Introduce Yourself!

Yeah I keep getting sucked into life. Got divorced Jan 1 2020. Lost everything. Had some suicidal ideation. Decided to become a door to door salesperson to get over my fear of talking to strangers. Quit that, dated a stripper for a couple months.

Took my life savings and traveled to Jordan, Greece, turkey, Germany came back to Canada.

Prayed for a reason to stay home and not talk to anyone, COVID became a thing. A bit into lockdown I drove out to the middle of nowhere and lived on a commune for a bit. Ran through the woods tripping balls.

became a commercial prawn fisherman for a season almost got stabbed a few times, somebody described prawn fishing as being in prison but surrounded by water and constant threat of death and I'd agree.

Became a commercial Christmas light installer to get over my fear of heights,

Started working in film as a pa.

Got renovicted from my apartment in vancouverand couldn't find anywhere to live. Bought an rv and lived on a farmers field without running water or heat for 18 months rent free.

Started working as the sales manager for murphy aircraft in chilliwack.

Quit that after a year and started working in film again

2019 to 2024 were exciting.

2017 to 2019 were very private years.
Yeah I keep getting sucked into life. Got divorced Jan 1 2020. Lost everything. Had some suicidal ideation. Decided to become a door to door salesperson to get over my fear of talking to strangers. Quit that, dated a stripper for a couple months.

Took my life savings and traveled to Jordan, Greece, turkey, Germany came back to Canada.

Prayed for a reason to stay home and not talk to anyone, COVID became a thing. A bit into lockdown I drove out to the middle of nowhere and lived on a commune for a bit. Ran through the woods tripping balls.

became a commercial prawn fisherman for a season almost got stabbed a few times, somebody described prawn fishing as being in prison but surrounded by water and constant threat of death and I'd agree.

Became a commercial Christmas light installer to get over my fear of heights,

Started working in film as a pa.

Got renovicted from my apartment in vancouverand couldn't find anywhere to live. Bought an rv and lived on a farmers field without running water or heat for 18 months rent free.

Started working as the sales manager for murphy aircraft in chilliwack.

Quit that after a year and started working in film again

2019 to 2024 were exciting.

2017 to 2019 were very private years.
Somewhere along the way, did you invent a smiley, meet a president, and wandered into a bunch of iconic pictures? :aaah:


Staff member
Yeah I keep getting sucked into life. Got divorced Jan 1 2020. Lost everything. Had some suicidal ideation. Decided to become a door to door salesperson to get over my fear of talking to strangers. Quit that, dated a stripper for a couple months.

Took my life savings and traveled to Jordan, Greece, turkey, Germany came back to Canada.

Prayed for a reason to stay home and not talk to anyone, COVID became a thing. A bit into lockdown I drove out to the middle of nowhere and lived on a commune for a bit. Ran through the woods tripping balls.

became a commercial prawn fisherman for a season almost got stabbed a few times, somebody described prawn fishing as being in prison but surrounded by water and constant threat of death and I'd agree.

Became a commercial Christmas light installer to get over my fear of heights,

Started working in film as a pa.

Got renovicted from my apartment in vancouverand couldn't find anywhere to live. Bought an rv and lived on a farmers field without running water or heat for 18 months rent free.

Started working as the sales manager for murphy aircraft in chilliwack.

Quit that after a year and started working in film again

2019 to 2024 were exciting.

2017 to 2019 were very private years.
And I thought Mr. Toad had a wild ride, jesus christ! Glad to see you came out the other side okay, man. Or are still working your way out. Other than that, yes of course we remember you and welcome!
And I thought Mr. Toad had a wild ride, jesus christ! Glad to see you came out the other side okay, man. Or are still working your way out. Other than that, yes of course we remember you and welcome!

Not sure this wild ride will ever end but eh it's been fun.

@bhamv. Sort of? I now do a speech every morning for about 200 people so there's that...


Staff member
Yeah I keep getting sucked into life. Got divorced Jan 1 2020. Lost everything. Had some suicidal ideation. Decided to become a door to door salesperson to get over my fear of talking to strangers. Quit that, dated a stripper for a couple months.

Took my life savings and traveled to Jordan, Greece, turkey, Germany came back to Canada.

Prayed for a reason to stay home and not talk to anyone, COVID became a thing. A bit into lockdown I drove out to the middle of nowhere and lived on a commune for a bit. Ran through the woods tripping balls.

became a commercial prawn fisherman for a season almost got stabbed a few times, somebody described prawn fishing as being in prison but surrounded by water and constant threat of death and I'd agree.

Became a commercial Christmas light installer to get over my fear of heights,

Started working in film as a pa.

Got renovicted from my apartment in vancouverand couldn't find anywhere to live. Bought an rv and lived on a farmers field without running water or heat for 18 months rent free.

Started working as the sales manager for murphy aircraft in chilliwack.

Quit that after a year and started working in film again

2019 to 2024 were exciting.

2017 to 2019 were very private years.
This is a damn good book you need to write.
Yeah I keep getting sucked into life. Got divorced Jan 1 2020. Lost everything. Had some suicidal ideation. Decided to become a door to door salesperson to get over my fear of talking to strangers. Quit that, dated a stripper for a couple months.

Took my life savings and traveled to Jordan, Greece, turkey, Germany came back to Canada.

Prayed for a reason to stay home and not talk to anyone, COVID became a thing. A bit into lockdown I drove out to the middle of nowhere and lived on a commune for a bit. Ran through the woods tripping balls.

became a commercial prawn fisherman for a season almost got stabbed a few times, somebody described prawn fishing as being in prison but surrounded by water and constant threat of death and I'd agree.

Became a commercial Christmas light installer to get over my fear of heights,

Started working in film as a pa.

Got renovicted from my apartment in vancouverand couldn't find anywhere to live. Bought an rv and lived on a farmers field without running water or heat for 18 months rent free.

Started working as the sales manager for murphy aircraft in chilliwack.

Quit that after a year and started working in film again

2019 to 2024 were exciting.

2017 to 2019 were very private years.
Damn, that's enough experience for several lifes.
At the beginning. Duh. ;) Sorry, just something I’ve always said to myself.
I think you quoted the wrong one

In the beginning I was an odd child with eyes milky white that didn't converge on a single point and liked to spasm uncontrollably. I don't remember it, by the time I could form memories I had already had several eye operations to first remove the cataracts, correct my alignment and stop the spasms. However, I do know I missed that critical time of cognitive development when the brain gains the ability to determine depth from binocular vision. By the time i was a teenager, I had had the majority of my eye operations that to this day are about 22 that include such things as cataract removal, major retinal detachment and other obscure operations that I usually need to find a specialist just to have a conversation in regard to the problem.

According to the story I've been told all my life, my poor vision went unnoticed until I developed severe meningitis and it was the er doctor that after examining me, told my mother, "Mrs do you realize your son is mostly blind?"

I remember some of the operations. The chilling cold as the anesthesia crept into your veins (I'd have to look it up, maybe this was saline solution) waking up as a toddler in the dark hospital room wearing nothing but the hospital gown open from the back, feeling cold, alone and terrified. By the time I was a teenager, I'd spent what felt like years of my life at the BC children's hospital. At 38 I still dream about those nights. But there was also the days there. I got to play with the other children there and while I've spent a lot of my life feeling sorry for myself, there are children there who will forever remain ghosts in the halls. One's with problems more than the inconvenience I've had. Or children like my foster nephew Amory who had leukemia for most his life until he was 8 but recently graduated law school.

I remember being in school and being taught braille as there was always the expectation i would lose my sight completely. I was legally blind for much of my early childhood the only part of the eye chart i could identify was the open circle at the top of the chart with corrective lenses, (they dont use the alphabet for testing children) 99% of my childhood photos I have bandages over one eye or another.

I remember being told most of my life id never be able to see well enough to drive a car. But you know what? My eyesight improved every year. It took me a long time but i eventually got my drivers license at 30.

I was never good at sports. I have memories of my father trying to teach me tennis, memories of him trying to teach me to play Softball, trying to teach me to catch, to chase a ball in soccer. No, I was never any good at anything related to sports involving teams or spatial awareness. I did love solitary sports like swimming.

But do I go that far back in time?


Staff member
It's so nice to see you all. :) what's all the news anyways? Any major upheavals? Should I just try to catch up on-what?-8 years of posts? :p

I mean, I will. :p You all know I will.
Nah, not 8... you checked in last in 2021.... so only 4. But those 4 years have felt like 10, I'll tell ya.
Welcome back!

Biggest news is that my wife is currently nearing on 3 years (30 June) since her cancer diagnosis when the doctors here essentially refused to treat her since she was gonna be gone soon anyway.

She then went to a BETTER doctor, who, while acknowledging she was in trouble deep, put her on a treatment plan. Since then, she's been steadily kicking cancer in its stupid face and ignoring its increasingly feeble pleas for mercy.

It's going rather stupendously well, is the gist of it.

We also have a dog, he's gonna be 3 in June and his name is Baloney. He's the perfectest dog.