of those actions.

Second, through the trust agreement, he has relinquished leadership and management of the Trump Organization to his sons Don and Eric and a longtime Trump executive, Allen Weisselberg. Together, Don, Eric and Allen will have the authority to manage the Trump Organization and will make decisions for the duration of the presidency without any involvement whatsoever by President-elect Trump.
The agreement to cede management of his company to his sons and manager (is that the old guy from The Apprentice?) is interesting. It's a bit different than divesting the asset, but better than staying in control. I would compare and contrast it to how Canada's former finance minister and later Prime Minister Paul Martin sold his interest in Canada Steamship Lines to his sons when he became PM. From wiki:
In November 1993, the newly re-elected Paul Martin was appointed to the cabinet and named Minister of Finance. On February 1, 1994, Martin placed his shares in CSL Group Inc. under a "Supervisory Agreement" to be managed by lawyers and financial advisors, although he would be allowed to intervene in company decision-making should events warrant.

In June 2002, Martin quit the cabinet as Minister of Finance to pursue a bid for leadership of the Liberal Party of Canada. On March 11, 2003, Martin bowed to public and media pressure on his interest in CSL Group Inc. and announced that he would sell his interests in the company to his three sons, saying that his ownership would "provide an unnecessary distraction during the leadership race."

On December 12, 2003, Martin became the 21st Prime Minister of Canada. On January 28, 2004, the federal government, in response to opposition party and media enquiries, revealed that CSL Group Inc. had received $162 million in federal government contracts, grants and loans since Paul Martin became Minister of Finance in 1993. Earlier figures released in 2003 had suggested CSL Group Inc. had only earned $137,000 in federal government contracts during this time period.
This is different from, but similar to what Trump is doing. Retaining ownership, but not control is what Martin did as Finance Minister for Canada. Martin was criticized at the time for it being his sons, and how much distance was that really? And it's still a legitimate complaint, Trump or Martin, but it had little traction as time went on with Martin.

And then later, as the article above says, the difference between the reported income from the federal government and what actually was spent came out, which was supposedly only $137,000, but was actually $162,000,000? So 1000x what was actually reported. How much of the business should have gone to them as a company anyways, and how much only went to them because they were the company of the sitting Finance Minister? It may be impossible to know.

Similarly, I think the finances of Trump's corporation will be very closely watched, but like CSL, according to wiki they're private, so it's a lot harder to watch that than if it was a public company.

Should be interesting to see what happens here.




"I'm not taking a question from you. You're fake news."

Yes, Trump said that to CNN. I guess his widdle feewings are hurt.

Oh, and right after that he took a question from that bastion of journalistic integrity, Breitbart.




"I'm not taking a question from you. You're fake news."

Yes, Trump said that to CNN. I guess his widdle feewings are hurt.

Oh, and right after that he took a question from that bastion of journalistic integrity, Breitbart.
Cutting off MSM / Lugenpresse and giving only information to "his" media is a smart move. Legitimate press will have to take their info from them, it'll further legitimize them and make the rest look weak. It's also straight out of Berlusconi's playbook.




God bless Chuck Tingle






Tiger Tsang

Tiger Tsang

"Trump tweets like a F'ing drugged up 14 year old girl could be because he likes to spend time F'ing drugged up 14 year old Girls."




A fun article by a Russian reporter about the future.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Trump probably didn't want him because he did Obama's, entirely unaware of the other presidents he'd announced, as Trump is unaware of many, many things.




But firing people is the only thing he knows!




But firing people is the only thing he knows!
And now he'll upgrade to firing missiles! Yay!




And now he'll upgrade to firing missiles! Yay!
To be fair, so did Obama.




But he knows hacking guys. He's got top people working on it. Top men!

Anyone notice how Trump is self-proclaimed great at everything? Reminds me a lot of the Kim dynasty in North Korea.







It looks like it is just a matter of a space being entered in the tag on accident, possibly due to autocorrect even. Looks like a nonissue to me.




It looks like it is just a matter of a space being entered in the tag on accident, possibly due to autocorrect even. Looks like a nonissue to me.
I agree. If we nitpick stupid shit like this it'll be an insane 4 years.




I agree. If we nitpick stupid shit like this it'll be an insane 4 years.
That goes without saying...




That goes without saying...
Yes, but insanity from one side we already expect. You get it from both sides would be horrible.




It looks like it is just a matter of a space being entered in the tag on accident, possibly due to autocorrect even. Looks like a nonissue to me.
Oh right, i forgot, we're past the point of asking him to actually check, even once, what he wrote. How unpresidented.




Oh right, i forgot, we're past the point of asking him to actually check, even once, what he wrote. How unpresidented.
Yeah...that isn't what you claimed at all. But how exciting is it to say, "Trump didn't proofread his tweet and tweeted the wrong person!" Right?




Yeah...that isn't what you claimed at all.
I said he messaged the wrong person... while not making any claims about why.




I said he messaged the wrong person... while not making any claims about why.
No, you said "can't even tell who's his daughter". That's not remotely the same thing as messaging the wrong person.




I absolutely look forward to the real substantive shit we can get mad about that this fuckwit does. This is just more useless crap distracting from things that actually matter.




No, you said "can't even tell who's his daughter". That's not remotely the same thing as messaging the wrong person.
What other implication does "can't even tell who's his daughter" would have?

Not that your clarification of how it happened was unwelcome, but i didn't think dismissing it as unworthy of any attention was warranted. We're not exactly a bastion of serious news that's supposed to be above it all or anything.

I absolutely look forward to the real substantive shit we can get mad about that this fuckwit does. This is just more useless crap distracting from things that actually matter.
So we're only allowing very serious stuff on this thread now?




The Cabinet confirmation hearings are such a fucking joke. I am terrified at how few fucks the Republicans have about this clown show.




We have to have guns in schools! Why? Because they might get invaded by bears.

Yes, bears are why we need guns in schools.

Ladies and gentlemen, your next Secretary of Education, Betty DeVos.

Oh, and she wants to end public education and make all schools christian charter schools to build "God's Kingdom". Oh, and she thinks child labor laws should be repealed because jobs for kids would be "very exciting" for them. Oh, and she wants to strip education for special needs kids.

I guess a billionaire with no experience is a great fit for a complex office.




We have to have guns in schools! Why? Because they might get invaded by bears.

Yes, bears are why we need guns in schools.

Ladies and gentlemen, your next Secretary of Education, Betty DeVos.

Oh, and she wants to end public education and make all schools christian charter schools to build "God's Kingdom". Oh, and she thinks child labor laws should be repealed because jobs for kids would be "very exciting" for them. Oh, and she wants to strip education for special needs kids.

I guess a billionaire with no experience is a great fit for a complex office.
This has to be a joke, right?




This has to be a joke, right?
Yes it is, and it ain't funny.




Yes it is, and it ain't funny.
And not just because it was said by @Dave




This has to be a joke, right?
No it isn't, and it's not funny.[DOUBLEPOST=1484753280,1484753267][/DOUBLEPOST]
And not just because it was said by @Dave




This has to be a joke, right?
You'd think so, but you'd be wrong.
I'm ashamed that I have even the slightest connection with the subject of that hearing (she's local).





Fine fine fine, let me rewrite that:

If @Dave said it, you know it's not a joke




So, pardons for some, half a million dollars for fighting the Others... and the sad thing is that some will view this as a fuck you to Trump, instead of just Obama doing the right thing there at the end.




So, pardons for some, half a million dollars for fighting the Others... and the sad thing is that some will view this as a fuck you to Trump, instead of just Obama doing the right thing there at the end.




I expected to see Pedobear in the background of that picture




She also thinks it should be up to states themselves how they deal with students with disabilities. :facepalm:




She also thinks it should be up to states themselves how they deal with students with disabilities. :facepalm:
OK I get the idea how that could turn out bad in some states, but that's that state's problem. That's the whole idea of not just having a federal state which mandates everything, and leaving it up to each on how to implement... well, a LOT of things. If a state does just about anything to its own citizens, it's not up to the neighboring state to impose their will upon the neighbor. That's why you don't all live in one state.

You have problems with that concept in general, or that it's applied to Education, or what?




OK I get the idea how that could turn out bad in some states, but that's that state's problem.
Well, no, it's the problem of people with children with disabilities who live in that state. Most won't care.

Admittedly, I can look at it from a European point of view, and say "well, yeah, France doesn't get to decide how Germany takes care of its children with disabilities". Likewise, I can understand why Texans might not want Californians to butt in. Sadly, this will result in a lot of states just saying "screw 'm". As a first world country, I can see why you'd want federal minimum criteria that have to be met. But where that line is drawn is very much a political issue.




OK I get the idea how that could turn out bad in some states, but that's that state's problem. That's the whole idea of not just having a federal state which mandates everything, and leaving it up to each on how to implement... well, a LOT of things. If a state does just about anything to its own citizens, it's not up to the neighboring state to impose their will upon the neighbor. That's why you don't all live in one state.

You have problems with that concept in general, or that it's applied to Education, or what?
There is literally already a federal law that mandates special education standards, because it was so inconsistent from state to state. There's currently a case at the Supreme Court about what minimum standards should actually be. There is a time and place for states rights, but people should never have to pick and choose where they live within the same country based on whether or not their child will be treated with dignity.







There is a time and place for states rights,
Ya, that's the Enumerated Powers in your constitution. (psst: I didn't see Education listed there)
but people should never have to pick and choose where they live within the same country based on whether or not their child will be treated with dignity.
"... but people should never have to pick and choose where they live within the same country based on"... ANYTHING THEY WANT EVER that another state supports more than where I live. That point can be applied to virtually any argument when talking about this. That was the point of limiting it in your constitution in the first place!
Admittedly, I can look at it from a European point of view, and say "well, yeah, France doesn't get to decide how Germany takes care of its children with disabilities". Likewise, I can understand why Texans might not want Californians to butt in.
And that's it. Again, STOP there. A LOT of the USA's system was set up to be exactly like this. The feds were supposed to deal with things ONLY THEY could deal with (like mutual defense/war) and to stay out of how the rest of a state was run. Then some "enterprising" politicians figured out they could play states against each other, and bribe people with their own money, and especially from other states. And then you have what they're dealing with down there right now.

That people want to go back to a more local model is not a negative by definition. Dei, if you're saying "I'm going to get screwed because the politicians where I am don't support what I want, but some politicians ELSEWHERE IN THE COUNTRY do, then that seems like you have two options: 1. GET the locals to care about your issue, or 2. MOVE! In my opinion it is not a reason to start expanding federal power until you get what you want from elsewhere.

That's my opinion on how things should work. Obviously you disagree. But just dropping "local governance = bad things happen" I'm not going to go with you on without more explanation.




So you are saying that the federal law passed for disabled children is NOT a civil rights issue? That it's fine for public schools to discriminate against children based on their disabilities? Should public schools be allowed to deny children access because of said disabilities? Because lets start there. That was a thing that was happening before IDEA.

Public schools receive federal funding, and therefore should not be claiming states rights.




Is there a realistic solution that involves having your state improve it's own standards when educating students with disabilities? Gathering support, letter writing campaigns, etc.?




So you are saying that the federal law passed for disabled children is NOT a civil rights issue? That it's fine for public schools to discriminate against children based on their disabilities? Should public schools be allowed to deny children access because of said disabilities? Because lets start there. That was a thing that was happening before IDEA.
That's not the problem I was pointing out per-se...
Public schools receive federal funding, and therefore should not be claiming states rights.
THAT is the problem. Federal governments (this is a problem in Canada too) should be constitutionally barred from providing funding of any kind to anything which is supposed to be exclusively provincial (or state in your case) jurisdiction. The money is the power. They're just doing an end-run around on what's supposed to be limitations on their powers.




You can say that's not a problem you were pointing out, but it really is a question of whether or not it's a civil rights issue. Like I said, there has been a federal law in place since 1990 guaranteeing a "Free and appropriate education" for students with disabilities, because there were so many cases of these students having no means to be educated if their parents could not afford private school, or if they were allowed at school they were shunted off into a corner somewhere and didn't learn.

The argument isn't about whether federal government should have a say in public schools in this case. It's about whether or not access to schools for disabled children is a civil rights issue, and if the decision to allow equal access should be left to the states.




I don't know what to say Dei. While I may agree with you that such a standard should exist, I'm not sure I agree with you that it justifies going to a federal level. Your "right" to many things can be mandated federally, but how should it be enforced and/or provided without money coming from the federal government? And to what range of things should that even be able to be determined federally? And what/how should penalties happen, again, without having it about wealth transfer?

It's not an EASY question, but I would say that anything that begins with "let's let the feds determine the standards, and then pay for PART of it" is a recipe for the feds to then pay a drop, but dictate everything, which gets messy FAST. Just see Health Care in Canada for a good example of that. Well, it's better than your system, but that's not hard, and doesn't make it not a disaster.




While I agree in theory on states rights, since a collective of self-functioning states is kinda what the UNITED STATES is supposed to be, too often "Let the states decide" is code for "this state's representatives are awful and want to do shitty things."




The money is the power. They're just doing an end-run around on what's supposed to be limitations on their powers.
Well that's actually an uncomfortable part of what they're doing these days, it seems. Whether it's FCC regulations, mineral rights, the 2nd amendment, education, or even just voting to ignore how much it will cost to repeal the ACA, it's long been a "tradition" that if you can't get the law to outright do something, then maybe you can at least get it to ignore or defund not doing it.





Ya, that's the Enumerated Powers in your constitution. (psst: I didn't see Education listed there)
Oh wait...

"Promote the general Welfare" is in there.

And then there's Article 8, section 8: "To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries."

Yes, it's for copyrights, but tie that with section 18: "To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof."

The US Federal Government is supposed to promote science and art by using its laws to do what is "necessary and proper" to have them executed properly.

Education is considered to be part of this. Unless, of course, you're a Trump supporter...




Oh wait...

"Promote the general Welfare" is in there.

And then there's Article 8, section 8: "To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries."

Yes, it's for copyrights, but tie that with section 18: "To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof."

The US Federal Government is supposed to promote science and art by using its laws to do what is "necessary and proper" to have them executed properly.

Education is considered to be part of this. Unless, of course, you're a Trump supporter...
That's a reeeeeeeallly loose and stretched interpretation of those clauses.




That's a reeeeeeeallly loose and stretched interpretation of those clauses.
Meh, that's like a tenth of the abuse the Commerce Clause gets on a daily basis.




Education is inherently a civil rights issue. The ability for any group to become educated is make or break when it comes to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. The US has a pretty shitty history of trying to keep minorities from being educated, (there are good sized towns in Texas that still had de facto segregation in their schools until just a few years ago, and for all I know some still do).

"Oh, you have a disabled child, just pick up and move to another state if you want them educated" doesn't fly with me. Would it be okay to say "Oh, you're black and your kids aren't getting a good education, just pick up and move to a state where they'll get better treatment"?




I think part of the theory is, state and local politicians are generally considered more representative than those on the national level because they have closer contact with their constituents and (usually) are more easily replaced. It would be inefficient and counterproductive for a federal congressional subcommittee to be directly in charge of a police department, instead of a locally elected/appointed Chief/Commissioner, for example. The same argument might be made in educational concerns.

The real reason so much federal involvement is usually part of the equation is, as in all things, the money.




Of course, you're forgetting about "such District (not exceeding ten Miles square) as may, by Cession of particular States, and the Acceptance of Congress, become the Seat of the Government of the United States, and to exercise like Authority over all Places purchased by the Consent of the Legislature of the State in which the Same shall be, for the Erection of Forts, Magazines, Arsenals, dock-Yards, and other needful Buildings."




other needful Buildings."
Well, that's exceedingly vague and easily-abusable.




It literally means any building that the US Government buys is theirs to rule over.







Well, that's what Obama did, too...

But they called it "Quantitative Easing." So that it didn't sound like "we just added some zeroes to the end of our balance."




It worked so well in Zimbabwe.





Well, that's what Obama did, too...

But they called it "Quantitative Easing." So that it didn't sound like "we just added some zeroes to the end of our balance."
Though at the same time, I just can't wait for a federal budget from the Republicans that isn't cock blocked. :| I'm sure it will be fine since Republicans are so fiscally responsible.


(Yes, that goes for both parties)




Though at the same time, I just can't wait for a federal budget from the Republicans that isn't cock blocked. :| I'm sure it will be fine since Republicans are so fiscally responsible.


(Yes, that goes for both parties)
Yeah. I stopped checking some years ago, but last I looked, we hadn't had an actual BUDGET budget (as in not an emergency funding measure/continuing resolution or whatever) passed since 2006.




So Trump's inauguration concert brought in between 10-20000 people. Just as a comparison, Obama's was 400000.




So Trump's inauguration concert brought in between 10-20000 people. Just as a comparison, Obama's was 400000.
Even GWB's inauguration in 2001 drew 300,000.




I'm sure it was filled with only the best people. The best. *tiny hand gesture*




So, it just occurred to me, given that anything with a pulse that can be propped up against a podium is almost guaranteed to win against Trump in 2020... who do you think the DNC will rig their primary for? Hillary again maybe? :awesome:


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

I wish I had off from work tomorrow. Trump may be drawing a small number, but there's enough out-of-towners to go around.

Ear buds in = I don't want to talk to you. The only difference between this and the usual bus crazies is the red hats.




So, it just occurred to me, given that anything with a pulse that can be propped up against a podium is almost guaranteed to win against Trump in 2020... who do you think the DNC will rig their primary for? Hillary again maybe? :awesome:






Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight


I see your Kanye and raise you a Dwayne Johnson.




I'm thinking Bernie or Biden, but there's still a chance it could be Warren. Also a chance of a random outspoken celebrity.




I see your Kanye and raise you a Dwayne Johnson.
It would be nice to see Trump take a Rock Bottom during the debates.




I see your Kanye and raise you a Dwayne Johnson.
Isn't he a Republican?




So Trump's inauguration concert brought in between 10-20000 people. Just as a comparison, Obama's was 400000.
Commas, man. Or even the periods that @Bubble181 uses. I can't tell if Trump is just half the man Obama is, or a yuuuge one-20th.




Isn't he a Republican?
Well, they deserve someone to run against Trump too.[DOUBLEPOST=1484890561,1484890530][/DOUBLEPOST]
Commas, man. Or even the periods that @Bubble181 uses. I can't tell if Trump is just half the man Obama is, or a yuuuge one-20th.
They're the best periods. They're yuuge. Very nice periods.




Let's see if we can't see triple digits in Trump's presidency.




Let's see if we can't see triple digits in Trump's presidency.
Of course not, it'll all be zeroes because he'll decriminalize the lot.[DOUBLEPOST=1484903321,1484903187][/DOUBLEPOST]Really, if his view on the debt is "we can just print more money", I wouldn't be surprised if his view on criminality is "we can just change the laws".




Of course not, it'll all be zeroes because he'll decriminalize the lot.[DOUBLEPOST=1484903321,1484903187][/DOUBLEPOST]Really, if his view on the debt is "we can just print more money", I wouldn't be surprised if his view on criminality is "we can just change the laws".
That's pretty much been the theory on gun laws for the last few decades. "We'll just make (whatever specific types) illegal! That'll keep them out of the hands of criminals!"




Man I liked George H.W. Bush.




That's pretty much been the theory on gun laws for the last few decades. "We'll just make (whatever specific types) illegal! That'll keep them out of the hands of criminals!"
Law isn't so much about keeping it out of the hand of a criminal, but to make a criminal out of a person that owns those guns.[DOUBLEPOST=1484922401,1484922365][/DOUBLEPOST]
Man I liked George H.W. Bush.
And you still can.




Law isn't so much about keeping it out of the hand of a criminal, but to make a criminal out of a person that owns those guns
If they don't properly register them and have a permit.

Really, there's very few people calling for an all-out ban on guns*, most people on the "more control" side just want a clearer view who has what and which one, and make sure the people who own things are capable of taking care of them/using them properly. Saying "to own a rot gun, you first need to complete a basic gun maintenance course" isn't excessive, and "the government knowing who has what gun" does not break the second amendment. And considering voter ID law views of the right, having one spot per state where you can register those guns isn't a problem, either :awesome:

*for specific definitions of "guns" and "very few"




He gave us Roger Ailes and Lee Atwater.

Best thing you can say about Atwater is he's dead.

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I was in the military at the time and he's the last guy I remember that talked about how much he liked the military and actually did things that matched the words. Since him people get all "Rah rah!" about the military while cutting funding to the VA or doing things that actively hurt the common soldier. Not the upper crust brass, mind you, just the soldiers.




I hate this country and its all I can think about today. We faced an incredibly easy test and we failed with flying colors.

If I had any sense of balls id move but I don't.













That's a pretty amazing amount of self-delusion really.







It seems the same as when Obama was first elected. So many people projected their ideas onto his message of change. Now we're seeing it swing the other way.




It seems the same as when Obama was first elected. So many people projected their ideas onto his message of change. Now we're seeing it swing the other way.
Except most people weren't projecting things on Obama that were EXACTLY THE OPPOSITE of what he said.




Except most people weren't projecting things on Obama that were EXACTLY THE OPPOSITE of what he said.
Yeah, they were. The one that i remember most was his stance on military actions. Many thought he was going to stop the drone strikes and military operations, when many times during the campaign he said otherwise.







Not surprising. He's most popular with those least able to afford to take a day off from work and go to Washington DC.




Not surprising. He's most popular with those least able to afford to take a day off from work and go to Washington DC.
I was about to say that. It is a workday.




Also, and I don't like seemingly defending Trump in any way, they're shots from a different angle. Comparing shots taken from the same angle the difference is much less pronounced.




Not surprising. He's most popular with those least able to afford to take a day off from work and go to Washington DC.
Fairly sure Obama was more popular with prisoners and low-income people living outside the U.S.




Also, and I don't like seemingly defending Trump in any way, they're shots from a different angle. Comparing shots taken from the same angle the difference is much less pronounced.
It's the same place just opposite sides. The mob in the first picture goes well past the end of the people in the second one.

I was about to say that. It is a workday.
Sounds like an excuse for someone being too low-energy. Sad!




Obama won more urban while Trump cleaned up in poor, rural areas. Rural people who are economically depressed will have a harder time getting away and going to DC. Not sure why everyone is acting like this is a big thing. You KNOW I'm not a Trump guy, but let's keep the focus on real things.




It's the same place just opposite sides. The mob in the first picture goes well past the end of the people in the second one.

Sounds like an excuse for someone being too low-energy. Sad!
I've been there, you know, I know where the two spots are. Still doesn't change that if you actually look at shots that are both from the Washington Monument, the difference is less pronounced. There's definitely a lot less people there.




Like how we're about to enter that couple of minute gap where the last term ended and the President Elect hasn't been sworn in.

[edit] false worry, they moved pretty quickly.




Also, random thought of the day that floated past my FB timeline: if anything happens at inauguration today, the Special Service will have to shout "Donald, Duck!"




Also, and I don't like seemingly defending Trump in any way, they're shots from a different angle. Comparing shots taken from the same angle the difference is much less pronounced.

A little higher angle.




Obama won more urban while Trump cleaned up in poor, rural areas. Rural people who are economically depressed will have a harder time getting away and going to DC. Not sure why everyone is acting like this is a big thing. You KNOW I'm not a Trump guy, but let's keep the focus on real things.
You're arguing against the tide in the official Halforums Butthurt Strategic Reserve.




Whatever you guys say about your transition, just be glad that it's peaceful. And what I mean is that in contrast to RIGHT NOW in Gambia: Gambia crisis: Jammeh misses second deadline to step down

There's troops from other countries massing on borders, etc. The peaceful transition of power is one of the marks of somewhat-functioning democracies. You guys still qualify as that at least.




While the inaugural speech had a few digs in it about the Obamas, I thought it was a much better speech than anyone expected. It absolutely screams isolationist theocracy, but it's what the people voted for (yes, I know he lost the popular vote, but he did win based on strategic voting blocks). He said he was going to write it himself and to this I seriously, SERIOUSLY have my doubts. But for once he relied on teleprompters and stuck to the script. He should have done this long ago.




And in other "No, this is not the Onion" news...


Trump's new head of security and a bunch of others had their logins and passwords stolen and published online.




isolationist theocracy
Yup, what I really noticed was the nation-level selfishness. On the one hand, the USA isn't just another kid on the playground, you're special, you're the teacher; on the other hand, you're only going to look out for yourself, care for yourself, and protect yourself, all the small kids be damned. If allying temporarily with the playground bully (Russia) helps make your own position even stronger, no problem.
Of course the President is the President. But over the last few decades, he's also been the Leader of the Free World. President trump has made it very clear that's not his job and he doesn't want it. All former presidents in my living memory - Bush senior and onward - have mentioned allies, working together, making the world a better place. Yes, even GWB, even if it was more "with select allies" than "in wide open alliances". Has Trump mentioned anything besides America? Nope (well, maybe - to be fair, I was watching at work and taking calls during his speech so I might've missed something). It's a valid choice, sure, and it's what people voted for. Still, being the biggest and strongest and saying "morality, realpolitik nor long-time bonds are going to make me lift a finger unless there's short-term gain in it for me" is...Something.




A little higher angle.

This picture does a good job showing the difference.




TIL they drain the reflecting pool for inaugurations?




TIL they drain the reflecting pool for inaugurations?
That is what Trump meant all along.




TIL they drain the reflecting pool for inaugurations?
I guess it would increase the amount of gathering space.





I guess it would increase the amount of gathering space.

I guess they did not need to this time around.




Apparently they do it every year, to clean it, inauguration or no.





It always had an ironic name.




Ok, my mistake, the reflecting pool is on the OTHER side of the Washington Monument, between the WM and the Capitol building is always just regular grass.




Not "special" grass?




Daves not here man




At work and the tv is tunes to Bullshit Mountain. Worst lunch ever.




Yup, what I really noticed was the nation-level selfishness. On the one hand, the USA isn't just another kid on the playground, you're special, you're the teacher; on the other hand, you're only going to look out for yourself, care for yourself, and protect yourself, all the small kids be damned. If allying temporarily with the playground bully (Russia) helps make your own position even stronger, no problem.
Of course the President is the President. But over the last few decades, he's also been the Leader of the Free World. President trump has made it very clear that's not his job and he doesn't want it. All former presidents in my living memory - Bush senior and onward - have mentioned allies, working together, making the world a better place. Yes, even GWB, even if it was more "with select allies" than "in wide open alliances". Has Trump mentioned anything besides America? Nope (well, maybe - to be fair, I was watching at work and taking calls during his speech so I might've missed something). It's a valid choice, sure, and it's what people voted for. Still, being the biggest and strongest and saying "morality, realpolitik nor long-time bonds are going to make me lift a finger unless there's short-term gain in it for me" is...Something.
Full speech transcript source
We will follow two simple rules: Buy American and hire American. We will seek friendship and good will with the nations of the world, but we do so with the understanding that it is the right of all nations to put their own interests first.
We do not seek to impose our way of life on anyone, but rather to let it shine as an example. We will shine for everyone to follow. We will reinforce old alliances and form new ones and unite the civilized world against radical Islamic terrorism, which we will eradicate completely from the face of the earth.
I think that's the fragment that most directly addresses what you're asking Bubble, but you're free to read the rest of it at the link I provided.




So stepping back from the world stage as China and Russia both start stepping up.

Seems like a good idea.




WhiteHouse.gov is already being edited. So far all LGBT rights pages have been removed, as have all references to global climate change.

The dumbing down of America is complete.




WhiteHouse.gov is already being edited. So far all LGBT rights pages have been removed, as have all references to global climate change.

The dumbing down of America is complete.


So it's time to put away the dollies and start BEING A MERKUN


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Protestors got impatient; couldn't wait until tomorrow to start shit at the scheduled time.




Surprise, surprise




Well, Trump's only been president for a couple of hours and so far, he's only been in violation of the constitution for all them.




Sauron got the ring, guys. He got the One Ring.




The U.S., government, honestly, has a pretty long history of deciding to stay out of foreign affairs. Maybe not in recent history, but our OFFICIAL involvement in both WWI and WWII didn't come about until we got poked. It's honestly not a weird thing for Trump to talk about isolationism in my mind, because it seems like part of our historical cycle. *shrug*

Honestly, I think as a country we'd be better off if Trump does just stay home for the next four years, because it would mean he didn't incite any attacks against us. :p Unless we only play defense I guess. But realistically, it's probably just pretty words, like everything that comes out of his mouth.




The U.S., government, honestly, has a pretty long history of deciding to stay out of foreign affairs. Maybe not in recent history, but our OFFICIAL involvement in both WWI and WWII didn't come about until we got poked. It's honestly not a weird thing for Trump to talk about isolationism in my mind, because it seems like part of our historical cycle. *shrug*

Oh, definitely, he didn't invent "American exceptionalism" or "Splendid Isolation" - those are all far too big words for him :p It's just been a long time.




Trump just increased mortgages by $500 per year for each family, on new loans.





He didn't increase, he just halted Obama's decrease that was imposed 11 days ago. But yeah, same thing in the long run.




Just thank God he's there looking out for the little guy.




Like I said, if we fill the thread with nonsense, we're going to lose the crap he does which matters. I think it's time to start a spreadsheet.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

I think the mortgage shit matters.




I think the mortgage shit matters.
I agree. It was more of a "See, this shit is what I'm talking about", not "Pfft, fuck those guys"


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

I agree. It was more of a "See, this shit is what I'm talking about", not "Pfft, fuck those guys"
Sorry, wasn't sure what you were referring to.

At the same time, it'd be difficult to split into a real shit thread and a hyperbole thread.




Sorry, wasn't sure what you were referring to.

At the same time, it'd be difficult to split into a real shit thread and a hyperbole thread.
Yeah, I agree, it would be near impossible to separate the crazy shit coming up and the stuff being put out by fake news. No worries man, I wasn't as clear as I should have been.




Ehh he reversed an 11th hour executive orderish thing. Live by the sword, die by the sword.




It is TrumpCare now.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Good to see Trump is wasting no time screwing over the people who voted for him.




Well, people will get what they voted for, and still find a way to blame Obama.





Tiger Tsang

Tiger Tsang

Man I liked George H.W. Bush.
He's pretty much the only Republican President since Eisenhower that doesn't have a BIG ASS ASTERISK next to his name.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Eventually this is going to trickle down to my job, but for now it's the problem of more important people.

People protesting today, going crazy, don't seem to realize--we see this shit all the time in D.C. "For you, the day you traveled to D.C. to rally/protest/march was the most important day of your life. For us, it was Tuesday." And Wednesday. And Thursday. Etc. There's always somebody down here demonstrating something. The numbers get bigger some days, but overall it's just one of the irksome aspects of life we've come to accept in the D.C. metro area. Just living here, it's easy to see how politicians get jaded and apathetic. It's hard to be impressed by every single show of solidarity for one cause or another, right wing, left wing, which ever side of any issue, when it happens all the time. It becomes background noise, like the subway and the traffic.




People protesting today, going crazy, don't seem to realize--we see this shit all the time in D.C. "For you, the day you traveled to D.C. to rally/protest/march was the most important day of your life. For us, it was Tuesday." And Wednesday. And Thursday. Etc. There's always somebody down here demonstrating something. The numbers get bigger some days, but overall it's just one of the irksome aspects of life we've come to accept in the D.C. metro area. Just living here, it's easy to see how politicians get jaded and apathetic. It's hard to be impressed by every single show of solidarity for one cause or another, right wing, left wing, which ever side of any issue, when it happens all the time. It becomes background noise, like the subway and the traffic.
Oh yes, I know that feeling very well. Same thing in Brussels. There's 960 "large" (1,000+) manifestations yearly; that's about 4 per work day. Good luck getting noticed if you're not ten thousand farmers spewing manure over the streets, or something - and even if, the eurocrats don't care.





A nice overview of why Trumpvision simply doesn't make sense. Not that anyone here needs it.




Remember though, as Trump told the CIA through heavy, wheezing coke sniffles while his paid clappers cheered around them and they sat stonefaced today, these are fake images.

Also, Trump now has an actual record he can boast about without lying. He's the president with the largest inaugural protest in history.




Remember though, as Trump told the CIA through heavy, wheezing coke sniffles while his paid clappers cheered around them and they sat stonefaced today, these are fake images.

Also, Trump now has an actual record he can boast about without lying. He's the president with the largest inaugural protest in history.

You can't post that! He'll take your twitter privileges away!




Protestors got impatient; couldn't wait until tomorrow to start shit at the scheduled time.





The picture Trump is using to show the people at his inauguration...is a picture from Obama's.


Also the design of the cake at the first celebration was ripped off from Obama's.

No, these things mean very little, but they ARE funny.




The picture Trump is using to show the people at his inauguration...is a picture from Obama's.


Also the design of the cake at the first celebration was ripped off from Obama's.

No, these things mean very little, but they ARE funny.
It means he has a real hate boner for Obama and is getting some real revenge fantasy shit out.

Also, kind of lends credibility to the pissing on the bed thing in Russia because HOLY SHIT does it fit his MO.

He's very obsessed with Obama.




It means he has a real hate boner for Obama and is getting some real revenge fantasy shit out.

Also, kind of lends credibility to the pissing on the bed thing in Russia because HOLY SHIT does it fit his MO.

He's very obsessed with Obama.
He's obsessed with anyone he perceives as better than him or better liked.




Obama is the outgoing president, and thus his measuring stick, but instead of measuring himself by how tall he himself stands, he is measuring himself by knocking others down.

and my twitter joke was in reference to trump actually taking away twitter accounts from people that did not promote his message yesterday...





The picture Trump is using to show the people at his inauguration...is a picture from Obama's.


Also the design of the cake at the first celebration was ripped off from Obama's.
Did they let Melania plan the inauguration?


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

While Trump literally quotes a Batman villain, Supergirl is the hero we need:




Omg it just dawned on me, trump is like Bob from minions. Just evil.




So anyone hear the rumors that all those papers on the desk at his press conference, the papers that supposedly removed his power over his companies, were blank? How there is no actual public record that he has resigned all interest in his companies? You would think we would get something more official then "Yeah see all these envelopes prove it, nothing to see here."




So anyone hear the rumors that all those papers on the desk at his press conference, the papers that supposedly removed his power over his companies, were blank? How there is no actual public record that he has resigned all interest in his companies? You would think we would get something more official then "Yeah see all these envelopes prove it, nothing to see here."
They should publically release the long form business contracts.




It's fine, the Republicans are biding their time, piling up their disastrous agenda, so that they can blame it on Trump and then impeach him. They will have no shortage of things to impeach him on.





Herr Trumpenfuhrer at the CIA was a pathetic display. He literally told a room full of spies, "I love you." And then he complained about how the media are just the worst, and he's at war with them.

He's literally going to spend the first week of his presidency throwing a tremendous shit-fit that his inauguration crowd was the smallest one in the modern era. He's going to go completely over the edge with this massive display of Trump-hate. His ego cannot stand it.




President Trump about Iraq said:
"We should have kept the oil. Maybe we'll have another chance."

Did I got back in time? Is this like the worst parts of 2003 all over again?

Also, I hear they threw a fit because their pick for the head of the CIA hasn't been confirmed yet, and they wanted him there to get the place in shape for the speech.




So anyone hear the rumors that all those papers on the desk at his press conference, the papers that supposedly removed his power over his companies, were blank? How there is no actual public record that he has resigned all interest in his companies? You would think we would get something more official then "Yeah see all these envelopes prove it, nothing to see here."

None of the file had any titles written on them...

And he's already said there are no laws forcing the POTUS to make sure he's got no conflict of interests, that's just for the other statesmen. So in other words, he doesn't have to prove shit, he can just say stuff for his public, knowing it doesn't matter.

Especially reality:




He's literally going to spend the first week of his presidency throwing a tremendous shit-fit that his inauguration crowd was the smallest one in the modern era. He's going to go completely over the edge with this massive display of Trump-hate. His ego cannot stand it.
I think you are probably being generous with the week estimate since he's still basically campaigning for an election he has already won.




Herr Trumpenfuhrer at the CIA was a pathetic display. He literally told a room full of spies, "I love you." And then he complained about how the media are just the worst, and he's at war with them.

He's literally going to spend the first week of his presidency throwing a tremendous shit-fit that his inauguration crowd was the smallest one in the modern era. He's going to go completely over the edge with this massive display of Trump-hate. His ego cannot stand it.
I was so fucking offended that Trump stood in front of the memorial to the CIA agents that died in the line of duty to give his pathetic speech.














Analysts believe the reason they are making a stink about crowd sizes is to distract from the Women's March on Saturday.

And if you ask me, it's working considering the march had 3 times the number of people as were at the inauguration and all we are hearing about is his whining.




The Trump administration is not wrong. They're just alt-right.




On Meet the Press today re: Spicer.

Conway: They weren't lies, they were "alternative facts".
Chuck Todd: They were lies.
Calling them out on their lies, too little too late.




Calling them out on their lies, too little too late.
He was called out on his lies constantly, just he called the press liars, and the ditto heads believed him.




He was called out on his lies constantly, just he called the press liars, and the ditto heads believed him.
They weren't calling them lies, they would hedge and haw in the interest of keeping the race close and not appearing biased, saying things like "They say X". This has been a common tactic by places like CNN for years. They never really say they are lies though.




Herr Trumpenfuhrer will not be releasing his tax returns, ever, according to Official State Female Aryan Kellyanne Conway.




Herr Trumpenfuhrer will not be releasing his tax returns, ever, according to Official State Female Aryan Kellyanne Conway.
And regarding the media calling out Sean Spicer on the claims regarding the size of the inauguration audience she's saying "Your job is not to call things ridiculous that are said by our press secretary and our president. That's not your job".

Actually the job of the news media is to report on the facts. Like the true size of the audience. And the reason a Free Press is considered so important to a functioning democracy is so that they are free to call out the elected officials as & when that is needed. So, yes, Mrs Conway, that is their job. That is precisely their job.




If anything, this shit might just inspire the media to grow some balls, take a moral stand, and call out every lie these people spew. We can't allow them to get away with it anymore. That game gave us President Trump.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

They didn't even attack him; CNN said they were criticized by Spicer for accurately reporting the size of the inauguration crowd. That is a fact. That is a thing that happened. And her reaction is "no, you can't do what we did." Well, they didn't. They said true things, you fucking sycophant.

Trump's stated he's anti-media, that they're going to pay, yadda yadda. Throw down a gauntlet, don't expect your target to treat it as a mitten.




I can't believe my government is using "alternative facts" without any sense of irony. What is happening to this world.




I can't believe my government is using "alternative facts" without any sense of irony. What is happening to this world.
Somehow, the generation that was born to those who fought the nazis has ended up being the major source of support for giving Nazis a voice in politics again...


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Somehow, the generation that was born to those who fought the nazis has ended up being the major source of support for giving Nazis a voice in politics again...
And then criticizes millennials for simultaneously not doing enough and doing too much.







Trump withdraws from TTP. Let's hope he does the same with TTIP. The replacement might end up even worse, but still.




And guess who gets hurt by a repeal of the TPP? Farmers. Apparently this is a huge blow to US agriculture.




And guess who gets hurt by a repeal of the TPP? Farmers. Apparently this is a huge blow to US agriculture.
And who benefits from leaving? Probably everybody except Hollywood and (maybe, I'm not informed) the farmers you mention. One of the key parts of that agreement was the extension of your insane death-plus-75 year copyright terms to everywhere that didn't already have that duration. It's still insane up here (death-plus-50 or so I think) but not AS insane as yours.

Every international agreement has winners and losers. To only focus on the winners when in favor is as bad as only focusing on the losers when against it.




And guess who gets hurt by a repeal of the TPP? Farmers. Apparently this is a huge blow to US agriculture.
But it's a step in the right direction for fighting internet censorship.





But it's a step in the right direction for fighting internet censorship.

With the telecoms now having a firm grasp on Congress, I'm sure they'll find new ways to fuck up the internet.




Okay, sometimes the comedy writes itself.


Who hates Dippin' Dots?!?




And who benefits from leaving? Probably everybody except Hollywood and (maybe, I'm not informed) the farmers you mention. One of the key parts of that agreement was the extension of your insane death-plus-75 year copyright terms to everywhere that didn't already have that duration. It's still insane up here (death-plus-50 or so I think) but not AS insane as yours.

Every international agreement has winners and losers. To only focus on the winners when in favor is as bad as only focusing on the losers when against it.
Could you list some of the things that were so bad about the TPP. And understand I'm not throwing the gauntlet here, I was just never really that informed about it, and I'm guessing that's true for a lot of us.




The TPP gave unprecedented power to corporations over sovereign states. It gave them the ability to sue individual governments in a separate corporate court outside the normal domestic court system, instead bringing grievances to a 3 person panel. And that's just the tip of the iceberg.





Who hates Dippin' Dots?!?
I do! They're either too expensive or else they're always out.





The TPP gave unprecedented power to corporations over sovereign states. It gave them the ability to sue individual governments in a separate corporate court outside the normal domestic court system, instead bringing grievances to a 3 person panel. And that's just the tip of the iceberg.

Also, here's the last post of a 50-part dissection of why the TPP is bad (for Canada at least) from a digital rights perspective. Most of it applies to all countries involved.

Dave's link is another good reason why it was bad.

To be fair though, since I mentioned above about being one-sided being bad, if it was inevitable, I was looking forward to TPP smashing "Supply Management" of the Dairy industry in Canada through foreign imports. Basically our milk (and everything produced from it) is usually at LEAST twice as expensive as south of the border. Sure it maintains some "small farms" and keeps them viable, but overall it's bad for consumers IMO, and supports VERY few jobs. We don't need TPP to smash that, but it would have been an actual GOOD side-effect.




I do not know how much of this is true - it is the New York Post - but it seems Trump wanted tanks, missile launchers, and troops on parade at his inauguration but was shut down by the military.


No, I'm not making that up. Again, I do not know how true this is, but it's not some small blog reporting this. But again...Post.




The TPP gave unprecedented power to corporations over sovereign states. It gave them the ability to sue individual governments in a separate corporate court outside the normal domestic court system, instead bringing grievances to a 3 person panel. And that's just the tip of the iceberg.

Oh, more specifics about the "Investor State Dispute Settlement" (ISDS) process and how horrific it can be, using NAFTA's equivalent as an example: http://www.michaelgeist.ca/2016/03/...lly-is-what-happens-when-isds-rules-go-wrong/

Basically, a panel could potentially override your own Supreme Court. IMO foreign companies, as they set up subsidiary operations in a country should have no more (and potentially less, depends) rights than any entity inside that country and are subject to their laws. There should never be an end-run around it like this. Which is why I'm OK with countries like China banning Google/Facebook unless they conform to their laws, as screwed up as those laws are. They decided to leave instead, which again, is fine. I'm good with the idea of national sovereignty, and this is an end-run around it, which is not good.




As screwed up as I think a Trump reign is going to be, I think this is the one thing he'll do right. Everything else...not so much.




Now to see if he'll actually also quit the other trade deals, or use this as leverage and "I really will quit, you know" pressure to get "better" deals for the USa at the cost of the other side. Heavens know the EU is weak enough to roll over.




As screwed up as I think a Trump reign is going to be, I think this is the one thing he'll do right. Everything else...not so much.
What do you mean by "one thing" there? Not challenging, just looking for clarification.




What do you mean by "one thing" there? Not challenging, just looking for clarification.
Leaving the TPP. I think it's a bad idea that we were going to be in it and was fighting against it.




Also, here's the last post of a 50-part dissection of why the TPP is bad (for Canada at least) from a digital rights perspective. Most of it applies to all countries involved.

Dave's link is another good reason why it was bad.

To be fair though, since I mentioned above about being one-sided being bad, if it was inevitable, I was looking forward to TPP smashing "Supply Management" of the Dairy industry in Canada through foreign imports. Basically our milk (and everything produced from it) is usually at LEAST twice as expensive as south of the border. Sure it maintains some "small farms" and keeps them viable, but overall it's bad for consumers IMO, and supports VERY few jobs. We don't need TPP to smash that, but it would have been an actual GOOD side-effect.
While not having read it incredibly thoroughly, I have to be honest, (unsurprisingly) it looks like a lot of those issues have no major impact on the USA and actually do good for us as they bring other countries up (or down) to our standards. If I was a Canadian I would tend to agree with those being problems, but few of those raised red flags to me as an American. In fact even the ones that did (like the pharma thing) may actually be a net gain for Americans since we pay a pretty heavy premium for developing drugs that other countries get for much cheaper since they don't have to abide our patent resurrections.

The anti-net neutrality stuff is bad all around but let's be honest that horse is crazy dead at this point regardless.

Still need to read Davids piece.




I do not know how much of this is true - it is the New York Post - but it seems Trump wanted tanks, missile launchers, and troops on parade at his inauguration but was shut down by the military.


No, I'm not making that up. Again, I do not know how true this is, but it's not some small blog reporting this. But again...Post.
The article has a link to a story about an interview of Trump by the Post that took place sometime between the election and now (I didn't notice it mentioning when exactly it took place while skimming). Near the end of that story Trump is quoted saying he wants to show off the military at parades in NYC, DC, etc.

So yeah, everything except getting shut down by the military is definitely true. Whether he got to the point of requesting the military participate at the inauguration and was shot down, your quoted story isn't terribly trustworthy on that. Unnamed sources, etc.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Trump put a freeze on federal hiring today.

Riiight as my wife was being considered for a better job.




Trump names next FCC Chairman to be.... Ajit Pai, someone who always voted against Net Neutrality.

Enjoy it while it lasts, folks!








Trump also made Jan 20th a "National Day of Patriotic Devotion."

He really got his poor widdle feelings hurt on Friday.

But on a less humorous note, wtf?!




Trump also made Jan 20th a "National Day of Patriotic Devotion."
He really got his poor widdle feelings hurt on Friday.
But on a less humorous note, wtf?!
From the official proclamation:
Freedom is the birthright of all Americans, and to preserve that freedom we must maintain faith in our sacred values and heritage. [...] There is no freedom where the people do not believe in it; no law where the people do not follow it; and no peace where the people do not pray for it.
...it's gonna be like that.





Trump names next FCC Chairman to be.... Ajit Pai, someone who always voted against Net Neutrality.

Enjoy it while it lasts, folks!
And Tom Wheeler was a highly successful cable and telecom lobbist




And Tom Wheeler was a highly successful cable and telecom lobbist
But voted for Net Neutrality while in the FCC. I'm not sure what you are getting at here, unless you are being naive and are saying Ajit only voted that way because he knew he wouldn't get his way.




I'm saying let's actually see what happens and you may be surprised. Lest we forget policies enacted during Wheeler's tenure weren't unanimously favored by Net Neutrality advocates. It's not been a perfect system either and leaves a lot to be desired, particularly in mobile and with the rampant Zero rating being allowed. I'd be more interested in why he voted the way he did.




Yes, we shall see.




Real assault on women's rights going on right now.

Buckle up for a nice massive uptick in maternal mortality to match any poverty ridden African nation.





I'm saying let's actually see what happens and you may be surprised. Lest we forget policies enacted during Wheeler's tenure weren't unanimously favored by Net Neutrality advocates. It's not been a perfect system either and leaves a lot to be desired, particularly in mobile and with the rampant Zero rating being allowed. I'd be more interested in why he voted the way he did.
Sure, the bear -might- not maul us, they don't always do that.




Muzzling scientists, something Harper did here nearly a decade ago.

They also burned entire libraries of research and knowledge.




Muzzling scientists, something Harper did here nearly a decade ago.

They also burned entire libraries of research and knowledge.
That last claim is somewhat... inflammatory... I didn't hear about that one.

As for the scientists, I never heard of any that weren't allowed to publish papers. Mouth off as officials on whatever they wanted, sure, that was restricted, but never any publishing that I've heard. You know, things that need to be peer-reviewed? Like actual science?

And how much mouthing off have they done against the current government once they were "allowed" to? Not a lot from what I've heard either. Maybe there's a wee bit of partisanship here too?




Best part is the date. Can't decide if photographer is bad or trolling.




That last claim is somewhat... inflammatory... I didn't hear about that one.
That the Harper government burned 7 fisheries libraries?

That happened. It was done supposedly after digitizing the info, but apparently only a small amount of the job was done before the torch was lit.





That the Harper government burned 7 fisheries libraries?

That happened. It was done supposedly after digitizing the info, but apparently only a small amount of the job was done before the torch was lit.

That article says nothing about burning, and explicitly mentions how they were digitized. There's quite a lot of criticism of how digital libraries are considered worse by many, but your claim doesn't seem to hold up from the article you linked. The "Evil" Harper government consolidated 7 libraries into 2, and digitized the information prior to closing those places. That's hardly book-burning.

Also, they mention The Great Library of Alexandria, and how it's the same as how Rome destroyed it, implying malice... except not exactly. Accounts differ whether it was burned by Caesar at ALL (at all, partial, or completely destroyed), and even if it was, it was an accident when he lit his ships on fire in the harbor and it spread to some buildings in the city. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Destruction_of_the_Library_of_Alexandria The Romans didn't deliberately ever torch that Library, and given the years, the "roman-esque" dynasties of Egypt were HUGE supporters of it.

The REAL tragic destruction of it was during the Muslim conquest of Egypt in 642. Accounts differ because records of it come from hundreds of years later, but regardless of WHY, the library was destroyed permanently following their conquest. Further reading is in that wiki article.

And note, if anybody here ever considers Egypt safe enough to travel to, I HIGHLY recommend going to the "Spiritual Successor" to that library, the Bibliotheca Alexandrina in said city. Awesome library, inside and out. Combination library and museum these days, with a fascinating "restricted" section that when @Dirona and I were there we looked into. If you're a scholar (especially religious history, but it's hardly restricted to that), they have some NICE stuff.




Jesus, I didn't mean explicitly burning. They threw all the books in bins and then probably a landfill.

The result is the same.




Jesus, I didn't mean explicitly burning. They threw all the books in bins and then probably a landfill.

The result is the same.
If you digitize records, and keep such available, it's a lot different than saying "All that knowledge, just go away!" Again, the article you linked even said they kept it all.

If you're arguing the physical tomes themselves had historic value, rather than the information therein, then OK, that's a point, but that's WAY different than what's implied by book-burning in our culture. Book-burning = Nazis = against knowledge (in our culture I mean). Disposing/recycling of obsolete technology is something else. Saying it should be preserved for historic (non-knowledge value) is again something else.





They claim that information was not being digitized. The government wouldn't and still won't reveal how much was saved.

The estimate was 1 in 20 books was digitized.

That's a HUUUUGE amount of data gone.




So a few scientists, who aren't willing to go on the record, are contradicting the official story from DFO, and this is all coming from a publication that has a "not conservative" (to be generous) bent to it.

Frank, c'mon. At least the Star or something else that's at least a wide-circulation Liberal rag. This is a half-step away from conspiracy theory here.




Anyways, back on track.

Trump orders EPA media blackout




I'm not saying the closures didn't happen Frank, just that there's no disaster here. The materials were even offered multiple times to others (in the globe article), and basically nothing that wasn't already in other places was thrown out. LOTS of duplication (as is normal) was thrown out is what the main thing is here.

Basically, it's an optics-bad-only story IMO.
The Globe ought to be acceptable to him. But you'd likely have a slam dunk if you can find the Post reporting it.
The Post is hardly different than most of these. They're fine enough.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Eventually it'll be total blackout for the executive branch.


Celt Z

Celt Z

Best part is the date. Can't decide if photographer is bad or trolling.
Needs more pink hats.




Eventually it'll be total blacks out for the executive branch.




Trump is going to order the following tomorrow:
  • No more muslim refugees.
  • No more immigrants from ANY country.
  • Start building the wall.
So...is he going to do ANYTHING with Congress?





Well, he can't executive order the wall really, Congress still needs to do things like approve funding. But yes, it's gross.




So...is he going to do ANYTHING with Congress?
Don't worry Gas, I got this.

No one complained when Obama did it. The only difference is that now, its a lunatic implementing insanity not your guy.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

When Pence takes office, he's going to seem the most reasonable person and will be far less complained about than if he or Ted Cruz or any actual Republican had taken office without Trump being the horrifying buffer between Obama and a Republican president.




People give Obama a shit time over his executive orders, but he's well below the curve of orders per modern president. He wrote fewer than Bush Jr., Clinton, Reagan, Carter, Nixon, Johnson, Eisenhower, etc. etc.

Trump has 6 in his first day.




People give Obama a shit time over his executive orders, but he's well below the curve of orders per modern president. He wrote fewer than Bush Jr., Clinton, Reagan, Carter, Nixon, Johnson, Eisenhower, etc. etc.
Oh Frank, you know it was never about the actual orders.




People give Obama a shit time over his executive orders, but he's well below the curve of orders per modern president. He wrote fewer than Bush Jr., Clinton, Reagan, Carter, Nixon, Johnson, Eisenhower, etc. etc.

Trump has 6 in his first day.
Quantity != effect.

And like Blots said when he channeled me... expanding the power of the executive branch by rewriting passed laws without congressional action (Obamacare mandates and subsidy applications and exceptions) or granting legal status to 5 million illegal aliens.... it sort of sets a precedent toward autocracy.

Because now the abuses of power you agreed with under Obama became the springboard to normalcy for abuses of power you hate under Trump.




Sure, an Australian source on news from the Netherlands, this link makes sense.

The Netherlands set up an international fund for abortion to help people get what they need, opposing the reinstituted gag rule.




Trump threatened Chicago to get its act together or he is going to send in federal intervention. What that means, who knows, but if he means sending military rolling into the city I am going to be pissed.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Trump threatened Chicago to get its act together or he is going to send in federal intervention. What that means, who knows, but if he means sending military rolling into the city I am going to be pissed.
I'm unclear how sending "the Feds" is going to do anything about homicide rate, as if it's "reduce spending on homicide." Martial law would have that effect, but what the fuck?




So that abortion gag order? They're taking it world wide. The WHO have to scrub all mentions of abortion from their .org or lose 14% of their funding.

This reeks of Pence. And they haven't even been in the office for a week, yet! Jesus Christ.[DOUBLEPOST=1485354550,1485354371][/DOUBLEPOST]I'm copy/pasting a post I made earlier this morning on Facebook:

This is mostly a rant about about current American politics, but it absolutely blows my mind how so many people and politicians are pro-life, but then also don't think about the support needed to raise a child. Now mind you, I don't have any children, but I have enough friends and family and have heard enough stories about the cost and stress of raising one.

Them: "We're going to defund things like Planned Parenthood. No more abortions! No more birth control freebies! No sex education! We care deeply about the life of this baby! PRO-LIFE!"
Women: "Okay, well, I have this baby now. Since you care so much about its life, how about funding for day care, child medical benefits, a good education, maybe some funding so I can afford to feed them properly, oh and there's the cost of all these diapers."
Them: "What? No free handouts! Go back to work, you slacker."
Women: "I can't go back to work. I have this baby to raise now."
Them: "Should've thought about that before having sex. Or should've thought about using protection."
Women: "When or who I have intimate relationships with is none of your business. I also didn't know how to be safe about it because all you promote is abstinence only. I used what little protection I could afford or was available to me thanks to you. Or it was forced on me or I was coerced."
Them: "Shouldn't have asked for it, then."
Women: "I didn't. No one believed me, anyway. So now I have this baby and..."
Them: "Screw you. Should've just kept your legs together."
Women: "Fine, forget about me. What about the baby? You said..."
Them: "They're your problem now!"




Jesus Christ? I doubt trumps ego would share the spotlight.




Pulling out of TTP, pulling out of WHO, calling NATO obsolete, and so on and so forth- when they said "America First" they definitely meant it. As long as you don't want to export or don't care about international customers at all, I guess.
This will either mean Russia, China, or someone else (the EU! HAHAHAhahaha *cough*) will fill the international power vacuum that's rapidly starting to appear, effectively weakening the USA immensely, or it'll kill millions - mostly poor in other continents. I wonder if the "poor starving Africans" type of charity videos will be as impactful as they were in the '80s and '90s.




Pulling out of TTP, pulling out of WHO, calling NATO obsolete, and so on and so forth- when they said "America First" they definitely meant it. As long as you don't want to export or don't care about international customers at all, I guess.
This will either mean Russia, China, or someone else (the EU! HAHAHAhahaha *cough*) will fill the international power vacuum that's rapidly starting to appear, effectively weakening the USA immensely, or it'll kill millions - mostly poor in other continents. I wonder if the "poor starving Africans" type of charity videos will be as impactful as they were in the '80s and '90s.
I've seen some people say this is where China will rise to power. At this rate, I don't think they're wrong. And in some ways, that's scary, too.




I'm copy/pasting a post I made earlier this morning on Facebook:

This is mostly a rant about about current American politics, but it absolutely blows my mind how so many people and politicians are pro-life, but then also don't think about the support needed to raise a child. Now mind you, I don't have any children, but I have enough friends and family and have heard enough stories about the cost and stress of raising one.

Them: "We're going to defund things like Planned Parenthood. No more abortions! No more birth control freebies! No sex education! We care deeply about the life of this baby! PRO-LIFE!"
Women: "Okay, well, I have this baby now. Since you care so much about its life, how about funding for day care, child medical benefits, a good education, maybe some funding so I can afford to feed them properly, oh and there's the cost of all these diapers."
Them: "What? No free handouts! Go back to work, you slacker."
Women: "I can't go back to work. I have this baby to raise now."
Them: "Should've thought about that before having sex. Or should've thought about using protection."
Women: "When or who I have intimate relationships with is none of your business. I also didn't know how to be safe about it because all you promote is abstinence only. I used what little protection I could afford or was available to me thanks to you. Or it was forced on me or I was coerced."
Them: "Shouldn't have asked for it, then."
Women: "I didn't. No one believed me, anyway. So now I have this baby and..."
Them: "Screw you. Should've just kept your legs together."
Women: "Fine, forget about me. What about the baby? You said..."
Them: "They're your problem now!"
I don't see why being charitable is a pre-requisite to oppose something one perceives as murder. By the same token, I do not believe any amount of safety nets alone can adequately justifies taking women's bodily autonomy away.

I will note that, in my experience and environs, pro-life people believe in (and donate to) churches and charities that support those in need. I work first-hand writing software for such charities in my tri-county area, and they are mostly non-secular and wholly unconcerned with the reasons why someone has children--they care about keeping the family fed, clothed, housed, and warm.




I don't see why being charitable is a pre-requisite to oppose something one perceives as murder. By the same token, I do not believe any amount of safety nets alone can adequately justifies taking women's bodily autonomy away.

I will note that, in my experience and environs, pro-life people believe in (and donate to) churches and charities that support those in need. I work first-hand writing software for such charities in my tri-county area, and they are mostly non-secular and wholly unconcerned with the reasons why someone has children--they care about keeping the family fed, clothed, housed, and warm.
It's not just the murder, though. My point wasn't just about abortion, but women's health and sex education in general. I'd be happy if there was a massive reduction in abortions because there's better support for protection, birth control, and sex education. Hell, I don't remember which state it was, but after they introduced a great sex-ed program, teen pregnancy rates plummeted. And then rose again when the program was pulled.

But my point is the hypocrisy that they care so much about the child, but then provide no support if and when that child is born. Or to prevent the child from being conceived in the first place.

Also, donating to churches and charities is fine, but that support only goes so far. My ex who was a single mother struggled especially with the costs of day care and medicine for her child. She had little to no support.




It's not just the murder, though. My point wasn't just about abortion, but women's health and sex education in general. I'd be happy if there was a massive reduction in abortions because there's better support for protection, birth control, and sex education. Hell, I don't remember which state it was, but after they introduced a great sex-ed program, teen pregnancy rates plummeted. And then rose again when the program was pulled.

But my point is the hypocrisy that they care so much about the child, but then provide no support if and when that child is born. Or to prevent the child from being conceived in the first place.

Also, donating to churches and charities is fine, but that support only goes so far. My ex who was a single mother struggled especially with the costs of day care and medicine for her child. She had little to no support.
We look at abortion as a symptom of a society in need of family planning methods, other people look at abortion as a symptom of a society in moral decay. Fixing a moral problem (seeking to terminate pregnancies) with another (encouraging young people to have safe sex) capitulates moral ground a lot of people do not want to give up. There's a plethora of other views as well, but I'm not super-familiar with them due to an overriding lack of interest in the excuses to police people's bodies.

I understand your point, but I don't think it constitutes hypocrisy. They may very well prefer that a child be born and bring hardship on themselves and their parent(s), rather than be killed for """"convenience."""" It sucks for the parents and the child, but (in many people's views) it sure beats not being born.

I agree that on many places support is wholly lacking. In some places it's abundant but hard to reach, or not publicized enough (part of my volunteering is in that direction).




I've seen some people say this is where China will rise to power. At this rate, I don't think they're wrong. And in some ways, that's scary, too.
What if that was the plan all along?

Sure, Trump says good things about Putin, and wants to be friends with Russia, but what if that's a smoke screen, and actually the chinese have something on him... i mean if i had some loud mouthed idiot under my control i wouldn't have him praise me... i'd have him lambaste me while he was sabotaging his country, so no one would suspect.




What if that was the plan all along?

Sure, Trump says good things about Putin, and wants to be friends with Russia, but what if that's a smoke screen, and actually the chinese have something on him... i mean if i had some loud mouthed idiot under my control i wouldn't have him praise me... i'd have him lambaste me while he was sabotaging his country, so no one would suspect.
Then I'm way ahead of all you jackasses.




I'm stepping away from this because I'm getting too angry and emotional on the issue.




I'm stepping away from this because I'm getting too angry and emotional on the issue.
We are, too, but I know your threshold of what you can stand is probably lower than average since your emotions are closer to the surface.
This whole "We're going to take our bat and ball and go home" attitude is annoying to us, too. We actually enjoyed the benefits of being part of some of these programs.



Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

PatrThom has been assimilated.




It's a sad state of affairs when this study is relevant again.

In short - the gag rule increases the rate of abortions in developing countries. Not just unsafe/unhealthy ones, abortions in general - since the decrease in funding because of abortion translates into less modern birth control being available and so on.

Also of note, the "new" gag rule will be affecting far, far more organizations (and thus, people) than the older versions. All statistical data says this new gag rule will lead to literally thousands of dead young mothers, thousands more (often dangerous) abortions, and thousands more unwanted children in already starving regions. Well done! Anyone who claims any sort of moral reason for this law better understand this: this rule is immoral, wrong, and achieves the exact opposite of what you claim to have as a goal.

As one of the first decisions of a new president, it's pretty telling - though it's only telling us things most of us already know.




PatrThom has been assimilated.
My job requires that I retain a cool, calm demeanor at all times.
It's like I was born to it.





My job requires that I retain a cool, calm demeanor at all times.
It's like I was constructed for it.





Oh, you guys and your headcanonry.





Oh, you guys and your headcanonry.

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Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

I doubt Trump is actually working this much. Not his style.

This stuff was probably written up by Republicans ahead of time, ready for him to sign his name like he's good at doing. Any of it blows up, it's on Trump, and they get to look like heroes when they throw him under the bus for doing their dirty work.




This war on abortion reeks of Pence, honestly. The more I think about it, the more I think Trump is just the clown to distract everyone. Then again, I thought that for a long time.




This war on abortion reeks of Pence, honestly. The more I think about it, the more I think Trump is just the clown to distract everyone. Then again, I thought that for a long time.
On the other hand, the all-encompassing flavor of it, the big huge wide sweeping way things are written, sound like Trump speech made text. Big Huge Changes and Everything I Promised, Right Away, See, It Doesn't Have To Be Difficult. Then, finding out what a mess it all creates and cleaning it up 'll be harder, but that's tomorrow's problem.

But yes, I do agree most of this is coming from Pence and the extreme right pushing their agenda through. Each one of these orders he's signing could fill a news cycle. Pushing through so much so fast drowns everything. The news isn't "oh my God, there's something horrible coming, this specific law/order needs to be stopped" - it's "Trump's being Trump and doing insane shit". I think a lot of people still don't understand how fundamental and genuinely dangerous some of the things he's doing and promising to do are.




This war on abortion reeks of Pence, honestly. The more I think about it, the more I think Trump is just the clown to distract everyone. Then again, I thought that for a long time.
It worked before, right?





So the gag order thing has a history of going into effect any time a Republican president comes into power, then being rescinded when a Democrat comes into power. So, while abhorrent, it's actually not really surprising that it happened right away.







So, while abhorrent, it's actually not really surprising that it happened right away.
But apparently this one is more far reaching, and will affect even the WHO.


Also, has anyone heard how Trump can't let go the illegal voters thing, even though the Repubs are telling him to drop it?

Wouldn't it be hilarious if he orders a big investigation, and they find tons of dead people that "voted", then they purge them all, then next election, for some reason, lots of Republicans lose their seats as there are less republican votes all of a sudden ...











CIA guys says: "Well sir, when you torture someone, they tell you anything you want to hear, even if it's not true."

Trump hears: "Torture makes people say nice things about the size of your hands"








How many days has it been?


Think the right will understand the irony?




How many days has it been?


Think the right will understand the irony?
I'm sure they'll see no problem with Herr Trumpenfuhrer's regime doing it.




How many days has it been?


Think the right will understand the irony?
I don't believe they know what irony is at this point.




I don't believe they know what irony is at this point.
Trump’s daughter, admin members are registered to vote in multiple states*
New reports have surfaced that President Donald Trump’s daughter and some members of his administration are registered to vote in multiple states. The development [...] comes the same day Trump ordered a “major investigation” into voter fraud, “including those registered to vote in two states,” which he has claimed — without evidence — cost him the popular vote in the 2016 election.
...hmmmnope, I don't believe they do.

*there are other, more reputable sources for the story, if you're interested.




People can be registered in multiple states. It only becomes a crime when they VOTE in more than one.




People can be registered in multiple states. It only becomes a crime when they VOTE in more than one.
When you register in your new state, you are supposed to update your registration which nullifies your ability to vote in another state.
If, however, you "forget" to change your permanent address with the old state, well...



Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Gag order's been lifted on Department of Agriculture, allegedly because of the outcry.

So apparently we just need to bitch enough. Well, this'll be a breeze.




Well... I just saw multiple people on my Facebook friends list go from actively defending trump to outrage. No one likes censorship.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

White House leaks are ... enlightening.

Highlights for me come as no surprise:

- Trump doesn't care one way or the other about abortion. Just signing his name to pre-written orders.
- Moseying from meeting to meeting staring at his phone
- The White House staff is pretty demoralized at the moment over his behavior
- People being sworn in want Pence to do it so they don't have to get their photos taken with Trump
- Trump wants everyone to have healthcare, but has zero understanding of how to make that happen or the effects of ripping away Obamacare without having a plan




I can't believe the editor of fucking Breitbart has that kind of power.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

I can't believe the editor of fucking Breitbart has that kind of power.
For real; somehow the president and Vice President can't wrestle control over DACA away from a shit weasel.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

And yet I was the one for all intents and purposes called mentally ill when I questioned his sanity. Sad.



Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

I don't know who's the we, you, or so. I should go to bed.




Hey guys, remember when we were the leaders of the free world?

Man, those were the good ole days.




Trump’s daughter, admin members are registered to vote in multiple states*

...hmmmnope, I don't believe they do.

*there are other, more reputable sources for the story, if you're interested.
Ah, that makes sense... he wants his family to know that he's on to them... and they won't get away with it just because he could only check Melania's vote at the time.




Hey guys, remember when we were the leaders of the free world?

Man, those were the good ole days.
You mean like never? You just called yourselves that, and the rest of us were like "ya, that guy can keep his delusion."




Well... I just saw multiple people on my Facebook friends list go from actively defending trump to outrage. No one likes censorship.
The irony is I bet these same people (or others like them) were always going on about "censorship" by "SJWs" when a number of people ignored them, blocked them, or were banned from a forum.

Now they see what ACTUAL censorship looks like.




The irony is I bet these same people (or others like them) were always going on about "censorship" by "SJWs" when a number of people ignored them, blocked them, or were banned from a forum.

Now they see what ACTUAL censorship looks like.
Nah... it's only censorship when someone does it to you / ppl u agree with. When you do it / your side does it, it's just preventing fake news.




Nah... it's only censorship when someone does it to you / ppl u agree with. When you do it / your side does it, it's just providing alternative facts.




Nah... it's only censorship when someone









Also, how intentional was it that you brought it up when i was expressing the same idea as in the post that started that? And do you feel you agree with it more post-president-trump then before?




Also, how intentional was it that you brought it up when i was expressing the same idea as in the post that started that? And do you feel you agree with it more post-president-trump then before?
It was partly intentional. My meme-to-kneejerk algorithm is roughly "hit Disagree on any post by @Li3n containing the word 'censorship'" but the specific tenor of the post is what made me do a FTFY instead.

My level of disagreement with that idea has not changed due to The Ascendance, I remain deeply skeptical of it.




My level of disagreement with that idea has not changed due to The Ascendance, I remain deeply skeptical of it.

He spelt my name right... yay!!!!!!




Well the celebrity president just used twitter to piss off Mexico.

Mexico used it's state department to indicate it will no longer visit Washington this month.

And all the long serving highest ranking officials in the US state department just resigned.

And now the celebrity president has fired them for resigning....




And all the long serving highest ranking officials in the US state department just resigned.

And now the celebrity president has fired them for resigning....
I was under the impression that what happened is that they sent in letters of resignation (which is normal when there's a new POTUS, as they serve at 'the pleasure of the president') and the White House/POTUS accepted them.





Trump is pissed because someone called Obama a weak leader (which is not even what was said)... what, he's the only one allowed to do that or something?




I was under the impression that what happened is that they sent in letters of resignation (which is normal when there's a new POTUS, as they serve at 'the pleasure of the president') and the White House/POTUS accepted them.
NO that can't be it, there's not enough hysterics and Godwining. Try again.




According to this article, there were people who served under Bush and Obama that resigned and these resignations were not expected.




I was under the impression that what happened is that they sent in letters of resignation (which is normal when there's a new POTUS, as they serve at 'the pleasure of the president') and the White House/POTUS accepted them.
Correct but these beuracrats have served at the pleasure of the president for decades and multiple presidents. Most were expected to have key roles going forward.




I'm fairly sure that they'll be replaced with middle/upper management types. Civil service members always seem to think there's "nothing comparable" elsewhere (and they're often right, though not always). Trump seems to think the whole country and all its branches can be run top-down like a big family-owned company. Whether or not this will work is another matter - I doubt it - but I don't think they'll be begging or even asking Democrats or "establishment Republican" members to come back.




Well, their jobs can be replaced from within but at some point there's going to be jobs where there's nobody to fill them thanks to the hiring freeze. Which, by the way, is already predicted to have devastating effects on our national parks and already overburdened VA system.




Ah yes, Godwining.... the best defence against any comparison to Hitler, as it allows you to just ignore the details, while pretending to know what Godwin's Law actually says, but proving you don't.


Celt Z

Celt Z

Because you can't spelling "Godwinning" without "winning"! :awesome:

Except for the fact that you both did, although it probably should have two "n's" otherwise it rhymes with "whining", which it probably closer to the truth, but rules of the made-up English language and blahblahblahadfsdjfnuonergaerjdfgfdgfd...


Tiger Tsang

Tiger Tsang

Well, their jobs can be replaced from within but at some point there's going to be jobs where there's nobody to fill them thanks to the hiring freeze. Which, by the way, is already predicted to have devastating effects on our national parks and already overburdened VA system.
Friend of mine who's in the forestry department, says Fire Season is gonna be 'no pun intended' Hell this year if this isn't lifted.




Apparently a 20% tax on all stuff imported from Mexico will pay for the wall.

I guess that means that all you people buying cars, food, gas will pay for the wall.

Do they understand that that means American consumers will pay for the wall and not Mexico? Yes, no? Who knows?




Also fruits, vegetables, electrical machinery, medical instruments.

Oh yeah, and OIL. We get about 7.5% of our oil from Mexico, third largest importer after Canada and Saudi Arabia.




But this kind of tax hurts the poor far more than the rich so nbd.




I hope you guys enjoy paying Canadian prices for food.




I will be surprised if that makes it through Congress, at least he can't really executive order new taxes.




Do they understand that that means American consumers will pay for the wall and not Mexico?
No, see, with the tax you make americans buy american made goods instead, and then you pay for the wall with all the money Mexico doesn't make any more.

It's foolproof.




Hey guys, the Mexican President canceling his visit was totally mutual, and Trump thinks Mexico is treating the US unfairly.

It would be funny if he wasn't President.




Just heard that the Wharton School of Economics has changed it's name to the West Philly School if Thuganomics.

Doot doot doot doooooòt




Trump Strategist Steve Bannon Says Media Should ‘Keep Its Mouth Shut’[DOUBLEPOST=1485473726,1485473689][/DOUBLEPOST]You know, I am really glad for the existence of the internet. It's going to be a lot harder to put gags on things these days.


Tiger Tsang

Tiger Tsang

Also fruits, vegetables, electrical machinery, medical instruments.

Oh yeah, and OIL. We get about 7.5% of our oil from Mexico, third largest importer after Canada and Saudi Arabia.
And yet somehow, US Crude Oil exports is our highest resource exports and are expecting to reach all time highs . . .




So, the big GM plant near me is losing one of the cars it makes. Production of the GMC Terrain, which is essentially the identical twin of the Chevy Equinox, is moving to Mexico. That's been the plan for a couple years, but GM had been telling its union that no jobs would be lost by this change (as the Equinox is still a big seller).

Today they announced they were laying off about 1/5 of their workers (~600 out of ~3,100). I wonder if this change of plans comes because of Trump, or if GM was just lying.




I wonder if this change of plans comes because of Trump, or if GM was just lying.
Probably even odds.





Today they announced they were laying off about 1/5 of their workers (~600 out of ~3,100). I wonder if this change of plans comes because of Trump, or if GM was just lying.








Ohohoho *munch munch munch* you're really *munch* daring to ask *munch* whether I'm eating raw human *crunch* babies? Giddaouttahere




I was re-reading V for Vendetta, and I couldn't help but notice this eerily familiar initiative from the oppressive totalitarian British government in the novel:




His recent ABC interview made my stomach hurt.

"There was terrible voter fraud. Dead people, illegals, people voting in two states. Oh, but none of that happened on my side. Nope. All my votes were 100% legitimate."
"You guys are not reporting it right, go watch FOX NEWS, they tell the truth. Watch FOX NEWS for the true story."
"The CIA gave me a standing ovation. It was a home run speech."

He even showed off that picture that was actually from the Women's March and not his inauguration, which he has STILL not caught on. My guess is because deep down he does not want it to be the truth, so he believes it's a legitimate screen grab.

I mean holy shit guys, we basically got a president that does not even listen to his own intelligence, and instead decides what's important by watching FOX NEWS. Worst yet, when he does get intelligence about things (like Voter Fraud) he believes it anyways because some german golfer told him a story about a whole lot of latin people at a voting center. Yes, Trump, legal hispanics are not mythical creatures, like the Unicorn.

It's going to be a long 4 years.




I've always felt that mastering the basics is important. Like spelling the name of the leader of your staunchest military ally correctly on the invitation.







I know I'm preaching to the choir here, but he's such a piece of trash.




Hey look, someone who's worked for the US government for a decade is even being denied entry.




Guys, I think the GOP felt the best way to deal with President Obama...was to say Beetlejuice three times.....




Also, Trump didn't ban anyone from middle east countries he owns businesses in.

Scumbag piece of shit. The 9/11 part is relevant because it was cited in the executive order 3 fucking times as the reason this was needed.

Fucker is trying to provoke a major act of domestic violence in the US. No better way to prop up a floundering president than a good old fashioned major loss of life and a war.




All this is going to do is galvanize more people towards shit like ISIS. He might as well be their official recruiter.[DOUBLEPOST=1485637095,1485637007][/DOUBLEPOST]So many stories like this:

Long as America is pretend safe right?




Guys, I think the GOP felt the best way to deal with President Obama...was to say Beetlejuice three times.....
And it worked!

But they're still trying to find the person that said it three times nine years ago...




Trump slogan "Make America Great Again" or MAGA

but at Wrestlemania, his proxy opponent was UMAGA.












Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

There's a test I'd fuckin fail.




But so many Christians in this country are lip service Christians who probably don't know either. :O


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

But so many Christians in this country are lip service Christians who probably don't know either. :O
They're called Trump supporters.




And system gamers.
What do you mean by this?[DOUBLEPOST=1485654843,1485654711][/DOUBLEPOST]In fucking awesome news, it looks like a stay has been granted to the executive order until the lawsuit is finished.




Then why hide behind vague descriptions? Just say "I blame the libertarians." :rolleyes:




I'd blame the greens more. I'd guess that most libertarians would go to republicans if they had to.

That being said, I haven't looked at the numbers. If every green/libertarian went for hillary, would she have won?




Then why hide behind vague descriptions? Just say "I blame the libertarians." :rolleyes:
I don't know, sounds like he also wants a public flogging of 42% of the nation.




Fine. Steinman owns this. Happy? I'd go off more but I have to go to work.
He didn't try to game the system in the end, he voted for McMullin, which was his original intention all along. So grow the fuck up. No one likes Trump, and you are just beating a dead horse with an obsession.




DA, bud, you really need to chill out. You are tilting the windiest of windmills.




Or at the very least take it to PMs instead of just generally yelling at everyone every day.




I don't know, sounds like he also wants a public flogging of 42% of the nation.
Lol, that's generous.

"An estimated 25.6 percent of eligible voters named Clinton while 25.5 percent voted for Trump. When you narrow the numbers down to those who did vote, Clinton had48 percent (59,580,545 votes) compared to 47 percent (59,341,558 votes) for Trump, according to the Associated Press.Nov 9, 2016"

That said, DA, chill man. The shit-show is on and there is little we can do about it. Soon we'll have a midterm and the man-child will face real opposition to his insanity.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

DA supports #CountryRoadsBan




Lol, that's generous.

"An estimated 25.6 percent of eligible voters named Clinton while 25.5 percent voted for Trump. When you narrow the numbers down to those who did vote, Clinton had48 percent (59,580,545 votes) compared to 47 percent (59,341,558 votes) for Trump, according to the Associated Press.Nov 9, 2016"
Yeah I only bothered with the non voters.




Yeah I only bothered with the non voters.

That makes no sense.




Also, the immigration ban was a good way to try to cover this nonsense




Maybe I'm missing something, but what is accomplished by that? All the people are going to be Trump guys anyways so its not like its kicking out his enemies.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Doesn't surprise me. Like I said, this is too much work for Trump. Rogue POTUS Twitter says his main concerns have been voter fraud investigation because he's insistent on proving he's popular. More dire was that Pence insisted on sitting in for Trump's phone conversation with Putin, against Trump's reluctance.

One overheard gem: "Don't the know I'm the fucking president?" in regards to protesters.




Double fuck...

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I just posted about that! He also kicked out the intelligence director.




The fuck?







Wow, crazy how bad things have gotten so quickly.



CNN stuff I'm too lazy to link:

DHS says it will comply with judicial ruling and not deport those detained. Meanwhile the States of Washington and California have declared their intention to go to court against the ban.

Today was just an incredible mess.





The order also said the Director of National Intelligence and the Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff would no longer be automatic principals on the committee.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

There's been concern through the White House that Putin has some dirt on Trump and I'm starting to think that whatever it is, Bannon knows it too.

This begs the question--what the hell could it be that's so damning? Trump's supporters are okay that he's a racist, a rapist, they're okay with the horrible things he's said, with his undying passion for being urinated on. Did he kill someone? Because I don't know if they'd consider that a problem either, or if he'd get in trouble for it at this stage. So what could it be?




There's been concern through the White House that Putin has some dirt on Trump and I'm starting to think that whatever it is, Bannon knows it too.

This begs the question--what the hell could it be that's so damning? Trump's supporters are okay that he's a racist, a rapist, they're okay with the horrible things he's said, with his undying passion for being urinated on. Did he kill someone? Because I don't know if they'd consider that a problem either, or if he'd get in trouble for it at this stage. So what could it be?
A gay fling? I'm fairly sure most of his supporters wouldn't bat an eye at murder (because the other guy really deserved it, and you can't prove anything, and besides, it was a great murder), but being gay would be horrible.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Someone else made a good point: getting #StopPresidentBannon trending is a great way to provoke Trump's ego into action against Bannon, unless my blackmail hypothesis is accurate.




For I was hungry and you said,
"Drug test those who would ask for food."
I was thirsty and you said,
“Oil for us is more important than water for them. Build the pipeline.”
I was a stranger and you said,
“He could be a terrorist. Don’t let him in.”
I was sick and you said, “Take away her health insurance.”
I was in prison and you said,
“Those people disgust me. We should bring back the death penalty.”
Truly I tell you, whatever you did to one of the least of these, you did to me.
Matthew 25:35-36 (Author Unknown)




CINO's. Christian In Name Only.




Federal judges in VA, DC, MA follow New York in barring authorities from deporting travelers affected by U.S. President Donald Trump's executive order imposing restrictions on immigration from seven Muslim-majority nations.




Trumps response: The courts have made their decision, now let them enforce it. Which they won't. Because its a terrible ruling. One of the worst rulings ever. They're clearly rigged. Sad!




If you want a picture of the DHS, imagine a boot stamping on a human face — forever.




Ok, raise of hands- Who is surprised Trump has no respect for the courts?







Ok, raise of hands- Who is surprised Trump has no respect for the courts?
FAKE COURTS, loser judges have been failing for years. SAD!




*raises hand*

I hear he's a big fan of Judge Judy.




Definitely Wapner. Judge Wapner is on at 3. Definitely gonna watch Wapner at 3.




Definitely Wapner. Judge Wapner is on at 3. Definitely gonna watch Wapner at 3.
I've seen this movie.





CINO's. Christian In Name Only.
ChINO's :D




There's been concern through the White House that Putin has some dirt on Trump and I'm starting to think that whatever it is, Bannon knows it too.

This begs the question--what the hell could it be that's so damning? Trump's supporters are okay that he's a racist, a rapist, they're okay with the horrible things he's said, with his undying passion for being urinated on. Did he kill someone? Because I don't know if they'd consider that a problem either, or if he'd get in trouble for it at this stage. So what could it be?
My bet: Not just the rape of a child that was covered up earlier, but a whole string of young girls and connections to sex trafficking.




My bet: Not just the rape of a child that was covered up earlier, but a whole string of young girls and connections to sex trafficking.
He brought "models" into the US without them having proper paperwork, including his wife. Human trafficking seems like a no-brainer.




He brought "models" into the US without them having proper paperwork, including his wife. Human trafficking seems like a no-brainer.
What I remember about that story was a Canadian woman feeling ripped off because she took the agency's advice to break the labor/immigration laws, and then rented an apartment from them, in NYC.

It was most definitely not human trafficking.

(Also, she was living in NYC, of course a giant chunk of her income went to housing expenses! )


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

I need to unplug for a good chunk of today. Between pain meds making it hard to focus plus all this evil pouring in, I'm gonna drive myself apeshit if I read any more for right now.




What the fuck.




President Donald "Lame" Trump of Twitter makes obviously fake twitter accounts to praise himself. I don't drink, so I'll never be able to go through Trumps twitter history to verify this claim myself but it seems like something he would do. Because he is stupid and vain and stupid and also vain.




What the fuck.

Also relevant, via EFF: Fear Materialized: Border Agents Demand Social Media Data from Americans
JANUARY 25, 2017 | The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) recently filed complaints against U.S Customs and Border Protection (CBP) for, in part, demanding social media information from Muslim American citizens returning home from traveling abroad. According to CAIR, CBP accessed public posts by demanding social media handles, and potentially accessed private posts by demanding cell phone passcodes and perusing social media apps. And border agents allegedly physically abused one man who refused to hand over his unlocked phone.

CBP recently began asking foreign visitors to the U.S. from Visa Waiver Countries for their social media identifiers. Last fall we filed our own comments opposing the policy, and joined two sets of coalition comments, one by the Center for Democracy & Technology and the other by the Brennan Center for Justice. Notably, CBP explained that it was only seeking publicly available social media data, “consistent with the privacy settings the applicant has set on the platforms.”

We raised concerns that the policy would be extended to cover Americans and private data. It appears our fears have come true far faster than we expected.




You know, there is something to be said for the non-Jewish victims of the Holocaust being marginalized. It's something that is often glossed over, and we must remember that the other victims were other minority groups often discriminated against today.

Of course, the solution to that is to mention many groups affected by it rather than none at all.




Maybe now we'll finally get some attention to the whole "Constitution-free Zone" argument.
My state is one of the ones completely covered by it.












I appreciate this.



Yes, please use Lyft instead of Uber. In the wake of protests, NYC Taxis went on strike, which caused uber to push their higher fees. Then when people on twitter started responding against that, they doubled down on their support of Trump. Meanwhile lyft has agreed to pay $1M to the ACLU over the next few years*

*asterisk for full-disclosure, as I said elsewhere I drive for Lyft now. But prior to recently, I never used anything except Uber, and I can promise you it is tougher to become a lyft driver than an uber driver. If that means anything...




OTOH, note that both Peter Thiel and Carl Icahn are Lyft investors.




Decent Guardian article on why the State Dept. resigna-firings may qualify for the monicker of 'purge':
Trump's state department purge sparks worries of 'know-nothing approach' to foreign policy
sparks worries of 'know-nothing approach' to foreign policy

The acting state department spokesman, Mark Toner, pointed out that as political appointees they were routinely expected to submit their resignations.

Although that is true, it is also customary for such officials to stay in positions until their replacements are ready to step in, for the sake of continuity. In this case, there are no replacements on the horizon.

The second fact that distinguishes the Trump purge from previous transitions was the abrupt nature with which it was carried out, giving officials who had dedicated lives to the foreign service just a few days to clear their desks.




I have a coworker who's now not allowed to enter the US, where the majority of his family lives. HE'S LITERALLY A POLICE OFFICER. Nor can they visit him, for fear of not being allowed back into the country.

Fuck your government.[DOUBLEPOST=1485763331,1485763148][/DOUBLEPOST]
If this doesn't eventually end in his, and every senior member of his staff, hanging for treason, I dunno man.



The carrier plant thing has already been shown to be bullshit, most people agreed TPP was bad, everything else is garbage. YAY, he promised garbage!

...this is still all going to end in him getting impeached and a President Pence, which is what the GOP wanted in the first place. Yay.




Mexico is still not paying for that wall.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Rogue POTUS staff mentioned Bannon encouraging Trump to encourage a CalExit as a state's rights issue.

The president should be in favor of preserving the Union. This is disturbing.[DOUBLEPOST=1485775294,1485775199][/DOUBLEPOST]
...this is still all going to end in him getting impeached and a President Pence, which is what the GOP wanted in the first place. Yay.
I think that's why Republican Congress has been quiet through this. I don't think they anticipated how swiftly the situation would erupt and are gathering their shit together for when the attack comes. Notable that Pence is largely absent from all of these matters. He's keeping his distance for a reason.




...short of eating babies...
I just gotta ask - is the allusion to Clinton's active support of abortion intentional?

Usually you aren't so subtle, but "eating babies" is terminology I'd expect to hear from pro-life advocates (though I don't recall your position on abortion, so maybe you are one) so I can't quite tell if you've written that precisely or if you're just trying to conjure the worst possible imagery you can think of.

Of course, if the imagery of eating babies is supposed to be offensive and if you do support abortion, then I hate to break the news to you that the difference between abortion and eating babies is merely a short period of time.



the difference between abortion and eating babies is merely a short period of time.
...I've never been with anyone that needed an abortion, isn't this how it's done? The Dr just eats it - "right off the vine?" I always assumed so and that's the very only reason I've supported it.




the difference between abortion and eating babies is merely a short period of time.
Look, bacon and eggs without possibly-fertilized ova just isn't the same, ok?




Wat. I had an analogy here, but never mind.

Objectively? I find the party positioning on abortion to be odd. It seems to me that somehow the parties got reversed. There's one party that's usually all gung ho about personal rights and non-interference of the state, and one that's usually about championing the unheard voice through political action. I guess it depends on whether you focus on the fetus or the mother.




I think it makes sense. There's one party that's generally correct on things and then there's republicans. :)




Now really, short of eating babies on live national television, how in the fuck of shit could anything Hillary did be worse than this?
If elected she would have gotten away with hiding her e-mails... now, she's totally going to... or, right, nothing, because because now he don't care.[DOUBLEPOST=1485787516,1485787286][/DOUBLEPOST]
Also relevant, via EFF: Fear Materialized: Border Agents Demand Social Media Data from Americans

You know, i was expecting them to hold off on the jew stuff until after teh french elections at least...

Good thing that racists are impatient idiots...




I don't really know what this means...




I don't really know what this means...

but there is a point no regulation is left




I don't really know what this means...

Ok so we'll regulate guns and revoke abortion and weed regulations. Deal. All hail god emperor trump.




Ok so we'll regulate guns and revoke abortion and weed regulations. Deal. All hail god emperor trump.
I'd be down.




So many of the responses to the old Trump Hotel tweet these past few days have been fantastic.

And many, many others.







HEY! For every post you make you have to delete 2 others!




...I've never been with anyone that needed an abortion, isn't this how it's done? The Dr just eats it - "right off the vine?" I always assumed so and that's the very only reason I've supported it.
This is both clever and disturbing.





New Reugulation: The removal of any regulation will be delayed by exactly eight years to study the potential effects of removing said regulation.

Trump: The one step forward, two steps back president.

No, that's too kind.

Trump, the two steps back and keep going president.




Because they are people.







GasBandit countless times said:
We will see the collapse of the federal government and the balkanization of the US within my lifetime.
Civil War II coming sooner than expected, eh?




Because they are people.
I'm taking this account with a grain of salt. Until it's confirmed that it actually is a WH staffer, it's just noise.[DOUBLEPOST=1485812921,1485812877][/DOUBLEPOST]
Civil War II coming sooner than expected, eh?
I almost made a "terrifying" rating yesterday but stopped myself. Maybe I shouldn't have.




I almost made a "terrifying" rating yesterday but stopped myself. Maybe I shouldn't have.
What would you use for the icon?




A smaller version of this:





A smaller version of this:

View attachment 23187
I would vote for the Halforums derp, that's my go-to "EGADS" face.

Please add one, in any case, so I can rate your proposed icon.




Ha! So instead of "terrifying" we have "EGADS"?

And strangely enough, I don't have a copy of the durr-face on my PC. Huh.




Ha! So instead of "terrifying" we have "EGADS"?

And strangely enough, I don't have a copy of the durr-face on my PC. Huh.
It'd basically be :Leyla: which is already in the smileys.

But let me tell you, as the designer of no less than 4 of our reaction icons, getting it even slightly more squished down to fit into the size required for a reaction icon is gonna be 8 bitches on a bitch boat.




Meh. No worries. I'm hoping someone is going to win the pool soon and we won't need it as much, although I shudder nearly as much about a Pence presidency.




I'm taking this account with a grain of salt. Until it's confirmed that it actually is a WH staffer, it's just noise.
So was I until their LGBTQ leak was confirmed by other more traditional sources.




Meh. No worries. I'm hoping someone is going to win the pool soon and we won't need it as much, although I shudder nearly as much about a Pence presidency.
Well, if you change your mind, here's my attempt at a quick and dirty conversion.


Problem is, it's so small, the features kinda get washed out.[DOUBLEPOST=1485814152,1485813883][/DOUBLEPOST]This might work better? I dunno.





Just had a guy call me all sorts of names and then block me on Facebook because I dared to refute one of his bullshit posts. It was about how he agreed with the Muslim ban because he lived in New York City. I stated that the terrorists from 9/11 were't from any of those countries so that made no sense. If Trump had banned Saudi Arabia maybe, but not the ones that he mentioned. He called me some names and then said what about the refugees that did Orlando, California, and Boston? Well, Orlando and San Bernadino were both by citizens born in the US and Boston were brothers from Chechnya so it still makes no difference.

He called me a dickhead, deleted the post, then REposted it. So I gave it a "hilarious" tag. Now I've been blocked and unfriended.

I guess the snowflake needed his safe space where he can only hear drivel and agreement.

Ah, Robert Blanco from Illinois, you scamp.




Just had a guy call me all sorts of names and then block me on Facebook because I dared to refute one of his bullshit posts. It was about how he agreed with the Muslim ban because he lived in New York City. I stated that the terrorists from 9/11 were't from any of those countries so that made no sense. If Trump had banned Saudi Arabia maybe, but not the ones that he mentioned. He called me some names and then said what about the refugees that did Orlando, California, and Boston? Well, Orlando and San Bernadino were both by citizens born in the US and Boston were brothers from Chechnya so it still makes no difference.

He called me a dickhead, deleted the post, then REposted it. So I gave it a "hilarious" tag. Now I've been blocked and unfriended.

I guess the snowflake needed his safe space where he can only hear drivel and agreement.

Ah, Robert Blanco from Illinois, you scamp.
I'm pretty sure you would never have convinced him. Emotions trump facts almost every time. This is why panicked people make lousy decisions.





I'm having so much fun fucking with my brother right now. It won't be a victory until he blocks me.




I'm having so much fun fucking with my brother right now. It won't be a victory until he blocks me.
Take joy in the education of others.


Celt Z

Celt Z

Because they are people.
I stand with all Muzzies!




So having calmed down a smidge about the racist nature of muzzie canuck and the cute green guy above, I did the old click google and



A Muzzie is a Crokinle board made not too far from our house.

Inspiration for Scout event forming, must let it percolate with food.


Celt Z

Celt Z

So having calmed down a smidge about the racist nature of muzzie canuck and the cute green guy above, I did the old click google and



A Muzzie is a Crokinle board made not to far from our house.

Inspiration for Scout event forming, must let it percolate with food.
I honestly have never heard of Muzzy outside of the green dude (who, coincidently, helped teach me French!), so I had no idea that was or could be a slur, but assumed so because of quote source.




Take joy in the education of others.
Yeah, like he'd ever LEARN anything.




In a bit of positive news, it looks like the horrible EO they were planning to restrict LGBTQ rights has been shelved for the time being.




"Muzzies?" I mean, really? A -y² suffix? That's such a lazy epithet. How very... Trumpy.




In a bit of positive news, it looks like the horrible EO they were planning to restrict LGBTQ rights has been shelved for the time being.

Maybe some one from the Judiciary took all the pens and won't give them back until they read the eo first?




"Muzzies?" I mean, really? A -y² suffix? That's such a lazy epithet. How very... Trumpy.




In a bit of positive news, it looks like the horrible EO they were planning to restrict LGBTQ rights has been shelved for the time being.

Haven't they said that about other things that they then pulled out of their asses?




Not that I remember. I think this is a case of "lets do this, oh wait we're getting a ton of backlash, lets put it off and hope no one notices later."[DOUBLEPOST=1485819435,1485818917][/DOUBLEPOST]So, on the topic of the "Rogue POTUS" account...




Looking like the an effective way to fight the immigration EO might be to delay Jeff Sessions' confirmation: Acting Attorney General Orders Justice Dept. Not to Defend Refugee Ban




Well, I already supported delaying Sessions' nomination for many reasons. But can't hurt to have one more.




Trump calls Pope a Mexican Pawn

I don't think the Pope should be able to influence US politics, but lol.




I mean it's shitty, but that was almost a year ago.

After this and the Abe Vigoda thing, I'm worried @Dei is trapped in a time warp.




Not so much trapped as she did it again.




The point really, is more that it's like an ongoing fight with Christianity. And American Christians just refuse to notice.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Pence wisely keeps himself away from all this shit.




The point really, is more that it's like an ongoing fight with Christianity. And American Christians just refuse to notice.
Eh, the Pope is Catholic. Not a real Christian.




Eh, the Pope is Catholic. Not a real Christian.
There's still a lot of Catholics in the US though.




Pence wisely keeps himself away from all this shit.
Well he is going to be president in a few months to a year...




There's still a lot of Catholics in the US though.
Well, granted, there are more Catholics than Jews or Muslims or Buddhists or Sikhs, but Protestants still make up over 50% of the population, and outnumber Catholics by around 3 to 1, hence the conventional wisdom that Catholicism is basically heresy.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Well he is going to be president in a few months to a year...
Yup. He knows exactly what he's doing.




Well he is going to be president in a few months to a year...
I really hope so. And I can't believe I'm saying this.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

I really hope so. And I can't believe I'm saying this.
It's brilliantly manipulative, and it's going to work. And not only is it going to work, but even when you see the manipulation happening, it brings joyous relief because at least President Bannon and his toadie will be out of the White House.




It's brilliantly manipulative, and it's going to work. And not only is it going to work, but even when you see the manipulation happening, it brings joyous relief because at least President Bannon and his toadie will be out of the White House.
Bannon truly is the WORST. Just knowing he's vomiting all over the US with his insanity and we're only on day 11 is leaving me wondering how long it will take us to recover from this madness.







Objectively? I find the party positioning on abortion to be odd. It seems to me that somehow the parties got reversed. There's one party that's usually all gung ho about personal rights and non-interference of the state, and one that's usually about championing the unheard voice through political action. I guess it depends on whether you focus on the fetus or the mother.
The political confusion comes from both fetuses and women being minorities. Republicans probably sided with the fetuses because some of them have the potential to become white men.




Well, I think the Pence plan is going to backfire on the Republicans, because once they act, shit will hit the fan for them. At the same time, if they keep sitting on their hands and staying out of what is currently happening, they might lose their chance to actually DO anything.




And now Sally Yates has been fired. How dare she do her Constitutional duties?




And now Sally Yates has been fired. How dare she do her Constitutional duties?
Are you fucking kidding me? Jesus fucking christ, this administration is fucking pathetic.







Here's the memo. Called her 'weak' twice, the man is transparent.




Wow. Just... wow. Witnessing the disgusting period in our history is taking its toll on me.




Wow. Just... wow. Witnessing the disgusting period in our history is taking its toll on me.
You and me both.




Nice. So nobody is now left in the DoJ with the authority and clearance to sign warrants for external operations.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Nice. So nobody is now left in the DoJ with the authority and clearance to sign warrants for external operations.
Considering the juvenile wording of the above statement, I'm guessing he'll just scribble "clearance" on cocktail napkins and pass them to whoever needs them.




Considering the juvenile wording of the above statement, I'm guessing he'll just scribble "clearance" on cocktail napkins and pass them to whoever needs them.
Maybe some form of pin?


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Maybe some form of pin?
Perhaps an arm band?




Interesting point:

Nice. So nobody is now left in the DoJ with the authority and clearance to sign warrants for external operations.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

"Mr. President, they're suing again."
"Who cares? Like we're going to acknowledge the judicial or legislative branches."




Admiral Josh Painter said:
This business will get out of control. It will get out of control and we'll be lucky to live through it.




Schoolhouse Rock was right all along...it IS a three-ring circus!





I'm really getting annoyed at all these triumphant "Hillary did it too" images plastered all over my Facebook, and all sadly over Trump's executive order. It's an outright lie. The 2011 case cited was not a ban, it was a rescreening specifically for iraqi visa applicants not a ban, and it was in direct response to real evidence of a threat, not fear.







Spineless. Piece. Of. Shit.

I'm done with Twitter, Facebook, etc. My blood pressure spikes every time I read them.
