The Random Crap Thread

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Meow meow meow meow
Meow meow meow meow
Meow meow meow meow
Meow meow meow meow
Meow meow meow meow
Meow meow meow meow
Friend just told me about his new computer job in the math department of the local University.

A professor had his own server, paid for by a grant of some sort, and it was set up in what used to be a coat closet off of my friend's new office. He had some sort of program running, computing something to do with fractals, I'm told. My friend tells me that most stuff like that is set up so that the computing will take some sort of snapshot every so often, so if the shit hits the fan, you can just start from the last snapshot. Well, apparently this program cannot take snapshots due to the nature of the program or something. I don't quite understand, but I trust this guy.

Anyhow, this server is in a closet with poor ventilation. To compensate, they bought a small air conditioner to stick in the closet as well. It seems to work out. The program has been computing for nine months, and there have been no problems. Until ...

The night before my friend starts his new job, there is a power outage. The battery backup catches the server. The battery backup for the air conditioner apparently fails. The closet gets to sixty degrees Celsius, and the heat kills the server.

I can only imagine the weeping and gnashing of teeth that this professor must be doing about now.


Staff member

This is so gorgeous. My brother just dumped it on me and said, "We've gotta do this." ACK.

Oh, Jesus.

Seriously, though, this man is amazing.
Sippin a large iced coffee from McD's. THIS SHIT IS NASTY but I need it.

Maybe I should ask for a Toddy for my birthday!!!!
My girlfriend is coming over efore classes this morning to continue watching Season 5 episodes of the Office. She has about 6-7 episodes she hasn't seen, and REALLY wants to catch up before Thursday's Season 6 premiere.

And she's bringing me soup :) because I don't feel too good. :(


Staff member
Hope you're feelin better, Kev. :)

Thank goodness I'm sort of quick. My freshly-sharpened kitchen knife fell off the counter while I was moving to the sink. When I stepped away and pulled my hands behind my back to avoid the blade, it caught my thumb. Thank goodness it's not one of my left fingers. Now I can still play even though my right thumb is very thickly bandaged. ^_^


Staff member
Hope you're feelin better, Kev. :)

Thank goodness I'm sort of quick. My freshly-sharpened kitchen knife fell off the counter while I was moving to the sink. When I stepped away and pulled my hands behind my back to avoid the blade, it caught my thumb, but not too bad. It could have sliced across my entire hand if I didn't move fast enough. Plus, I got my left hand out of the way, so I can still play my uke. ^_^
Rocko's Modern Life may have been the best cartoon ever. To this day I can't look at Vytamindi's avatar without thinking to myself "ooh, sauce" in Filbert's voice.
Rocko's Modern Life may have been the best cartoon ever. To this day I can't look at Vytamindi's avatar without thinking to myself "ooh, sauce" in Filbert's voice.
I can't proof read my own posts without hearing it in his voice....

Nick needs to release the series on DVD!


Staff member
Rocko's Modern Life may have been the best cartoon ever. To this day I can't look at Vytamindi's avatar without thinking to myself "ooh, sauce" in Filbert's voice.
I can't proof read my own posts without hearing it in his voice....

Nick needs to release the series on DVD![/QUOTE]

Ya read a thread, ya wash ya hands, ya read a thread, ya wash ya hands...
Not a rant, not a win. Just random crap, I guess.

Ex-girlfriend-of-year-and-a-half-ago and I have been emailing back and forth a little bit in the last few weeks. Things can sometimes be awkward, due to the relationship we had, and the fact that it was her first relationship, she was immature, and I was going through some stuff (i.e. I was a jackass).

We got together yesterday after I got off work, bought some pizza, and went to my place to watch Sleepless in Seattle. We ended up spending five hours in my bed. Not doing anything, but just laying down and talking, cuddling a bit and whatnot. It's really strange how good things feel. I mean, it's been so long, and we've been on the outs forever, but everything just felt comfortable.

I don't want a relationship with this girl, and if our conversation is to be taken at face value, she feels the same way. That makes me wonder about if it was stupid to be so ... proximal. But it happened, and it was nice.

I'm generally not a physical person. Literally the only two people I can give a hug to at all are my mother and this girl.

It was nice to be able to do that again.


Friend just told me about his new computer job in the math department of the local University.

A professor had his own server, paid for by a grant of some sort, and it was set up in what used to be a coat closet off of my friend's new office. He had some sort of program running, computing something to do with fractals, I'm told. My friend tells me that most stuff like that is set up so that the computing will take some sort of snapshot every so often, so if the shit hits the fan, you can just start from the last snapshot. Well, apparently this program cannot take snapshots due to the nature of the program or something. I don't quite understand, but I trust this guy.
Translation: It would take too much effort to add and debug this function, so I'm going to gamble on my program not crashing.


Staff member
I forgot to pack a lunch. Well, darn the luck. Good thing the vending machine at work has peanuts. That should last me til.... the end of time.


Staff member
There are few things I LIKE about being sick, but I make myself laugh with my strange dreams.

This morning I was half asleep and waking from a dream about teaching a lesson to some kids in one of the schools where I'm working this semester. I was helping him to identify different types of rocks. I was talking out loud even though I was partially awake; I couldn't stop myself. I remember exactly what I was saying, too:

"Don't be frustrated. Does it scratch off with a mason's nail? No? Good, write that down. Does the rock have any kind of streak? No? Good, write that down. Now..." then I jolted upwards because I had to pee.

Things are weird right now. The world is foggy.

Wasabi Poptart

I sat in a sound proof room and loved it. I want one for my home.
Not a rant, not a win. Just random crap, I guess.

Ex-girlfriend-of-year-and-a-half-ago and I have been emailing back and forth a little bit in the last few weeks. Things can sometimes be awkward, due to the relationship we had, and the fact that it was her first relationship, she was immature, and I was going through some stuff (i.e. I was a jackass).

We got together yesterday after I got off work, bought some pizza, and went to my place to watch Sleepless in Seattle. We ended up spending five hours in my bed. Not doing anything, but just laying down and talking, cuddling a bit and whatnot. It's really strange how good things feel. I mean, it's been so long, and we've been on the outs forever, but everything just felt comfortable.

I don't want a relationship with this girl, and if our conversation is to be taken at face value, she feels the same way. That makes me wonder about if it was stupid to be so ... proximal. But it happened, and it was nice.

I'm generally not a physical person. Literally the only two people I can give a hug to at all are my mother and this girl.

It was nice to be able to do that again.
Relationship be damned, next time whip it out!

And of course, make this face: :smug:


I've been staring at one song on iTunes all day. It's been stuck in my head ever since seeing the movie O'Horten on Thursday. I had been lamenting my lack of iTunes dollars.

Then I realized I had $1.07 in the account. Just a little bit more than enough!


The song is "Across the Hardanger Mountain Plateau," and it's awesome. Makes me want to move to Norway.


Staff member

Mom tried to teach my goddaughter about Heaven after a few family deaths and now it's backfired in a comical way. At first it scared her, and she asked her mom if she was going to heaven anytime soon. After she calmed down about it, however, she started using it the way people would normally use "go to hell." She got mad at someone at daycare the other day and told them to go to heaven and not come back.

I felt a little bad for mom, who had good intentions... but then I laughed really really hard.
"It also left a mans decapicated body lying on the floor next to its own severed head. A head which at this time has no name."

"I know his name."
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