Positive Vibes: To much negative in the world

I saw this and it was unexpected the good feel I got.
There's so much negativity in the world.
There's so many bad cops giving the rest a bad name.
There bad news everywhere.

This thread isn't that. This is the light, the silver lining. The positive. The good vibes. I'll start with sharing this. It just made me feel good inside watching it:

This morning, Li'l Z got his acceptance letter to a rather elite baseball tournament team he's been dreaming of being a part of. He's been working so hard the past year to make the cut. We're so proud of him that the hit our wallet is going to take doesn't even hurt (yet).
This morning my husband and both of my (now adult) children all went to a class together to learn how to make mozzarella, and then we got to pet baby goats.
They're both adults now.....

Matt Damon getting older.gif

I don't feel so good Mr. Stark.gif
This morning my husband and both of my (now adult) children all went to a class together to learn how to make mozzarella, and then we got to pet baby goats.
This sounds delicious and I want to try it. (The goat part is nice, too.)
Man Dave, you get razzed but having always wanted to do stand up with a best friend who also wished he did stand up I still can't even stomach the thought of trying to make strangers laugh in a spotlight like that. Talking to kids doing copaganda was a gutwrenching anxiety bomb for me.

It takes so much guts to even try and that's rad.


Staff member
Thanks, man. What’s funny is nobody that ever actually saw my standup razzes me like that. Only those who hear my daily terrible dad jokes. Like rat toes and such. Which is why it never really gets to me.

And just so you know, I got terrible stage fright every time I went up. If you asked my wife she’d tell you I would sit and drink water/soda and pee MANY times before my name was called. I’d be all up in my own head and then try my best to channel that energy into something positive when my name was called. Sometimes it worked and sometimes I ate shit so bad it’s a wonder I ever did it again. What kept me going was a driving need to be in front of a crowd and all the people I did comedy with. The best comedy - the absolute funniest shit you’d ever hear - was always in the parking lot after the show when the comedians were just hanging out and no filters were needed.
Ehhh, we only tease who we love. We just really love our ancient being from the before-times with flappy hooties and jokes about Ea Nasir's new startup and how promising it's looking.
Positive vibes, eh?

On Saturday, we celebrated our dog's birthday. He turned 2 on 19 June, but this was the date that worked best. It was a hoot, we had like 30 people there, he got spoiled rotten with treats and toys and people, so many people he could see, he was the happiest puppy. Got to see some friends I hadn't seen in person in half a decade.

And in the middle of it all, there was my cancer-fighting (and beating) wife, looking positively radiant, playing hostess like everything was normal. Two years ago, almost to the day, she started taking her medication. Now, lots of the cancer is just gone (INCLUDING THE PRIMARY TUMOUR), what's left there has shrunk significantly and is inactive and her bones have started regenerating. Back in 2022, she could barely stand, her back was so damaged. Now, she was up for HOURS and, while her feet were hurting a lot, her back was strong as normal.

She's healthy again. She's herself again.

How's THAT for positive? :D :D :D
Positive vibes, eh?

On Saturday, we celebrated our dog's birthday. He turned 2 on 19 June, but this was the date that worked best. It was a hoot, we had like 30 people there, he got spoiled rotten with treats and toys and people, so many people he could see, he was the happiest puppy. Got to see some friends I hadn't seen in person in half a decade.

And in the middle of it all, there was my cancer-fighting (and beating) wife, looking positively radiant, playing hostess like everything was normal. Two years ago, almost to the day, she started taking her medication. Now, lots of the cancer is just gone (INCLUDING THE PRIMARY TUMOUR), what's left there has shrunk significantly and is inactive and her bones have started regenerating. Back in 2022, she could barely stand, her back was so damaged. Now, she was up for HOURS and, while her feet were hurting a lot, her back was strong as normal.

She's healthy again. She's herself again.

How's THAT for positive? :D :D :D
Love it!