[Brazelton] Twitter

What was it, 75% of all interaction on Twitter was bots? And nearly 33% of all internet site accesses are bots?
This truly is a great world we live in.
The "the US government/Soros/whatever is doing this on purpose to guide us" part may be more or less a conspiracy theory, but Russian, Ukrainian, Chinese etc bot farms are most definitely engaged in propaganda wars on twitter and meme sites to sow discord in the US and across Europe; that an ever-increasing amount of internet traffic is bot- and automation-driven is also an actual fact. I don't think the entire internet is dead or anything, but, erm, where do we draw the line between "conspiracy theory" and "worrisome evolution we can see that is backed up by the data"?
Brilliant! This man is a genius!

"it's only for three months"
OK, bots were already perfectly willing to pay for verification. Paying for three months will probably cost less. So now, like some other platforms, well just have 90- or 100-day old bout accounts instead of 1-day-old.... And honestly, almost no-one uses 1 day old bots anyway.
So what's the point other than trying to stop the bleeding by cutting out the wound?
January 25, 2023:

May 4, 2024:

May 25, 2022:

EDIT: May 17, 2024 - NSFW (but heavily pixelated)

May 18, 2024:

Last edited:
Oh, this isn't his first time? I didn't even look past the month, figuring how many could there be? :rolleyes:
I've updated it with the clip from May 17, 2024. I was trying to find a source other than Xitter since, y'know...it might get taken down.



Staff member
The mirror finish reflecting sunlight during the day & headlights at night also seems like potentially a very good way to blind other road users. Either way, please tell me this is a 'Shop?
I was trying to figure out if it's a 'shop, and it gets worse:



Holy shit, I was not expecting blackface. WTF?

"Waits estimated that the job took about a week and 120 hours of work with three other employees."

If it's a hoax, it's an elaborate one.

The Polishing Guy working on another cybertruck.png
Holy shit, I was not expecting blackface. WTF?
I think that's a case of them being covered in grime from the job of polishing the truck. If you look at the arms & hands of the guy on the left there's a clear dividing line where he would have been wearing gloves.

Still, while that's a valid explanation of why they looked like that in the moment it doesn't justify why no-one went "Hey, this probably isn't a good look for us to have in our publicity photos".
I think that's a case of them being covered in grime from the job of polishing the truck. If you look at the arms & hands of the guy on the left there's a clear dividing line where he would have been wearing gloves.

Still, while that's a valid explanation of why they looked like that in the moment it doesn't justify why no-one went "Hey, this probably isn't a good look for us to have in our publicity photos".
They really should be wearing ventilators or masks with that kind of grime flying around. But I think you’re right when I forget to clean my face after cleaning out a boiler it’s the same thing. Have gotten some real side eye.


Staff member
So, Twitter made Likes private (though it's not clear just how private they are).

There's a whole lotta dunking on Musk over this, and I'm really disappointed to see a whole bunch of people saying shit like "I'm not afraid of people looking at my likes, but I know the kind of person that is", and "i don't need this since i'm not a nazi trying to hide a CP addiction".

"If you're not a criminal you don't have anything to hide" is a fascist credo.

I'm certain that Musk hid Likes for the absolute worst of reasons. However, there's a wide range of motivations for people who would like to be able to interact with tweets privately. I imagine there's no shortage of teens growing up in conservative groups who are just testing the waters of disagreeing with the religion they grew up with, and being able to like something without it becoming youth group gossip would be a baby step towards building their own identity.

I'm really disappointed with a number of people I follow on Twitter right now.
Naaaah this is about twitter clout, not going to jail. Public likes made the site more engaging. Believe it or not, there was no rule that said you were required to click the heart if you liked the post.