Gas Bandit's Political Thread V: The Vampire Likes Bats

about Ohio is bullshit that should be ignored, including its arbitrary scheduling laws. It's only cropping up as a problem now because it behooves the republicans to make it a problem.
“Well we can trust the republicans to follow unwritten norms out of decency” is the mindset of people who have no business being involved in politics.


Staff member
Just a reminder that "TradWife" stuff is toxic

TLDR She was a pretty popular conservative YouTuber. She insisted that women should obey men and do as they're told. While she said women are happier like this, she was abused and often locked out of their house while it rained while holding her baby. She was so controlled that she had to have permission to go to a funeral and while she was there he told her to come back. When she refused he left her. It wasn't until he left that she realized how bad it got. Very sad but she's still supporting nazis and against equality for all. don't feel too bad for her.
There's technically nothing wrong with wanting to be a traditional stay at home wife/mom. If that's a life you want and where you feel useful and meaningful, good for you. You're you have a supportive husband/partner/wife with a good income, but otherwise, go nuts.
But don't try to pretend it's "how it's meant to be" or what others should want. That puts you in the same camp as those folks who think all women wear a niqab, or shouldn't be allowed to drive, etc etc.
Nope, can't feel sorry for her. Can't do it. It would have been different had she not been aware of the many problems with Tradwife culture and entered out of ignorance. But she knew it was toxic and abusive and she went into it anyways. To make matters worse, she encouraged a large audience to follow her.
There's technically nothing wrong with wanting to be a traditional stay at home wife/mom. If that's a life you want and where you feel useful and meaningful, good for you. You're you have a supportive husband/partner/wife with a good income, but otherwise, go nuts.
But don't try to pretend it's "how it's meant to be" or what others should want. That puts you in the same camp as those folks who think all women wear a niqab, or shouldn't be allowed to drive, etc etc.
I feel that way about anyone who tries to tell the world "this is how you should live" about anything. Homosexuality, women working/voting/reading/whatever, how men should behave 'like men', how anyone should dress, etc etc.

If someone's living their best life, isn't breaking the law, and isn't hurting anyone else, then anyone who tries to change them 'because god/society/trump/whoever said so' is a fucking asshole.


Staff member
Nope, can't feel sorry for her. Can't do it. It would have been different had she not been aware of the many problems with Tradwife culture and entered out of ignorance. But she knew it was toxic and abusive and she went into it anyways. To make matters worse, she encouraged a large audience to follow her.
It gets worse than that. She learned NOTHING.

She's still posting stupid hard right conservative shit. Probably because she makes more money that way.
I hate Hartford and that is typical of all Washington County. That isn't hyperbole, it is 40 years of experience living there.


Staff member
Trump asked oil executives for $1 billion in donations to dismantle and rollback Biden’s environmental policies if he’s reelected. “Despite the oil industry’s complaints about Biden’s policies, the United States is now producing more oil than any country ever has, pumping nearly 13 million barrels per day on average last year. ExxonMobil and Chevron, the largest U.S. energy companies, reported their biggest annual profits in a decade last year.” (Washington Post)


Staff member
A Virginia school board reinstated the original Confederate names of two public schools, four years after the names were removed amid nationwide racial justice protests following the murder of George Floyd. The board called the 2020 decision was a “knee-jerk reaction” that showed a lack of “loyalty” to the community, which is more than 90% White and voted overwhelmingly for Trump. (CNN / CBS News / NBC News / NPR / Axios)
A Virginia school board reinstated the original Confederate names of two public schools, four years after the names were removed amid nationwide racial justice protests following the murder of George Floyd. The board called the 2020 decision was a “knee-jerk reaction” that showed a lack of “loyalty” to the community, which is more than 90% White and voted overwhelmingly for Trump. (CNN / CBS News / NBC News / NPR / Axios)
So the excuse of "Well, they're already named that so why change it" is BS just like everyone knew it was? Great.
For a break of pace, here's some non-US news.
Slovakian prime minister shot and currently in critical condition.
To avoid confusion: the guy is a self-proclaimed pro-Russian fascist who thinks we should stop all aid to Ukraine and get back on Russians good side so not exactly someone we'd be rooting for, but spring him is still not the right move.


Staff member
Arizona prosecutors have been unable to serve Rudy Giuliani his indictment, which notifies him that he’s been criminally charged here and must appear before a judge on May 21. The attorney general’s office has made multiple attempts to try to contact Giuliani, including going to his New York City apartment and calling his various phone numbers, “and none of them were successful.” An Arizona grand jury indicted Giuliani and 17 others last month on felony charges related to their efforts to overturn Trump’s 2020 election loss in the state. (Washington Post)


Staff member
Kristi Noem, the puppy killer, is now banned from entering nearly 20% of South Dakota, the state she governs, because five Native/Indigenous American tribes have banished her from their land.

Controversy follows Gov. Kristi Noem as she is banned by another South Dakota tribe

"the leaders of a sixth tribe recommended [banishment] over comments she made earlier this year about tribal leaders benefitting [sic] from drug cartels."
And Abbot just pardoned a racist asshole who murdered a BLM protester last year. I'm surprised he didn't give a complimentary brown shirt to the thug.
And Abbot just pardoned a racist asshole who murdered a BLM protester last year. I'm surprised he didn't give a complimentary brown shirt to the thug.
Greg Abbott says the public education budget shortfall is not his fault but rather is due to "ideological leanings."

I was going to include the part about how he signed a law allowing them to ignore "climate change" when making policy, but apparently that was DeSantis, not Abbott.
Enjoy your state being one of the first ones underwater, DeSantis.



Staff member
1/ Biden asserted executive privilege over the audio of his interview with special counsel Robert Hur, who investigated Biden’s handling of classified documents. Republicans had sought the audio recording of Hur’s interview with Biden as part of their stalled impeachment probe. Hur’s report recommended “no criminal charges,” but described Biden as someone who is “sympathetic, well-meaning elderly man with a poor memory.” Attorney General Merrick Garland advised Biden to assert executive privilege, arguing that releasing the audio would “damage future law enforcement efforts” and that House Republicans haven’t provided a compelling reason to override those concerns. In a letter to Republican House leaders, White House Counsel Ed Siskel added that “demanding such sensitive and constitutionally-protected law enforcement materials from the Executive Branch because you want to manipulate them for potential political gain is inappropriate.” Hours later, the House Judiciary Committee voted 18-15 to move forward with its effort Garland in contempt of Congress for his failure to comply with a subpoena to turn over the recordings. (ABC News / Associated Press / Axios / Politico / NPR / NBC News / New York Times / Wall Street Journal / CNN)

2/ The Justice Department formally moved to reclassify marijuana as a less dangerous drug. While the rescheduling of marijuana would neither make it legal nor decriminalized, it would change the classification from a Schedule I status, alongside heroin and LSD, to Schedule III would bring the drug into regulatory parity with other substances, like ketamine and anabolic steroids. (ABC News / CBS News / Associated Press / CNN)

I was going to include the part about how he signed a law allowing them to ignore "climate change" when making policy, but apparently that was DeSantis, not Abbott.
Enjoy your state being one of the first ones underwater, DeSantis.
3/ Despite facing powerful hurricanes, extreme heat, worsening toxic algae blooms, and rising sea levels, Florida eliminated climate change as a state priority. Gov. Ron DeSantis signed legislation that removes most references to climate change in state law, repeals state grant programs that support energy conservation and renewable energy, bans offshore wind turbines, and reduces regulation on gas pipelines. The failed one-time presidential candidate called the bill a common sense policy that’s “restoring sanity in our approach to energy and rejecting the agenda of the radical green zealots.” (Washington Post / NPR / New York Times / The Hill)
“The purpose is not solely religious,” Sen. Jay Morris, R-West Monroe, told the Senate. Rather, it is the Ten Commandments' "historical significance, which is simply one of many documents that display the history of our country and foundation of our legal system.”
"Louisiana’s amended bill says that schools “may” also post the Mayflower Compact, the Declaration of Independence and the Northwest Ordinance along with the Ten Commandments."
"Historical significance," eh? You'd better hope Nanni doesn't hear about this.
