Still getting COVID vaccines?

Judging by the fact his avatar switched to default, the troll has left the building. I’m guessing he had some help finding the door, too.
Judging by the fact his avatar switched to default, the troll has left the building. I’m guessing he had some help finding the door, too.
If I was banned over this thread I would be shocked. What I’ve said here was pretty tame. @phil is literally in my inbox sending me death threats and yet I’m the irrational troll who’s up to no good. LOL


Staff member
@Nebulous has broken no rules. Crass and trolling maybe, but if you’re sending death threats or telling him to kill himself, etc you WILL get a time out. I disagree with his assessment and maybe we can turn this into a wider discussion about the efficacy of the vaccine, but he’s not breaking any rules yet.


Staff member
Okay I’m caught up on the thread. Geez. This is what I get for sleeping during the day. Only person who broke any rules was @General Specific and since it was almost 24 hours ago a time out would be silly.

@Nebulous has a right to his/her opinions. We might not share them but I haven’t had a covid shot in a while either, mostly because of how quickly they leave your system. I don’t feel it gives me adequate protection considering the timing or number of variants to bolster against. With the flu vaccine they make an educated guess as to the current potential strains but I don’t see that same data on COVID so I feel it’s more of a crap shoot.

Nebulous has done nothing more than disagree with you all and has been met with an astonishing level of vitriol. It’s okay to disagree but geez.
Nebulous has done nothing more than disagree with you all and has been met with an astonishing level of vitriol. It’s okay to disagree but geez.
Its because its an account that hadn't posted in years coming back randomly, posts a few times and then decides to make a thread about Covid vaccine denalism.


Staff member
Its because its an account that hadn't posted in years coming back randomly, posts a few times and then decides to make a thread about Covid vaccine denalism.
Which he has a right to do. Yes, he also then has to put up with the inevitable rebuttals but they became over the top.


Staff member
Vaccines work. Vaccines save lives. Anecdotal evidence is anecdotal, not evidence. Herd immunity only works if every single person who CAN medically get a vaccine DOES. The COVID vaccine was prioritized, but not "rushed out" and did not "cause all kinds of problems." See also - every year gets a new flu vaccine because every year there's a new mutation of the flu. This is established science. Dr. Fauci did not spend 50 years of his life in the field of medicine for the motivation to prank insecure idiots into wearing paper masks.

Vaccines work.





It was nice catching up with you. Hope you get your head right.
And, on the anecdotal side, my youngest stepson's whole family got COVID 4 times. He had much of the same rhetoric: "This shit's weak, it's like a mild cold, blah blah, I'm strong, rawwwr!" and they consistently refused the vaccine.

Then, a few months later, his wife died of a stroke at 27, and everyone was just dumbfounded how that could happen to someone that young. And I just had to bite my tongue because I'd been disseminating the growing evidence of stroke risk to all of my family, but "I told you so's" would have been shitty and insensitive.
It reminds me of all the summers I spent in Oklahoma..we'd go to the Wichita Mountains National Wildlife Refuge every year. There are signs everywhere that say not to fuck with the buffalo. That they'll kill you. But every year, people die anyway, because 10 idiots before them got up close and took a picture or touched the buffalo without incident.

And there's always some idiot who's like "OMG, listen to the signs guys! my sister/brother/uncle/whatever just got killed taking a picture with a buffalo." I feel like, you know, maybe you should have taken that shit seriously before someone you know died. But now that it's a personal tragedy, you feel the need to evangelize, when days before you couldn't give a shit about the precautions. To bring it back full circle, it's like those people who laughed at covid on social media right up until they or a loved one caught it and was in the ICU and was near death or had died. Now, all of a sudden it's "listen to the's no joke!"

Senseless and preventable.
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  • I have been alive for quite a while, especially as compared to the average.
  • I have, over the course of my life, handled multiple electronics, devices, and wiring which were live and connected to mains current at the time and while I was not wearing the proper protective gear. Some of these devices failed while I was doing so, at times spectacularly (and memorably!).
  • I have also been involved in multiple vehicular accidents, both minor and serious, and as both operator and as passenger, many of which destroyed the vehicle beyond the ability to repair it. I was able to walk away from all of them, with the worst injury I ever received being only an abraded shoulder.
  • I was mugged once in Detroit* after deciding to walk home solo from a festival downtown. The mugger felt sorry for me and took the time to gave me back $5 of the $20+ or so he took from me so that I could catch the bus the rest of the way home.
  • Even after all of the above, I am still alive, whole, and (so far as I am told), in significantly better than average health.
Some people might look at these incidents and take them as "evidence" that electricity, vehicle operation, and walking alone at night in a neighborhood internationally renowned for being "risky" must therefore not be at all dangerous, and the warning notices, regulations, and so-called "common sense advice" regarding them must be nothing more than fearmongering.

But of course this is not true. I (that is, me, all by myself) constitute what is referred to in the biz as "an insufficiently small sample size (N=1)." Heck, even Chemistry, a discipline/science that has been around in one form or another for literal thousands of years gives inconsistent results between experiment runs once you are mixing together only a handful of atoms instead of the more common quantities usually measured in moles (plural). Welcome to Quantum Theory, pal, where the rules feel made up and the points seem to matter less than you might think. You can't make blanket judgements/predictions for other people based solely on my experiences with electricity, vehicles, and questionable spur-of-the-moment decisions. There are too many variables involved.

I know there are people out there who say that you can't trust what anyone says unless you've seen/verified the evidence with your own eyes/hands in your own presence. Like someone already said above, you're far more likely to accept something as Truth when it happens to you or someone close to you, because either you were right there, vacuuming up the experience as it unfolds directly into your brain via your own eyeballs, or because someone close to you shared their experience. But there has to come a point where you (and even your immediate circle) can't possibly try every experiment, eat every food, watch every movie, drive every vehicle, or learn every language...which is why you might ask a waitress, "What's good today?" or go to Rotten Tomatoes, or read Car and Driver, or use Google Translate.

Anyway, my point is this: If it is impossible for you to take my experiences and use them to guarantee the same thing will happen to you when you have to swap out a mid-circuit 3-wire duplex receptacle using inadequate tools and while the feed wires are still live, then you also cannot reliably use your previous experience with COVID to guaranteed predict what would happen to me (or, for that matter, to anyone else who isn't you) if contracted. Don't electrocute yourself just because some other dude on the Internet happened to have a lucky streak as a kid. I'm not here today because of some miracle of Ohm's law, I'm here today because Murphy was busy somewhere else at the time I was being blissfully unaware of the risks I was taking.

*The mugging actually happened in Highland Park, which is about 7 miles up Woodward Ave from Hart Plaza in Detroit, where I started my walk.
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