Weird weather


Staff member
Hey guess what’s going on near Minden right now? You guessed it, another tornado. Like the last one, this one went north of the town almost on the same track. The small town of Tennant, IA has dodged a few bullets. We’re going to have to wait and see for this one. It went through them in the map. The other two did as well with minimal damage.


Staff member
In the basement for about an hour. Texting with a couple friends from work. Both had hits in their area but so far no idea how bad and Keith has yet to check back in so who knows? My work lost power which is a Major Bad Thing. Probably lost a couple hundred thousand dollars worth of product. And I work tomorrow night. Hope everything is back up by then!

Thankfully didn't land on the roof. Waiting until Friday to chop it up for the lawn guys to haul away, because I want the tree to shed some more water weight. Last thing I want is for another limb to fall on me while I'm cutting up this one. When I bought this house, I got a little electric chainsaw because it was on sale and I thought "who knows, I might need it." I've had to use it soooo many times on this damn tree's shed limbs.
My friend I'm living with was on a cruise that ended at Houston the day before the hurricane got there. And she was on a flight just as it was coming in. Lucky.
I will say that my husband's grandmother lives in a trailer park in San Benito so we were keeping an eye on it.

Majority of the storms have passed us to the east, thankfully. Couple tornadoes near town, but nothing close enough to set off the storm sirens. So far, the storms we had a couple weeks ago that took out my fridge were worse than this. Knock on wood.
We got almost 4 inches of rain, south of Tin, and now with the rain almost 45 miles north of us we’re getting wind gusts into the mid-forties steady around 25mph. It’s all but over for us, about what I expected us to get rather than the “hurricane force winds and 10inches of rain” predicted by one of our local weather guys.


Staff member
June was the warmest month on record worldwide with the global average surface temperature 0.67°C (1.2°F) above the 1991-2020 average. June was the 13th consecutive month to be the warmest on record for that particular month. Additionally, it marked the 12th straight month where the global temperature was 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.7 degrees Fahrenheit) higher than pre-industrial levels. (Axios / Associated Press)
Took this pic from the parking lot at the mall a couple days ago:


I don't know exactly how far away it was, but to whomever is underneath it...I'm sorry for you.

We didn’t lose power except for some very brief outages overnight. We lost water pressure for a few hours. About the only problem is AT&T still hasn’t restored wireless.