
Well this was a surprise. Kitara and I were about to leave for some grub. I opened my apartment door and there was a screaming kitten right outside my door. She sauntered inside and explored my apartment.

I messaged my landlord, but just in case, I rushed out to get some food and litter. Kitara and I were debating a name, thinking maybe "Precious," until...

A neighbor down the hall knocked and took her away. I barely got to know her, but at least she's home.

And now I'm crying a little because I suddenly had a cat in my home again, even briefly.


And one Kitara snapped.


Staff member
Not great survival instincts there, kitties.
I remember my folks always making sure to check under the hood for cats in the cooler months before starting the car to go to work. Sometimes their self preservation instincts are... hit or miss.