Oh even moreso, to even be eligible to take this exam required me to attend three separate very expensive week-long training sessions over the last few years.Hot take: The entire time, it wasn't actually a test of your existing skills, it was crafted to spur you to independently acquire the required skills/training without any investment of effort on their part.
Game devs and GPU manufacturers have been focusing on things that most gamers really don't care about. You can see it in console development, where every new game that comes out reports itself as 4k raytracing super Fidelity that runs at a paltry 30fps, or relies on upscaling technologies that make everything look incredibly blurry, where most people who play games would prefer lower resolution and higher framerates.I cannot see myself changing anytime soon. A 4090 is 2500 Canadian dollars and it still struggles to run new games at 4K 60 fps with all the new raytracing/pathtracing etc all relying on DLSS to get decent performance.
My ancient Ryzen and 2080 are doing just fine in the 1080p department. I even downgraded and sold my 1440p monitor many years ago because I hated the performance hit.
I am 100% certain this happened with Darktide. It's using the Vermintide 2 engine. It is at no level more graphically complex than Vermintide 2. And yet it needs windows 10 instead of 7 and way more GPU power.Waiting for it to come out that the GPU mfrs have secretly been paying devs to keep adding more dancing bologna to their games in order to force gamers to keep upgrading.
I can't find it at the moment, but I know I previously posted something like, "Wouldn't it be hilarious if the whole reason for games having increased system requirements wasn't because of the game/engine itself, but because it's required by the newest flavor of DRM that's been woven into it?"I am 100% certain this happened with Darktide. It's using the Vermintide 2 engine. It is at no level more graphically complex than Vermintide 2. And yet it needs windows 10 instead of 7 and way more GPU power.
If a single FLOP from my *GPU* is being used to process DRM, I will see code monkeys flayed alive and hanging by their feet.I can't find it at the moment, but I know I previously posted something like, "Wouldn't it be hilarious if the whole reason for games having increased system requirements wasn't because of the game/engine itself, but because it's required by the newest flavor of DRM that's been woven into it?"
/cries in 760My ancient Ryzen and 2080 are doing just fine in the 1080p department.
Today I finally switched from PFSense to OPNSense after the PFPeople announced in 2021 that they would be hamstringing the free version of their product. Yeah I know it took almost an extra year to finally do it, but whatever. It's almost the same thing, except for some very slight differences which meant we were without Internet an extra 90min while I looked up the new places to find the equivalent preferences I needed to change in order to get everything working and then back as close to my original intent as I wanted.Last night I finally switched out my old router for that purpose-built PFSense box I've been talking about.
I picked up a refurbished GTX 1080 TI for $350, which is what my 1060 3 gig cost new, and half the TI's initial MSRP.
It just snapped right in and booted right up and everything worked the first time and oh man does it look nice and I am scared to think how much techno-karma I just cashed in not having to struggle getting this to work all night.
So far, a little. But nobody's really put the spurs to it yet.. TBD.Is it quieter than the last one?
Is it quieter than the last one?
Update - I accidentally pegged it at 100% for 10 minutes by running 50 instances of syncbackpro at once, each trying to do 105 profile backups at once.So far, a little. But nobody's really put the spurs to it yet.. TBD.
Nope, that was the first thing I tried. And it affected all three remotes simultaneously. My guess is thermally-induced cold-weather shrinkage breaking a run on the logic board. Weather warms back up, circuit complete again.Here I thought this was going to be, "...turned out all I needed was a new battery in my remote."
thermally-induced cold-weather shrinkage