Krisken's art stuff, previously all 40k miniatures

Thanks fellas. :) The pictures turned out kinda blurry, but for the most part that is how it looks right now. I've been thinking of adding highlights here and there and I might do that yet, but for the most part this is how it will look when finished.

Thanks again for the compliments :D


that looks awesome krisken.
/me would be honored to be slaughtered horribly by that daemon
No pictures yet, but currently in the process of building a Chaos Reaver Titan. Once it is built and ready to be painted I'll toss up some pictures. Should be a week yet.


Staff member
Have you ever taken commissions? The shop here in Houston, Asgard games, takes them and their painting isn't even 1/2 what yours is. You could make some serious scratch. I know one guy at the store there paid a couple thousand dollars to have one model painted (granted this was by someone on a golden demon finalist level, although I'm not convinced you are far from that)
I've certainly thought of it. I'd much rather do single models than armies. It's really tricky though. I don't want to feel like I have to do things a certain way and I love the freedom of trying new things. Most people tend to have a very specific idea of how something should look and when you are commissioned, you are pigeon-holed into doing it the way they want (obviously). Pleasing the customer becomes more important than pleasing myself.

I'm sure I could be convinced if people asked, though. Money talks, and all that ;)
Wow, it's been a while!

Ok, a bit of a smallish update. I've been working on scratch building a Reaver Titan. I'm thinking it will be painted in Slaanesh colors since my army is decidedly lacking in Slaanesh themes.

So, here is what I have so far...

This will make up the feet. I have two of these, and the legs will come down from the waist area and connect to the feet here. It is one of the deviations from the original plans.

This is the body and arms all built. I still need to pick up some more black truck bed liner to give it another once over and get the spots I missed, but for the most part this is how it will look. There is a lot to go yet, so stay tuned to updates!
LOL, certainly looks like it from these pictures! Hopefully it doesn't look too much like something out of Robocop. :D
Ok, I have an update :)

Here is an image I just took of the Titan so far. As you can see, it is rather big. The Dr. Pepper can makes a good size comparison to get an idea on just how big this thing is.

The head would be attached, but I greenstuffed some exposed areas to create windowed areas for the drivers to look out. Let me know what you think so far!
Well, I certainly have a long way to go until it is finished. As I said the other day, I want to spend at least a week creating additional pieces to add to the titan to decorate it. Even the missile launcher on the top will have two missiles shooting out of it and smoke (read- cotton) to highlight it.
Just wait until you see the head. I am priming it now and will paint it black. Then I'll attach it. Trust me, the head is pretty epic.
It looks like it has great potential so far. I'm not sold on the tracked feet... but I really like where the rest of this Titan is going.
I've been thinking about that Azure. I think what I'm going to do is attach stabilizers to them which can be retracted. I'll just have them down for the shooting. That's how I'm leaning, anyways.
Thanks Azurephoenix :)

I'm thinking right now I may have to built a snout like thing to put on the falcon. As it stands now, the falcon looks super thin from the side and needs some depth. I'll let you know how it turns out.
Thanks Azurephoenix :)

I'm thinking right now I may have to built a snout like thing to put on the falcon. As it stands now, the falcon looks super thin from the side and needs some depth. I'll let you know how it turns out.
Idea: give him "mouth" or "facial tentacles" and it will become an enormous mechanical tentacle monster.
Six tentacles, maybe, following Slaneesh number (according to wikipedia, I have a ver basic knowledge of Warhammer lore)

Dunno, that's all I've got. Or make the snout kinda phallic.
Thanks Azurephoenix :)

I'm thinking right now I may have to built a snout like thing to put on the falcon. As it stands now, the falcon looks super thin from the side and needs some depth. I'll let you know how it turns out.
Idea: give him "mouth" or "facial tentacles" and it will become an enormous mechanical tentacle monster.
Six tentacles, maybe, following Slaneesh number (according to wikipedia, I have a ver basic knowledge of Warhammer lore)

Dunno, that's all I've got. Or make the snout kinda phallic.[/QUOTE]
I love the tentacles idea! I'm going to have to come up with some ideas on how to create those!
New images :)

Changes I made include the snout and extending the head back to give it more substance. Tomorrow I'll add some spikes I've been making for the titan.
I think I'm going to try to take 2 pictures a day to show the progression from rollerskating titan to finished product :D

It's hard to tell what I added in some of the pictures.

I added spikes to the waste, arm, and shoulder areas, as well as tubing from the head piece to the body area. I also added some panels to the feet, but I plan on adding quite a bit more to that. You'll just have to wait and see what I have cooking up :D
Ok, today I created some feets sections to remove some of the criticisms involving them. Honestly, I was planning on adding some width to some of it, but I am more pleased with the results so far than I expected to be. :D

Other than the one side's leg shield being a little lower than I like, I like how they look. I plan on adding a set of claw feet talons (like on the 'toes' I created) so all of the extensions look like claws. Should be interesting when finished!
Hi all! I'm sure it seems like I haven't been doing anything these past weeks, but nothing could be further from the truth. I decided that since I wanted to play Fiends of Slaanesh but couldn't afford the actual models (which are kinda expensive), I'd get some Daemonettes, cut off the top halves, and attach them to spiders. Here is the results...

So that is how they look. Let me know what you think about them!
Small update on the titan. There have been a few setbacks, such as pieces dropping or the whole waist coming apart, but for the most part it has been smooth sailing.

I've begun the painting process on the lower portion of the titan. The plan is to go with dark blue as the main color and then do highlights as needed. The trim is painted with varying degrees of browns which will culminate in bright yellows as highlights. This process has been very time consuming, so it's very hard to gauge just how long this will take to complete.

Hopefully I can finish the paint job to my satisfaction by the end of the year. Four months doesn't seem long enough, though!
Ok, new project so I don't go crazy with the titan. I've been planning on doing a few of these for a while, but never got around to it.

This is the beginning of a Blight Drone. I'm hoping to have it completely built tomorrow night and then paint it in a day or so. It should be relatively easy to paint up and finish. To finish it up I need to add cannons to the front area, an eye piece of sorts, and some wires and glue to give it that plague style.
Newest update to the Blight Drone :)

I'm still debating what color to make the fleshy bits of the Drone. Should I make it greyish with white highlights and redish in the creases? or come up with another idea?