Convicted Felon, Racist, Rapist, and President Trump Thread


Staff member
I think the funniest thing is how fucking OLD they all look. I mean, if I had a mugshot taken today I'd look SO MUCH YOUNGER than them!
It's incredible to me that MAGAs new thing is that Trump's mugshot will earn him the black vote because it's "gangsta" and they have no self awareness to how many levels this line of thinking is fucked up.


Staff member

"You don't have to prep much when you've done nothing wrong."

Conservatives just love lying about how the criminal justice system works, don't they?
Fuckwad mcfuckface went to a gun show. Bought and took possession of a hand gun, posing for pictures with it.

That is until it was pointed put that even touching a firearm violates his parole.

Then it never ever happened.

It's just so dumb.
He doesn't care or even think about if it could be true. He hates windmills because they built some near us golf course, and they're a threat to the fossil fuels industry. That's all he knows or cares about. If someone tells him to say they're killing whales he'll say it. Note: trump also doesn't give a shit or ever think of whales either.